The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


204 is 20 for the Fortitude save to remove this negative level. A creature slain with this weapon will rise as a vampire in 1d4 days. Strong Necromancy; CL 15 th ; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Boneforging; animate dead; Price +5 bonus Rings Ring of Bane Once per day, this ring is able to imbue any weapon held by the wearer of the ring with the bane ability, giving the weapon all the attributes of a weapon enchanted with bane. The ring has a single designated foe, which can be determined in the same manner as the foe for a weapon (see DMG). The bane imbued into the weapon by this ring lasts for eight rounds. Moderate Conjuration; CL 8 th ; Forge Ring, summon monster I; Price 5,760 gp Wondrous Items Cup of Purity In a culture as rife with poison as that of the drow, the cup of purity is a greatly coveted item. A simple device as magical items go, it has saved the life of many drow who carelessly let down their guard at the wrong time. The cup of purity, at the possessor’s command, manifests a purify food and drink effect on its contents, ensuring that the water, wine or whatever else it contains is always safe and harmless to the drinker. Though the cup of purity is the most famous, there have been similar items made of almost every conceivable kind; plates, forks, bowls and spoons being the most common of these. Faint Transmutation; CL 5 th ; Craft Wondrous Item, purify food and drink; 1,800 gp; Weight ½ lb. Necklace of Shade First created by the drow of House Merezzym to protect themselves from the bright sun that can hang in the sky for months in their frozen empire, the necklace of shade is an extremely useful item for any drow venturing into the surface world. The necklace projects a 5-foot radius field of shadow around the wearer, protecting him from direct exposure to the sun even if he stands in an open field at noon. The exact depth of the shadow cast by the necklace is set by the creator when the item is made, and can range up to absolute magical darkness. Most commonly, the item is created to provide just enough shadow that the drow wearing it is not bothered by the sun overhead. One in 10 of these necklaces are slightly different, however, allowing the wearer to adjust the depth of shadow generated by the necklace, anywhere from no shadow to full magical darkness, as a standard action. Faint Evocation; CL 5 th ; Craft Wondrous Item, darkness; 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Scabbard of Fast Draw This scabbard is imbued with the Fast Draw feat, allowing its owner to draw his weapon as a free action, rather than a move action. If the owner already has Fast Draw as a feat, this scabbard does nothing for him besides hold his sword. Moderate Transmutation; CL 10 th , Craft Wondrous Item, haste; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Major Artefacts Soulburner Daggers The tale of the soulburners is incredibly old, and much of the history of these six terrible weapons is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that they were created by the drow archmage Kalash Tak’Arann, the first great mage of the drow race to arise after the Sundering. This mighty wizard was a recluse, eschewing the company of his fellow drow to dwell alone in a hidden fastness somewhere in the Underdeep. Though he lived alone, Kalash Tak’Arann was not without frequent visitors. An accomplished summoner with an intimate knowledge of the cosmos, Kalash held frequent concourse with the darkest fiends from the most infernal of planes, striking dangerous pacts in exchange for the deepest secrets of wizardry the fiends could teach him. Armed with this knowledge, Kalash created many spells and magical items, many of which have been copied over and over again by the lesser mages who followed in his footsteps. By far the most infamous of Kalash’s creations, however, and the one which no other mage has managed to replicate, are the six soulburner daggers. There are many stories and rumours regarding the creation of the soulburners, but the most widely-known story insists these terrible weapons were forged from iron brought from an infernal plane, hammered into shape by undead forced into service and finally tempered in the blood of the unborn. Amongst the many drow who have studied Kalash’s work in hopes of recreating it, it is commonly agreed that at least the first part of this story is true.

The human wizard’s eyes lit up as she scanned the text, and Lyrgern studied her face carefully to assess her reaction. ‘Something of interest?’ he asked blandly. ‘Yes,’ she mumbled distractedly, her eyes flashing across the page before her. ‘The soulburners. I had heard of them ... there are rumours ... but I never knew if there was any truth to them at all.’ ‘There is,’ Lyrgern nodded. ‘A good deal of truth. As with all such things, there are a number of useless myths surrounding the daggers, but the core of the story is true. They do exist.’ The wizard shifted her weight on the cold, rough lump of stone serving as her chair. ‘This tells me one of the daggers is destroyed, another is forever lost, and three others are thought to be under the control of different factions.’ ‘Correct,’ Lyrgern said, all but certain he knew exactly where the human was headed. With a bit of concentration, he kept the smile off of his face. ‘That leaves one more,’ she continued. ‘There is no indication in this text of its whereabouts. Is there anyone who knows what has become of it?’ Still fighting off his smile, Lyrgern spread his hands and shrugged. ‘Who can say?’ Once created, the soulburners were entrusted to Kalash’s demonic servants. The wizard’s power and isolation had drawn the attention of many potential rivals over the years, mages from the drow and other Underdeep races who sought to claim Kalash’s knowledge and treasures for their own. The great wizard sent his servants to find these enemies and to slay them utterly with the power of the soulburners. What eventually became of Kalash is unknown. After more than a century of slaying all who opposed him, the mighty wizard vanished. His demonic slaves appeared in the cities of the drow one final time, gifting the six soulburners to six drow apparently chosen at random, before departing for the last time to their infernal homes. In the time since, two of the soulburners have been irretrievably lost or destroyed. The first of these was in the possession of Morlosh Gasshan, a famed assassin who was slain by the vengeful family of his last victim. Unfortunately, the battle took place in the lowest levels of the city of Thak Rulush, where a spider web of narrow bridges is suspended over a massive pool of magma, and the final blow against Morlosh drove him over the edge of a bridge into the molten rock below, forever entombing the soulburner he carried. The second soulburner was destroyed in a mighty battle pitting House Arras’zur and House Narrishtah against a host of shangu. A spell intended to undo any magical advantage the drow might have had succeeded dramatically, destroying even the power of the soulburner carried by the captain of House Arras’zur. The destruction of the soulburner ripped a hole through the planes, effectively ending the battle when a horde of demons began vomiting forth from the rift. What has become of the other four soulburners is unknown, as the owners of these weapons go to great lengths to conceal them. It is widely suspected, however, that at least one of them is in the hands of the followers of Mu’Ushket, that another is under the control of the Circle of Five, the rulers of the Cabal and that still another is possessed by House na’Khotan. The fate of the fourth, much like the location of Kalash Tak’Arann’s hidden home, remains a mystery. The soulburner daggers are simple, unembellished weapons in appearance. The colour of the blade is a grey so deep it borders on black, and the metal reflects no light. The dagger is formed of a single piece of metal, from point to pommel. When created, the soulburners’ hilts were wrapped in the scaly hide of shangu, but this would certainly have been replaced by now. 205

