The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


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Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Cleave,<br />

Great Cleave, Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved<br />

Initiative, Improved Natural Armour, Improved Trip,<br />

Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack.<br />

An opponent can make sunder attempts against<br />

Omorogg’s tentacles or arms as if they were weapons.<br />

Omorogg’s tentacles have 33 hit points and its arms<br />

have 16 hit points. If Omorogg is currently grappling a<br />

target with one tentacle or arm, it usually uses another<br />

limb to make its attack of opportunity against the<br />

sunder attempt. Severing Omorogg’s tentacle or arm<br />

deals damage to it equal to half the limb’s full normal<br />

hit points. Omorogg withdraws from combat if it loses<br />

both tentacles or three of its arms. Omorogg regrows<br />

severed limbs in 1d10+10 days.<br />

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Omorogg must<br />

hit with an arm or tentacle attack. It can then attempt<br />

to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an<br />

attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it<br />

establishes a hold and can constrict.<br />

Constrict (Ex): Omorogg deals automatic arm or<br />

tentacle damage with a successful grapple check.<br />

Jet (Ex): Omorogg can jet backward once per round<br />

as a full-round action, at a speed of 280 feet. It must<br />

move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of<br />

opportunity while jetting.<br />

Ink Cloud (Ex): Omorogg can emit a cloud of jet-black<br />

ink in an 80-foot spread once per minute as a free action.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cloud provides total concealment, which Omorogg<br />

uses to escape a fight that is going badly. Creatures<br />

within the cloud are considered to be in darkness.<br />

Smite Good (Su): Once per day, Omorogg can make a<br />

normal melee attack to deal +20 damage against a good<br />

foe.<br />

Spell-like abilities: 1/day – control weather, control<br />

winds, dominate animal (DC 19), resist energy. Caster<br />

level is 9 th . Omorogg also has the following spell-like<br />

abilities from being a half-fiend: 3/day – darkness,<br />

poison, unhallow, unholy aura; 1/day – blasphemy,<br />

contagion, desecrate, destruction, horrid wilting,<br />

summon monster IX (fiends only), unhallow, unholy<br />

blight. <strong>The</strong> caster level for these abilities is 33 rd and the<br />

saving throw DC against them is 32.<br />

Skills: Omorogg has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim<br />

check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard.<br />

It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even<br />

if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action<br />

while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.<br />

Equipment & Treasure: See below.<br />

This version of Omorogg is the spawn of a female<br />

kraken and a colossal marine demon from the Flaming<br />

Sea, the topmost level of the Infernum. Its hybrid<br />

nature is obvious; it is a brilliant scarlet in colour,<br />

with grotesque bat wings sprouting from its body. As<br />

Omorogg does not have a land speed, these wings are<br />

useless for flight.<br />

Location: Omorogg’s Lair<br />

It stands to reason that a monster as old and powerful<br />

as Omorogg must have a lair somewhere. Treasurehungry<br />

Player Characters will no doubt conclude<br />

that while Omorogg is defending the sea-portal, its<br />

lair is undefended and can be raided. Krakens are<br />

known to amass large amounts of treasure, so a beast<br />

of Omorogg’s stature must have heaps of gold hidden<br />

away somewhere.<br />

If the Player Characters want to try their luck at raiding<br />

the kraken’s home, they must first find out where it is.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y can do this by means of a legend lore spell, or a<br />

Knowledge (history) or Bardic Knowledge check (DC<br />

35). Even this only gives them an approximate location<br />

– 70 miles north-northeast of Lost Athul.<br />

<strong>The</strong> kraken’s lair is thousands of fathoms below the<br />

surface, where the water is pitch black and unbearably<br />

cold. A successful Search check (DC 35) is needed to<br />

locate the entrance to the lair. This is a boulder so vast<br />

that only something of Omorogg’s size can move it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> kraken uses the boulder as a door, since it is the<br />

only creature for miles around strong enough to roll it<br />

away again. A Strength check (DC 32) is needed to<br />

move the boulder away from the door.<br />

Omorogg does not really expect anyone to be snooping<br />

around in his lair and so has not fortified it beyond<br />

this. It does, however, scry on its home with Sunspite’s<br />

crystal ball every night. If it discovers that the Player<br />

Characters are raiding his home, it becomes furious and<br />

goes out of its way to find and kill them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> murky cave beyond the boulder contains 14,000<br />

gold pieces, 250 platinum pieces, three star sapphire<br />

gems worth 3,000 gold pieces each, a golden idol of<br />

Omorogg as a deity (worth 4,000 gold pieces) and a<br />

single pearl of the sirines.<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8<br />


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