The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


132 The exception to this is the rare occasion the Sulzthul capture land-bound trespassers in their domain. Those not killed when captured will often be used as gladiatorial combatants, equipped with a water breathing spell (and little else) and pitted against an array of the finest warriors the Sulzthul have to offer. The most remarkable form of entertainment the Sulzthul have is dancing. Not confined by gravity, the aquatic elves have created amazingly intricate and complex dances involving dozens of performers floating and swimming in all three dimensions, without the accompaniment of any music whatsoever. Clad in the brightest thryssal garments the Sulzthul can create, glowing with faerie fire and surrounded by dancing lights, such dances are celebrations of incredible, unearthly beauty and grace which have, sadly, never been seen by an outsider and likely never will. Family Family is an extremely important concept to the Sulzthul. Intensely distrustful and suspicious by nature, the Sulzthul make an exception when it comes to their immediate family. The bonds between spouses, between parents and children, are considered nearly inviolable ties of trust and loyalty. The most basic unit of authority among the Sulzthul is the family. The family is given the authority and first opportunity to deal with or correct a problem with one of its members, except in cases of major crimes, when such matters fall to the Council. Just as with the society as a whole, the individual is expected to be a useful member of the family. Childhood is brief, and the Sulzthul are expected to contribute as much to the family and community as an adult even before reaching puberty. Malingerers and slothful family members are not tolerated; they are an embarrassment to the family and are commonly given one opportunity to correct their ways before the weight of the family’s punishment falls on them. Most often, this punishment comes in one of two forms: either banishment from the community or time spent in the breeding cave. Sometimes, the family will offer a choice of punishments. Banishment is a near-certain death sentence to a Sulzthul. To prevent any possibility of a banished individual revealing the location of the Sulzthul settlement, the individual is drugged into a deep sleep and deposited somewhere far from the settlement. Wandering the unfamiliar Underdeep alone results in a quick death for most Sulzthul. Even those who find another settlement are unlikely to be taken in, as all know the only reason this individual would be out in the Underdeep alone is if he were banished. This punishment is usually inflicted on males. The breeding cave is a less dangerous but no less demeaning punishment. The closest thing the Sulzthul have to slavery, the aquatic drow sentenced to this are kept shut up in a single cave, and are used for both pleasure and procreation by the free Sulzthul. This punishment is usually inflicted on females, and any children born of them are generally accepted into the female’s family at birth. Food In some ways, the Sulzthul enjoy a more varied diet than do most other drow. Their homes beneath the water provide them with easy access to many types of fish and, for the most fortunate Sulzthul communities, an array of underwater vegetables. Unlike most drow, the diet of the Sulzthul consists of very few mushrooms, only what grows within the community’s dry cave or what they harvest when they venture out of the water. Rather, fish is the staple of the aquatic drow. Using nets woven of underwater reeds, groups of Sulzthul troll through the waters near their homes, capturing large schools of blind fish and bringing them back to feed their people. Larger fish are hunted with spears and are far more prized, both for the firm texture of their meat and the various uses to which the mammoth bones of these Underdeep behemoths can be put. Shellfish are also a substantial part of the Sulzthul diet, with both clams and oysters in ready supply in many of the larger bodies of water in the Underdeep. Very little Sulzthul food is cooked. From fish to clams to seaweed, the aquatic drow almost always devour their food raw. Cooking food is something done for special occasions and celebrations, usually involving the entire community and becoming the major focus of the dry cave for several days. Government Governing the Sulzthul is extremely difficult. Though not as chaotic in nature as other drow, the aquatic drow are a race of strong individuals who do not submit well to outside authority. Additionally, the millennia of their enslavement by the aboleth, a memory that will never fade, has made them intensely distrustful of anyone attempting to exercise even the smallest measure of control over their lives. However, a large community cannot exist without some form of government, and the Sulzthul have learned to marginally sublimate their thirst for utter freedom for the greater good of the race. They know they could never have successfully risen up against the aboleth nor maintained their freedom and very survival in the wars

