The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


Sunspite’s Journal: If the Player Characters search the bookshelves, a Search check (DC 20) locates a journal among the books. This is written in a cipher of Sunspite’s own devising and requires either magic or a Decipher Script check (DC 30) to understand. The relevant entries are reproduced below: Entry One Objective: Devise and execute a solution to the problem of the blasted sea-portal. My people command an immense army but are lacking in naval power and are likely to remain so until the day that oak trees grow in the Sunless World. Even if we take Crom Calamar at a stroke, which Rannirak assures us can be done (and I believe him), it will not remain ours for long. The tactician Maskuz Vellin, writing in the time of the old Equinox, reminds us that principalities are either easily taken and hard kept, or taken with great effort and then kept more easily. Crom Calamar shall be a victory of the former kind. Without some upper-world power base, there is no way we can assemble a fleet and prevent reinforcements arriving through the sea-portal. The likelihood of us acquiring one is slim to nil. Where would we build ships? Come to that, where would we board them? There are no harbours in the Sunless World. Conclusion: Make an alliance with a force that is capable of executing the kind of blockade we need for long enough for us to slash the heart out of Crom Calamar. No land-based kingdoms but Visk and Kandang have shown any willingness to consider an alliance. Visk cares only for itself and Kandang is too thick with webs of corruption and intrigue. It must be the neutrals, then, the pirates of the Shard or the Sea Harriers. Entry Two The Pirates of the Shard have proved useless, though I seem to have fathered a brat on one of them, which added some spice to the trip. They are simply too fond of chaos. One can sustain their interest only with gold or the promise of gold and even that is no guarantee that they will keep to a bargain. They have no ‘fleet’ to speak of; it is only a shabby gathering of brigand vessels, working on the principle of each man for himself, united by nothing more than terror of capture and punishment. The Sea Harriers have proved far more worthy of my time. The problem is that they do not think me worthy of theirs. They call me ‘grubbesh’ and think me, a noble of the Crevasse of Concatenate Lanterns, to be a mere hedge-wizard. My anger is so great that I must discharge it in private with small acts of torture, which at least grant me sleep. My only recourse is to make myself indispensable to them. Let me, then, climb this arduous ladder. For Tzummu and the Ennead! For Arkady! Entry Three One is now an honoured navigator. One is satisfied. Even so, my privileges are limited. The amma hadrak sees all, controls all. Without her word, the Harriers will not lift a finger to aid us. As yet, she has baulked at any suggestion that they might take sides in a war. It is not their way, she says. She quipped a saying at me: the fisherman does not choose sides in a battle of fish. Some days the insularity and hauteur of these people infuriates me. On others it seems that they are more like us than any other race of the upper world. I have dealt with the rage in the usual manner. Part of me wonders, in an alarmingly disconnected and abstract fashion, what would become of me if the remains were found. Perhaps this life of eternal seas and open skies is driving me mad. I have been compelled to huddle in the cupboard to remind myself what it is like to be enclosed by stone. Entry Four Disaster. The amma hadrak has forbidden any further discussion of the blockade plan. She feels that the Celebration would be in too much danger of discovery. Their way is to strike fast and vanish fast, not to sit like… what was the phrase?… a whale with his mouth open, waiting for prey to swim in. Damn her greasy hide. Damn all of them. Damn this cat’s water I am obliged to drink to quieten my head. This demands something more. Yes, I know what will settle my seething brains. Entry Five I am filled with joy, as if the sun had all of a sudden vanished behind a mighty thundercloud. The tales speak of three artefacts, resembling standing stones in their outward appearance, that have the power to lift entire masses of land into the air. The Stone of Caradeth was one such; Bruin the Abjurer transported it to the island of Chillhame, according to legend, though what became of it then is not known. Another was the Stone of Zaul, which the formidable but mad Shura Krai of Kandang employed to hoist off the mountain peak beneath which his enemies were hiding, exposing their Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 61

