The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


162 The Talon of the Dark Mother Class Levels Base Attack Bonus Fort. Save Ref. Save Will Save Special 1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Bonus Feat, Cow Believers 2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Detect Loyalty 3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Poison Use 4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Dark Mother’s Gift 5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Webwalker 6 +6 +5 +2 +5 Smite Unbeliever 7 +7 +5 +2 +5 Detect Thoughts, 8 +8 +6 +2 +6 Spiderspies 9 +9 +6 +3 +6 Dark Mother’s Strike 10 +10 +7 +3 +7 Zone of Truth of his goddess through himself to crush the Dark Mother’s enemies. The primary focus of the Talon is his role as a warrior; therefore this prestige class is most commonly taken by fighters or fighter/clerics. However, he is also useful as an inquisitor, and commonly is employed at temples to the Dark Mother to find and root out any disloyalty, whether among the clergy or the worshippers. The path to becoming a Talon is not easy, however, and only the most devoted worshippers of the Dark Mother are selected. The most difficult aspect of becoming a Talon is passing the Test of the Dark Mother, administered by the Webmistresses. Those who fail the Test are not merely barred from becoming Talons, they are also cursed by the Dark Mother and transformed into driders, twisted creatures who are forever outcast from drow society. Hit Die: d8 Requirements Alignment: Chaotic evil Feats: Cleave, Investigator, Power Attack Race: Drow Skills: Gather Information 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks, Search 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks Class Skills: The class skills for a Talon of the Dark Mother (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (religion)

(Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spot (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier Class Features All of the following are class features of the Talon of the Dark Mother prestige class. Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A Talon of the Dark Mother is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and all types of armour. Bonus Feat (Ex): At first level, the Talon of the Dark Mother may select a bonus feat from the list of fighter bonus feats. Cow Believers (Ex): The Talon of the Dark Mother has a fearsome reputation among the drow, especially so in those regions and cultures where worship of the Dark Mother is predominant. When dealing with any drow from such a culture who is aware of the Talon’s status, the Talon enjoys a +4 bonus to all Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate and Sense Motive skill checks. Detect Loyalty (Sp): Once per day, the Talon of the Dark Mother may examine a follower of the cult of the Dark Mother to determine if the follower has been at all disloyal to the Dark Mother, or has acted in any way that might be detrimental to her church. If the follower has been disloyal in the past month, the Talon of the Dark Mother is immediately aware of it. This ability costs a standard action to use. Poison Use (Ex): At 3 rd level the Talon becomes trained in the use of poison, and never risks accidentally poisoning himself when applying poison to a blade. Dark Mother’s Gift (Su): The power of the Dark Mother protects her devoted servants. The Talon of the Dark Mother may, upon gaining 4 th level in this class, apply his Charisma modifier as a bonus to all saving throw rolls. Webwalker (Su): At 5 th level, the Talon is able to move through spider webs of any kind without hindrance, as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell. Smite Unbeliever (Su): Once per day, the Talon of the Dark Mother may attempt to smite a creature who does not worship the Dark Mother with a normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma bonus to the attack roll, and deals one additional point of damage per class level. If he accidentally uses this ability against a worshipper of the Dark Mother, it has no effect but is still expended for the day. Detect Thoughts (Sp): Once per day, the Talon of the Dark Mother may call upon his goddess’ power to cast detect thoughts as a spell-like ability. Spiderspies (Ex): At 8 th level, the Talon becomes able to communicate with spiders. Spiders are ubiquitous in the lands occupied by the drow for whom the Dark Mother is the dominant deity. Large or tiny, they are everywhere, and it is very nearly impossible to go anywhere or say anything without a spider being nearby. The spiders know the Talon of the Dark Mother is the instrument of their goddess, and will willing report to him anything they see or hear. They will not seek out the Talon, but if he asks them, they will certainly help him. However, due to the Intelligence score of the average spider, the Talon cannot count on them to recall for him any information more than 24 hours old. Dark Mother’s Strike (Ex): At 9 th level, the Talon of the Dark Mother can focus his goddess’ power to deliver devastating strikes that are laden with sickening energy against his enemies. Whenever the Talon hits an enemy with any form of melee attack, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + Talon’s class level + Talon’s Charisma modifier) or become sickened for d6 rounds. Zone of Truth (Sp): At 10 th level, the Talon can cast zone of truth as a spell-like ability once per day. Taskmaster of Olyet’Naru Those who follow Olyet’Naru, the Tyrant of the Forge, are less concerned with combat than they are with craftsmanship. However, those who forge the weapons of the drow are certainly not unskilled in their use. The Taskmaster follows a difficult path, specialising in one area of craftsmanship without ignoring the others. He is, in essence, a jack of all trades, and an undisputed master of one. Perfecting his craft is the primary motivation of the Taskmaster. Now that he has taken on the mantle of this prestige class, he knows the eyes of the Tyrant of the Forge are always upon him, and that failure in the eyes of his god will mean punishment. As a result, he works tirelessly, and is an expert in extracting the best performance from those around him as well, especially the slaves under his command. The Taskmaster prestige class is limited to the clergy of Olyet’Naru. Hit Die: d8 163

(Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis) and<br />

Spot (Wis).<br />

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier<br />

Class Features<br />

All of the following are class features of the Talon of the<br />

Dark Mother prestige class.<br />

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A Talon of the Dark<br />

Mother is proficient with all simple and martial weapons,<br />

and all types of armour.<br />

Bonus Feat (Ex): At first level, the Talon of the Dark<br />

Mother may select a bonus feat from the list of fighter<br />

bonus feats.<br />

Cow Believers (Ex): <strong>The</strong> Talon of the Dark Mother has a<br />

fearsome reputation among the drow, especially so in those<br />

regions and cultures where worship of the Dark Mother is<br />

predominant. When dealing with any drow from such a<br />

culture who is aware of the Talon’s status, the Talon enjoys<br />

a +4 bonus to all Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate and<br />

Sense Motive skill checks.<br />

Detect Loyalty (Sp): Once per day, the Talon of the Dark<br />

Mother may examine a follower of the cult of the Dark<br />

Mother to determine if the follower has been at all disloyal<br />

to the Dark Mother, or has acted in any way that might<br />

be detrimental to her church. If the follower has been<br />

disloyal in the past month, the Talon of the Dark Mother<br />

is immediately aware of it. This ability costs a standard<br />

action to use.<br />

Poison Use (Ex): At 3 rd level the Talon becomes trained in<br />

the use of poison, and never risks accidentally poisoning<br />

himself when applying poison to a blade.<br />

Dark Mother’s Gift (Su): <strong>The</strong> power of the Dark Mother<br />

protects her devoted servants. <strong>The</strong> Talon of the Dark<br />

Mother may, upon gaining 4 th level in this class, apply his<br />

Charisma modifier as a bonus to all saving throw rolls.<br />

Webwalker (Su): At 5 th level, the Talon is able to move<br />

through spider webs of any kind without hindrance, as if<br />

under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.<br />

Smite Unbeliever (Su): Once per day, the Talon of the<br />

Dark Mother may attempt to smite a creature who does not<br />

worship the Dark Mother with a normal melee attack. He<br />

adds his Charisma bonus to the attack roll, and deals one<br />

additional point of damage per class level. If he accidentally<br />

uses this ability against a worshipper of the Dark Mother, it<br />

has no effect but is still expended for the day.<br />

Detect Thoughts (Sp): Once per day, the Talon of the Dark<br />

Mother may call upon his goddess’ power to cast detect<br />

thoughts as a spell-like ability.<br />

Spiderspies (Ex): At 8 th level, the Talon becomes able to<br />

communicate with spiders. Spiders are ubiquitous in the<br />

lands occupied by the drow for whom the Dark Mother is<br />

the dominant deity. Large or tiny, they are everywhere, and<br />

it is very nearly impossible to go anywhere or say anything<br />

without a spider being nearby. <strong>The</strong> spiders know the Talon<br />

of the Dark Mother is the instrument of their goddess, and<br />

will willing report to him anything they see or hear. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

will not seek out the Talon, but if he asks them, they will<br />

certainly help him. However, due to the Intelligence score<br />

of the average spider, the Talon cannot count on them to<br />

recall for him any information more than 24 hours old.<br />

Dark Mother’s Strike (Ex): At 9 th level, the Talon of<br />

the Dark Mother can focus his goddess’ power to deliver<br />

devastating strikes that are laden with sickening energy<br />

against his enemies. Whenever the Talon hits an enemy<br />

with any form of melee attack, the target must make a<br />

Fortitude save (DC = 10 + Talon’s class level + Talon’s<br />

Charisma modifier) or become sickened for d6 rounds.<br />

Zone of Truth (Sp): At 10 th level, the Talon can cast zone<br />

of truth as a spell-like ability once per day.<br />

Taskmaster of Olyet’Naru<br />

Those who follow Olyet’Naru, the Tyrant of the Forge,<br />

are less concerned with combat than they are with<br />

craftsmanship. However, those who forge the weapons of<br />

the drow are certainly not unskilled in their use.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Taskmaster follows a difficult path, specialising in one<br />

area of craftsmanship without ignoring the others. He is,<br />

in essence, a jack of all trades, and an undisputed master<br />

of one.<br />

Perfecting his craft is the primary motivation of the<br />

Taskmaster. Now that he has taken on the mantle of this<br />

prestige class, he knows the eyes of the Tyrant of the Forge<br />

are always upon him, and that failure in the eyes of his<br />

god will mean punishment. As a result, he works tirelessly,<br />

and is an expert in extracting the best performance from<br />

those around him as well, especially the slaves under his<br />

command.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Taskmaster prestige class is limited to the clergy of<br />

Olyet’Naru.<br />

Hit Die: d8<br />


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