with the abominations that have followed were it not for the unification of their society. The Council is the name usually given to the tribunal of Sulzthul who govern, as much as is possible, each individual community of Sulzthul. Consisting of one representative from each caste, the Council decides such matters as when to go to war, how to distribute food, how to punish criminals and whether to respond to an outsider’s desire to open up trade relations. Magic The Sulzthul retain the innate magical abilities and spell resistance found in most other races of drow. Additionally, they are able to cast water breathing (self only) once per day. Like their other innate spell abilities, this is cast identically to a spell cast by a sorcerer of the drow’s character level, and is commonly initiated by the Sulzthul before they rest for the night. This is not necessary, as they can easily hold their breath for the four hours of rest they require, but it is more comfortable to just breathe normally. As noted in the section on religion, there are no priests among the Sulzthul, as they do not worship any gods. Nor are there any wizards, as the constraints of life underwater make such an avocation very difficult indeed to pursue – the books needed for study by a wizard do not respond well to constant immersion in water, and the Sulzthul have rarely spent the time and resources to create pages of thin sheets of metal or other materials which can survive the water. The Sulzthul do, however, make excellent sorcerers. As the only spellcasters, sorcerers are highly regarded among the aquatic drow. Relations with Others The Sulzthul are so xenophobic they make other drow seem gregarious. The long centuries of their enslavement by the aboleth made them intensely distrustful of any other race, even other drow. Should strangers enter the area of one of their settlements, the Sulzthul will either hide if the newcomers seem too powerful and have not noticed them, or they will attack with a terrible ferocity. The thought of other races knowing where they live is terrifying to them, as they fear it will only lead to another attempt to enslave them. The Sulzthul do not actively hate most races, they merely seek to avoid them. Contact with other races is extremely limited, though the Sulzthul will sometimes trade with other drow under strictly controlled circumstances. They will not allow a trading caravan near one of their settlements and indeed, they go to great lengths to make sure the locations of their homes are kept secret. When they do engage in trade, they will meet the other party at a pre-determined location, preferably one they can access through an underground river, making the chances of anyone following them home as slender as possible. Though their relations with other races can generally be characterised as mistrust, the Sulzthul have an intense, burning hatred for the aboleth. They have a healthy respect for the power of those abominations, but it is not enough to keep them from hunting and killing aboleth whenever they can find a vulnerable group. The aboleth return their hatred, and have never forgotten the slave race that rose up against them and slaughtered dozens of their number. The aboleth actively hunt the Sulzthul, just as the aquatic drow hunt the aboleth, and there have been several wars of terrible ferocity between the two races. The Sulzthul also bear an especially deep hatred for skum, the slave race created by the aboleth after the Sulzthul successfully rebelled. The mindless devotion of the skum to their masters reminds the Sulzthul all too well of what they once were. The foe the Sulzthul face most often, however, is the race of the morgoshe. These fishlike creatures compete with the aquatic drow for living space, often trying to move into an area already under the control of the drow. Though the Sulzthul do not hold the same hate for morgoshe they do for aboleth and skum, they will not hesitate to kill them should the opportunity arise. Religion The Sulzthul officially have no religion in their society. They are not atheists, indeed, they are certain that the gods do exist, but they refuse to give the gods worship. If the gods would do nothing to help them during the Sundering and during their wandering in the unfamiliar Underdeep, if the gods would do nothing to deliver them from their slavery and torment and transformation under the aboleth, what right do the gods have to ask the Sulzthul for their worship now? There are, of course, some Sulzthul who still cling to religion and worship the gods, but they do so in secret. Religion is considered a weakness among the Sulzthul, an inability to cope with the rigours of life in the Underdeep on the basis of one’s own strength. It is commonly believed that dedication to the gods weakened the ancestors of the Sulzthul, making them dependant on the whims of other beings, rather than willing to cope with the dangers facing them directly. There have been very few attempts to reintegrate religion in the society of Sulzthul and any such attempts are dealt with 133

with the abominations that have followed were it not for<br />

the unification of their society.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Council is the name usually given to the tribunal of<br />

