The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


198 opponent, and are quite capable of hitting and inflicting damage. The mirror allies strike with half the base attack bonus as the spellcaster. Their weapons are simply the stuff of shadow, however, and do not possess any special or magical properties the weapon of the spellcaster may have. Their weapons are treated as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, but otherwise inflict only base weapon damage. The mirror allies have the same ability scores as the spellcaster. Enemies attempting to attack the spellcaster or cast spells at him must select from among indistinguishable targets. Generally, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. Any successful attack against an image destroys it. An image’s AC is 10 + the spellcaster’s size modifier + the spellcaster’s Dex modifier. An attacker must be able to see the images to be fooled. Material Component: A small mirror set with jewels, of at least 100 gp total value. The mirror is destroyed when the last mirror ally is dispersed or when the spell duration ends. Mist Evocation (Water) Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched (size large or smaller) Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) This spell was developed by the aquatic drow to allow them to travel more comfortably on dry land. It surrounds the subject of the spell with a fine mist of water, which travels with him and keeps him moist for the duration of the spell. Its area of effect is limited to the square(s) actually occupied by the creature. Aside from ruining paper and extinguishing small flames (like candles), mist has few effects other than keeping the subject of the spell wet. However, the subject will leave behind a clear trail of dampness and puddles, granting a +5 bonus to Track checks against him until the water dries up or the character enters an already wet or damp area. Material Component: A drop of water. Power Word Pain Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting) Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5 Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature with 150 hp or less Duration: See text Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes You utter a single word of power that causes one target creature within range of the spell to feel terrible, agonising pain, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target’s current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 151 or more hit points is unaffected by power word pain. Any creature affected by power word pain suffers excruciating torment, wracking agony that imposes a –4 penalty on all attack rolls, ability checks and skill checks. Further, if a creature is affected for more than one day, he is unable to sleep or rest in any way while under the influence of power word pain.

Hit Points Duration 50 or less 1d3 days 51-100 1d4 minutes 101-150 1d4 rounds Power Word Rage Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting) Level: Sor/Wiz 8, War 8 Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature with 100 hp or less Duration: See text Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes You utter a single word of power that causes one target creature within range of the spell to fly into a blind, murderous rage, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target’s current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 101 or more hit points is unaffected by power word rage. Any creature affected by power word rage immediately flies into a murderous frenzy, attacking the closest creature to him with little regard for his own safety. This rage approximates that of a barbarian (see The Player’s Handbook), except the target of the spell does not distinguish friend from foe. He does, however, gain all ability bonuses and the Will saving throw bonus. He may not use any skills based on Charisma, Dexterity or Intelligence (even those normally useable by raging barbarians), nor may he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, spell trigger or spell completion to function. At the end of the spell, the target is fatigued as a barbarian would be after raging. Hit Points Duration 50 or less 1d4 hours 51-75 1d4 minutes 76-100 1d4 rounds Quicken Poison Necromancy Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Components: S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area of Effect: 5 ft. radius/level Duration: 1 round per level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes poisons to become more virulent and more immediately lethal. For the duration of the spell effect, all beings within the radius of effect when the spell is cast are weakened against the effects of poison. Whenever they are subject to a poison attack of any sort, they suffer both the initial and secondary damage effect from the poison immediately. The victim must attempt first his save against the initial effect, and then immediately roll to save against the secondary effect. Should the initial effect of the poison reduce the victim’s applicable save, the reduction is applied before the save against the secondary effect is rolled. A successful Fortitude save negates the effects of the spell, but of course has no effect on the victim’s later saves against further poison attacks. Quicken poison dispels and counters slow poison. Material Component: A phial of spider venom. Rotting Wound Necromancy (Evil) Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Self, or weapon touched Duration: 1 min./level Saving Throw: See text Spell Resistance: No Casting this spell infects a weapon of the caster’s choice with filth fever. Any successful attack roll made with the weapon which causes damage while the spell is active has the chance to infect the target with a magically-enhanced case of filth fever. In the case of filth fever inflicted by this spell, the disease has no incubation period; its effects are immediate. Anyone struck by a weapon enhanced by rotting wound must make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or be infected, immediately losing 1d3 Dexterity and 1d3 Constitution. Once infected, the character cannot be infected again for additional loss of ability scores. The disease, once it takes 199