204<br />

is 20 for the Fortitude save to remove this negative level.<br />

A creature slain with this weapon will rise as a vampire in<br />

1d4 days.<br />

Strong Necromancy; CL 15 th ; Craft Magic Arms and<br />

Armour, Boneforging; animate dead; Price +5 bonus<br />

Rings<br />

Ring of Bane<br />

Once per day, this ring is able to imbue any weapon held<br />

by the wearer of the ring with the bane ability, giving<br />

the weapon all the attributes of a weapon enchanted with<br />

bane. <strong>The</strong> ring has a single designated foe, which can be<br />

determined in the same manner as the foe for a weapon (see<br />

DMG). <strong>The</strong> bane imbued into the weapon by this ring lasts<br />

for eight rounds.<br />

Moderate Conjuration; CL 8 th ; Forge Ring, summon<br />

monster I; Price 5,760 gp<br />

Wondrous Items<br />

Cup of Purity<br />

In a culture as rife with poison as that of the drow, the cup<br />

of purity is a greatly coveted item. A simple device as<br />

magical items go, it has saved the life of many drow who<br />

carelessly let down their guard at the wrong time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cup of purity, at the possessor’s command, manifests<br />

a purify food and drink effect on its contents, ensuring that<br />

the water, wine or whatever else it contains is always safe<br />

and harmless to the drinker.<br />

Though the cup of purity is the most famous, there have<br />

been similar items made of almost every conceivable kind;<br />

plates, forks, bowls and spoons being the most common of<br />

these.<br />

Faint Transmutation; CL 5 th ; Craft Wondrous Item, purify<br />

food and drink; 1,800 gp; Weight ½ lb.<br />

Necklace of Shade<br />

First created by the drow of House Merezzym to protect<br />

themselves from the bright sun that can hang in the sky<br />

for months in their frozen empire, the necklace of shade is<br />

an extremely useful item for any drow venturing into the<br />

surface world. <strong>The</strong> necklace projects a 5-foot radius field<br />

of shadow around the wearer, protecting him from direct<br />

exposure to the sun even if he stands in an open field at<br />

noon. <strong>The</strong> exact depth of the shadow cast by the necklace<br />

is set by the creator when the item is made, and can range<br />

up to absolute magical darkness. Most commonly, the item<br />

is created to provide just enough shadow that the drow<br />

wearing it is not bothered by the sun overhead.<br />

One in 10 of these necklaces are slightly different, however,<br />

allowing the wearer to adjust the depth of shadow generated<br />

by the necklace, anywhere from no shadow to full magical<br />

darkness, as a standard action.<br />

Faint Evocation; CL 5 th ; Craft Wondrous Item, darkness;<br />

20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.<br />

Scabbard of Fast Draw<br />

This scabbard is imbued with the Fast Draw feat, allowing<br />

its owner to draw his weapon as a free action, rather than a<br />

move action. If the owner already has Fast Draw as a feat,<br />

this scabbard does nothing for him besides hold his sword.<br />

Moderate Transmutation; CL 10 th , Craft Wondrous Item,<br />

haste; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.<br />

Major Artefacts<br />

Soulburner Daggers<br />

<strong>The</strong> tale of the soulburners is incredibly old, and much<br />

of the history of these six terrible weapons is shrouded in<br />

mystery. What is known is that they were created by the<br />

drow archmage Kalash Tak’Arann, the first great mage of<br />

the drow race to arise after the Sundering. This mighty<br />

wizard was a recluse, eschewing the company of his fellow<br />

drow to dwell alone in a hidden fastness somewhere in the<br />

Underdeep.<br />

Though he lived alone, Kalash Tak’Arann was not without<br />

frequent visitors. An accomplished summoner with an<br />

intimate knowledge of the cosmos, Kalash held frequent<br />

concourse with the darkest fiends from the most infernal<br />

of planes, striking dangerous pacts in exchange for the<br />

deepest secrets of wizardry the fiends could teach him.<br />

Armed with this knowledge, Kalash created many spells<br />

and magical items, many of which have been copied over<br />

and over again by the lesser mages who followed in his<br />

footsteps. By far the most infamous of Kalash’s creations,<br />

however, and the one which no other mage has managed to<br />

replicate, are the six soulburner daggers.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many stories and rumours regarding the creation<br />

of the soulburners, but the most widely-known story insists<br />

these terrible weapons were forged from iron brought from<br />

an infernal plane, hammered into shape by undead forced<br />

into service and finally tempered in the blood of the unborn.<br />

Amongst the many drow who have studied Kalash’s work<br />

in hopes of recreating it, it is commonly agreed that at least<br />

the first part of this story is true.

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