Sulzthul who govern, as much as is possible, each individual<br />

community of Sulzthul. Consisting of one representative<br />

from each caste, the Council decides such matters as when<br />

to go to war, how to distribute food, how to punish criminals<br />

and whether to respond to an outsider’s desire to open up<br />

trade relations.<br />

Magic<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sulzthul retain the innate magical abilities and spell<br />

resistance found in most other races of drow. Additionally,<br />

they are able to cast water breathing (self only) once per day.<br />

Like their other innate spell abilities, this is cast identically<br />

to a spell cast by a sorcerer of the drow’s character level,<br />

and is commonly initiated by the Sulzthul before they rest<br />

for the night. This is not necessary, as they can easily hold<br />

their breath for the four hours of rest they require, but it is<br />

more comfortable to just breathe normally.<br />

As noted in the section on religion, there are no priests<br />

among the Sulzthul, as they do not worship any gods. Nor<br />

are there any wizards, as the constraints of life underwater<br />

make such an avocation very difficult indeed to pursue – the<br />

books needed for study by a wizard do not respond well to<br />

constant immersion in water, and the Sulzthul have rarely<br />

spent the time and resources to create pages of thin sheets<br />

of metal or other materials which can survive the water.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sulzthul do, however, make excellent sorcerers. As<br />

the only spellcasters, sorcerers are highly regarded among<br />

the aquatic drow.<br />

Relations with Others<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sulzthul are so xenophobic they make other drow<br />

seem gregarious. <strong>The</strong> long centuries of their enslavement<br />

by the aboleth made them intensely distrustful of any other<br />

race, even other drow. Should strangers enter the area of<br />

one of their settlements, the Sulzthul will either hide if the<br />

newcomers seem too powerful and have not noticed them,<br />

or they will attack with a terrible ferocity. <strong>The</strong> thought of<br />

other races knowing where they live is terrifying to them,<br />

as they fear it will only lead to another attempt to enslave<br />

them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sulzthul do not actively hate most races, they merely<br />

seek to avoid them. Contact with other races is extremely<br />

limited, though the Sulzthul will sometimes trade with other<br />

drow under strictly controlled circumstances. <strong>The</strong>y will not<br />

allow a trading caravan near one of their settlements and<br />

indeed, they go to great lengths to make sure the locations of<br />

their homes are kept secret. When they do engage in trade,<br />

they will meet the other party at a pre-determined location,<br />

preferably one they can access through an underground<br />

river, making the chances of anyone following them home<br />

as slender as possible.<br />

Though their relations with other races can generally be<br />

characterised as mistrust, the Sulzthul have an intense,<br />

burning hatred for the aboleth. <strong>The</strong>y have a healthy respect<br />

for the power of those abominations, but it is not enough<br />

to keep them from hunting and killing aboleth whenever<br />

they can find a vulnerable group. <strong>The</strong> aboleth return their<br />

hatred, and have never forgotten the slave race that rose<br />

up against them and slaughtered dozens of their number.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aboleth actively hunt the Sulzthul, just as the aquatic<br />

drow hunt the aboleth, and there have been several wars of<br />

terrible ferocity between the two races.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sulzthul also bear an especially deep hatred for skum,<br />

the slave race created by the aboleth after the Sulzthul<br />

successfully rebelled. <strong>The</strong> mindless devotion of the skum<br />

to their masters reminds the Sulzthul all too well of what<br />

they once were.<br />

<strong>The</strong> foe the Sulzthul face most often, however, is the race<br />

of the morgoshe. <strong>The</strong>se fishlike creatures compete with<br />

the aquatic drow for living space, often trying to move into<br />

an area already under the control of the drow. Though the<br />

Sulzthul do not hold the same hate for morgoshe they do<br />

for aboleth and skum, they will not hesitate to kill them<br />

should the opportunity arise.<br />

Religion<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sulzthul officially have no religion in their society.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are not atheists, indeed, they are certain that the gods<br />

do exist, but they refuse to give the gods worship. If the<br />

gods would do nothing to help them during the Sundering<br />

and during their wandering in the unfamiliar Underdeep,<br />

if the gods would do nothing to deliver them from their<br />

slavery and torment and transformation under the aboleth,<br />

what right do the gods have to ask the Sulzthul for their<br />

worship now?<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are, of course, some Sulzthul who still cling to<br />

religion and worship the gods, but they do so in secret.<br />

Religion is considered a weakness among the Sulzthul, an<br />

inability to cope with the rigours of life in the Underdeep<br />

on the basis of one’s own strength. It is commonly believed<br />

that dedication to the gods weakened the ancestors of the<br />

Sulzthul, making them dependant on the whims of other<br />

beings, rather than willing to cope with the dangers facing<br />

them directly.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re have been very few attempts to reintegrate religion in<br />

the society of Sulzthul and any such attempts are dealt with<br />


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