Hit Points Duration<br />

50 or less 1d3 days<br />

51-100 1d4 minutes<br />

101-150 1d4 rounds<br />

Power Word Rage<br />

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)<br />

Level: Sor/Wiz 8, War 8<br />

Components: V<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)<br />

Target: One creature with 100 hp or less<br />

Duration: See text<br />

Saving Throw: None<br />

Spell Resistance: Yes<br />

You utter a single word of power that causes one target<br />

creature within range of the spell to fly into a blind,<br />

murderous rage, whether the creature can hear the word<br />

or not. <strong>The</strong> duration of the spell depends on the target’s<br />

current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 101<br />

or more hit points is unaffected by power word rage.<br />

Any creature affected by power word rage immediately flies<br />

into a murderous frenzy, attacking the closest creature to him<br />

with little regard for his own safety. This rage approximates<br />

that of a barbarian (see <strong>The</strong> Player’s Handbook), except the<br />

target of the spell does not distinguish friend from foe. He<br />

does, however, gain all ability bonuses and the Will saving<br />

throw bonus. He may not use any skills based on Charisma,<br />

Dexterity or Intelligence (even those normally useable by<br />

raging barbarians), nor may he cast spells or activate magic<br />

items that require a command word, spell trigger or spell<br />

completion to function. At the end of the spell, the target is<br />

fatigued as a barbarian would be after raging.<br />

Hit Points Duration<br />

50 or less 1d4 hours<br />

51-75 1d4 minutes<br />

76-100 1d4 rounds<br />

Quicken Poison<br />

Necromancy<br />

Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3<br />

Components: S, M<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)<br />

Area of Effect: 5 ft. radius/level<br />

Duration: 1 round per level<br />

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates<br />

Spell Resistance: Yes<br />

This spell causes poisons to become more virulent and more<br />

immediately lethal. For the duration of the spell effect, all<br />

beings within the radius of effect when the spell is cast are<br />

weakened against the effects of poison. Whenever they<br />

are subject to a poison attack of any sort, they suffer both<br />

the initial and secondary damage effect from the poison<br />

immediately. <strong>The</strong> victim must attempt first his save against<br />

the initial effect, and then immediately roll to save against<br />

the secondary effect. Should the initial effect of the poison<br />

reduce the victim’s applicable save, the reduction is applied<br />

before the save against the secondary effect is rolled.<br />

A successful Fortitude save negates the effects of the spell,<br />

but of course has no effect on the victim’s later saves against<br />

further poison attacks.<br />

Quicken poison dispels and counters slow poison.<br />

Material Component: A phial of spider venom.<br />

Rotting Wound<br />

Necromancy (Evil)<br />

Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2<br />

Components: V, M<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Touch<br />

Target: Self, or weapon touched<br />

Duration: 1 min./level<br />

Saving Throw: See text<br />

Spell Resistance: No<br />

Casting this spell infects a weapon of the caster’s choice<br />

with filth fever. Any successful attack roll made with the<br />

weapon which causes damage while the spell is active has<br />

the chance to infect the target with a magically-enhanced<br />

case of filth fever. In the case of filth fever inflicted by this<br />

spell, the disease has no incubation period; its effects are<br />

immediate.<br />

Anyone struck by a weapon enhanced by rotting wound<br />

must make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or be infected,<br />

immediately losing 1d3 Dexterity and 1d3 Constitution.<br />

Once infected, the character cannot be infected again for<br />

additional loss of ability scores. <strong>The</strong> disease, once it takes<br />


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