The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


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of tons of rock. Soon, they would come to envy those slain<br />

beneath the falling stones.<br />

Though the elves outside the cave-in gave the Kanahraun<br />

no more thought, believing them all dead beneath the<br />

crumbled stone, the drow on the inside were trapped. <strong>The</strong><br />

caves leading out from what remained of the cavern led to<br />

a confusing labyrinth of passageways that ultimately went<br />

nowhere. Though the supply of water in the form of drops<br />

falling from stalactites was nearly adequate, the caves were<br />

otherwise bare. No fungus, no rodents, not even insects<br />

lived within the maze. Seeing no other options available to<br />

them, the Kanahraun were forced to make a grisly choice if<br />

they wanted to stay alive. <strong>The</strong> only remaining food source<br />

was the dead. Forcing down their revulsion, the drow<br />

began to eat their former comrades.<br />

Sustaining themselves on the corpses of the fallen, the<br />

Kanahraun set about trying to dig their way free from<br />

their convoluted prison. Day after day passed by, and still<br />

the drow were entombed. <strong>The</strong> dead from the final battle<br />

with the elves had all been consumed, their bones put to<br />

work digging, but still the stones encased them. Finally,<br />

Brasnaloth, a skilled and deadly warrior, proclaimed<br />

himself First Voice of the Kanahraun, and decreed the<br />

strong must remain strong, or all the Kanahraun would<br />

perish. <strong>The</strong> meaning of his words was confusing to the<br />

Kanahraun, until he illustrated his point by drawing his<br />

sword and cleaving the head from a crippled drow, offering<br />

the body as sustenance for the diggers. Many of the drow<br />

panicked at this, but the strong agreed with Brasnaloth, and<br />

digging continued, the drow sustaining themselves with the<br />

flesh of their weakest members.<br />

As the fruitless digging continued, the magic-wielding<br />

members of the Kanahraun sought to contact the gods of the<br />

drow, praying for mercy and release from the stone tomb.<br />

At last, their prayers and supplications were answered,<br />

but not by the gods to whom they had called. Azzanoth, a<br />

demon prince, had heard their pleas and seen their practices<br />

in sustaining themselves from the bodies of their dead, and<br />

was intrigued. He appeared to the Kanahraun, offering<br />

them a way out of their prison. Foolishly, the drow accepted<br />

without asking the price.<br />

Gathering the Kanahraun to him, Azzanoth took them<br />

through an enormous magical gate to another area of the<br />

Underdeep, far distant from any place the drow had travelled<br />

before. Here in a complex of connected crystalline caves<br />

of surpassing beauty, crossed with shallow springs and<br />

rivers, there was food in plenty, from the enormous fungus<br />

sprouting from the floor to the fat fish swimming in the<br />

rivers. Gladly, the Kanahraun fell to this feast, only to gag<br />

the food out moments later. <strong>The</strong> foods they had craved<br />

during their long imprisonment tasted like ashes and<br />

sewage to them now; only the flesh of the sentient held any<br />

appeal. This was the First Price of Azzanoth.<br />

Some drow would not accept the price Azzanoth had placed<br />

upon them, forcing themselves to consume the foods for<br />

which they had so long hungered but which were now all<br />

but intolerable to them. Others of the Kanahraun, however,<br />

had grown used to the diet of sentients while trapped in the<br />

cave, and at Azzanoth’s urging they made a feast of those<br />

who would deny what they had become.<br />

Fortunately for the Kanahraun, their new home was close<br />

to the underground trade routes used by the newer races<br />

of deep gnomes and dwarves, providing a ready source of<br />

food for their hunting parties. As the other races moved<br />

away, the Kanahraun moved with them like the predators<br />

they had become, though they were not above killing and<br />

eating their own in time of need. Indeed, part of the First<br />

Price of Azzanoth was that the Kanahraun find elven flesh<br />

the most tasteful of all.<br />

Azzanoth remained with the Kanahraun in their early days,<br />

urging them deeper and deeper into depravity, taking his<br />

meals with them and mating with them. <strong>The</strong> descendants<br />

of his fiendish offspring are now the rulers of Kanahraun,<br />

the Second Price of Azzanoth. He also taught them other<br />

secrets, such as the mysteries of undeath and boneforging,<br />

until the Kanahraun came to worship Azzanoth as a god.<br />

This was his unspoken Third Price, and the last one.<br />

As the years passed and the Kanahraun grew in numbers<br />

and power, the rumour of their existence became a horror<br />

story of the Underdeep. <strong>The</strong>y haunted the trading ways of<br />

the Underdeep, attacking, killing, robbing and plundering<br />

without mercy or consideration for which race they were<br />

striking against. <strong>The</strong> tales and legends of their ferocity<br />

grew, and their prey began to fight back or hide. <strong>The</strong><br />

deep gnomes sealed themselves within their cities, only<br />

venturing into the territory of the Kanahraun when they<br />

must, and only with overwhelming numbers. <strong>The</strong> dwarves<br />

sent several missions against the Kanahraun, intending<br />

to wipe this scourge out, but the Kanahraun, masters of<br />

stealthy hunting, faded away before the slow, clanking<br />

hosts of dwarves, only to fall on them later from ambush.<br />

Despite several attempts by other races to find and<br />

exterminate this bestial terror of the Underdeep, the<br />

Kanahraun have thrived.<br />

Overview of the Kanahraun<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kanahraun today display a surprising duality. On the<br />

one hand, many of them are brutal, almost feral barbarians<br />


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