The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


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Casting Time: 10 minutes<br />

Range: 0 ft., see text<br />

Effect: One symbol<br />

Duration: See text<br />

Saving Throw: Will negates<br />

Spell Resistance: Yes<br />

This spell functions like symbol of death, save that all<br />

creatures who come within 60 feet of the activated symbol<br />

of lust instead become overwhelmed with lust, consumed<br />

with carnal urges and an undeniable need<br />

to act upon them. Individuals affected<br />

by the symbol of lust can still defend<br />

themselves if directly attacked, but<br />

suffer a –4 penalty to all attack rolls,<br />

damage rolls, ability checks, skill<br />

checks and saving throws, as they are<br />

far too distracted to fight effectively.<br />

Individuals affected by the symbol who<br />

are not directly attacked must make a<br />

Will saving throw (at the same DC as<br />

the symbol) to engage in combat.<br />

Otherwise, they will seek to fulfil<br />

the urges the symbol has given<br />

them.<br />

Unlike the symbol of death spell, there is no hit point limit;<br />

once triggered, a symbol of lust simply remains active for<br />

10 minutes per level of the caster. <strong>The</strong> clergy of Belishtim<br />

the Dark Seducer use these symbols as part of their rituals.<br />

Note: Magic traps such as a symbol of lust are hard to detect<br />

and disable. A rogue, and only a rogue, can use the Search<br />

skill to find a symbol of lust and can use Disable Device to<br />

thwart it. <strong>The</strong> DC in each case is 25 + spell level, or 31 for<br />

symbol of lust.<br />

Material Components: Mercury and phosphorous, plus<br />

powdered diamond and sapphire worth at least 2,500 gp.<br />

Thousand Feet<br />

Illusion<br />

Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3<br />

Components: V, S<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Personal<br />

Effect: 20 ft. radius spread<br />

Duration: 5 rounds/level<br />

Saving Throw: Will disbelief<br />

Spell Resistance: No<br />

Thousand feet is all but useless to a spellcaster of the<br />

surface world, but in the Underdeep it can mean the<br />

difference between life and death. When cast, thousand<br />

feet creates a drumming impact on the ground in a 20foot<br />

radius around the caster. This has no effect on most<br />

people, who will only hear what sounds like dozens<br />

of running and jumping footsteps. To a creature that<br />

navigates and hunts by tremorsense, however, it renders<br />

the caster effectively invisible, as<br />

the creature cannot distinguish<br />

between the caster’s footsteps and<br />

those created by the spell. <strong>The</strong> caster<br />

and anyone else within the area of effect<br />

for thousand feet are treated as having<br />

total concealment from any creature that<br />

relies on tremorsense.<br />

Vile Infestation (Greater)<br />

Conjuration (Summoning)<br />

Level: Clr 9<br />

Components: V, S, DF<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)<br />

Target: One corporeal creature<br />

Duration: 10 rounds (see text)<br />

Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text)<br />

Spell Resistance: Yes<br />

Greater vile infestation infects the subject with a swarm of<br />

tiny vermin (in the case of priestesses of the Dark Mother,<br />

the infestation is of spiders, other deities of the drow have<br />

different vermin). <strong>The</strong> vermin manifest inside the target’s<br />

body and immediately begin eating. <strong>The</strong> pain of this<br />

ordeal is so intense the subject of the spell is effectively<br />

paralysed and helpless for its duration. At the end of the<br />

spell, the vermin have eaten their fill, essentially hollowing<br />

the victim out from the inside and leaving him a dead and<br />

empty husk.<br />

Each round this spell is in effect, the victim loses 10 percent<br />

of his total hit points to the feeding creatures. Applying<br />

magical healing to the target during this time will prolong<br />

the length of time it takes for the vermin to eat him from<br />

the inside out but is unlikely to save him from eventual<br />

death, as the vermin keep eating until there is nothing left.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only way to save a victim of greater vile infestation<br />

is by means of a limited wish, wish or miracle. Damage<br />

reduction is ineffective against the vermin created by<br />

greater vile infestation, although they can be driven away<br />

by a repel vermin spell.<br />

A successful saving throw against greater vile infestation<br />

expels the vermin from the target’s body after one round of<br />

feeding, costing him 10 percent of his current hit points.<br />


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