62 stronghold of tunnels as if it were a smashed termite mound. The third, the Stone of Melvek, is now in our secure hold. How this has come about, I shall not say. Taking a small ship and crew with me (for it would not do to endanger the flagship), I have spoken to one of the former masters of Lost Athul. In future, let no man speak to me of ‘terror’ who has not gone out alone in a rowing boat and spoken with a creature whose eye was four times his own height. The beast has consented to my proposal. We shall use the Stone of Melvek to raise Lost Athul from the sea bed, so that the Harriers can retrieve what the kraken wants. Ever since it sank, Lost Athul has been guarded by weird sea-beasts, set there by the same archmagi that condemned the city to drown. Omorogg confirmed that no kraken has ever eluded these beasts, nor have the krakens’ lesser agents prevailed. But how shall the seabeasts stand in our way when the city itself is no longer submerged? It is a brilliant plan. My brain is the same rare crystal of intellect that it always was. So, three steps there are. The Harriers fetch the krakens’ stone eggs from Lost Athul; my kinsmen reward the Sea Harriers with gems from the Sunless World; the kraken blockades Crom Calamar in exchange for its stone eggs. Entry Six Word has come from Rannirak. The Darkspear is in readiness and he is mad to begin the invasion. So, I am obliged to do my part before the eggs are secure. The kraken has reluctantly agreed to begin the blockade early, though it insisted on some guarantee of our good faith. With no other way to provide this, I have given it my crystal ball, so that it can monitor our progress. I can feel the thing scrying on us, almost every day. Its cold, clammy presence is unmistakable. I do not wish to write of the bitter fury I feel at having to give up an item on which I had become so dependent. It is not as if I can simply purchase another one out here in this miserable dereliction of waters. I believe the kraken will wait patiently for its property to be delivered. Nothing could disguise the greed in those vast eyes. It wants the eggs desperately, though for what, I cannot tell. Nor do I especially care to know. Greedy though the beast is, we cannot expect it to wait forever by the portal on a mere promise. As soon as this business of the elf spy is concluded, we will make for Lost Athul. The kraken will be able to watch as we raise the dead city, which should please it. Damn the elf grubbesh for delaying us. If I only knew the spell, I would sequester the wench. Tucked into the journal at the last page is a drawing of a stone egg, with curling script around the middle in no known language. This is one of the Myrrik soul-stones (see below), so that Sunspite can tell the Harriers what to fetch. The remains to which Sunspite refers are the bones of his victims, hidden away down in the bilges (see below). Sunspite’s Spellbook: This is hidden inside another, larger book on the bookshelf – a dull-looking volume on techniques to find one’s location without the aid of magic. It is locked shut and the lock has an envenomed needle in it for extra security: Poison Needle Trap: CR 11; mechanical; touch trigger; repair reset; lock bypass (Open Lock DC 40); Atk +20 melee (1 plus poison, needle); poison (deathblade, Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) resists, 1d6 Con/2d6 Con) Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30. It contains the following spells: 0 th – all spells; 1 st – comprehend languages, disguise self, endure elements, mage armour, magic missile, shield; 2 nd – blur, detect thoughts, false life, locate object, scorching ray; 3 rd – clairvoyance, dispel magic, hold person, nondetection, slow; 4 th – black tentacles, dimension door, lesser globe of invulnerability, resilient sphere, scrying; 5 th – contact other plane, feeblemind, waves of fatigue; 6 th – invisibility (quickened), repulsion; 7 th – forcecage. Azbeth’s Spellbook: This is the book lying open on the desk. It contains the following spells: 0 th – all spells; 1 st – detect undead, endure elements, expeditious retreat, identify, jump, mage armour, mount, shield; 2 nd – fox’s cunning, locate object, see invisibility, spider climb, whispering wind; 3 rd – dispel magic, lightning bolt, phantom steed, protection from energy, ray of exhaustion, tiny hut; 4 th – dimensional anchor, greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain, lesser globe of invulnerability, secure shelter; 5 th – mage’s faithful hound, mirage arcana, sending, transmute rock to mud; 6 th – greater dispel magic, legend lore, symbol of persuasion. The Desk: In the bottom drawer of the desk are five Witchcompasses, ready to be installed into new Sea Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

62<br />

stronghold of tunnels as if it were a smashed termite<br />

mound. <strong>The</strong> third, the Stone of Melvek, is now in our<br />

secure hold. How this has come about, I shall not say.<br />

Taking a small ship and crew with me (for it would not<br />

do to endanger the flagship), I have spoken to one of<br />

the former masters of Lost Athul. In future, let no man<br />

speak to me of ‘terror’ who has not gone out alone in a<br />

rowing boat and spoken with a creature whose eye was<br />

four times his own height. <strong>The</strong> beast has consented to<br />

my proposal. We shall use the Stone of Melvek to raise<br />

Lost Athul from the sea bed, so that the Harriers can<br />

retrieve what the kraken wants.<br />

Ever since it sank, Lost Athul has been guarded by<br />

weird sea-beasts, set there by the same archmagi that<br />

condemned the city to drown. Omorogg confirmed that<br />

no kraken has ever eluded these beasts, nor have the<br />

krakens’ lesser agents prevailed. But how shall the seabeasts<br />

stand in our way when the city itself is no longer<br />

submerged? It is a brilliant plan. My brain is the same<br />

rare crystal of intellect that it always was.<br />

So, three steps there are. <strong>The</strong> Harriers fetch the krakens’<br />

stone eggs from Lost Athul; my kinsmen reward the Sea<br />

Harriers with gems from the Sunless World; the kraken<br />

blockades Crom Calamar in exchange for its stone<br />

eggs.<br />

Entry Six<br />

Word has come from Rannirak. <strong>The</strong> Darkspear is in<br />

readiness and he is mad to begin the invasion. So, I<br />

am obliged to do my part before the eggs are secure.<br />

<strong>The</strong> kraken has reluctantly agreed to begin the blockade<br />

early, though it insisted on some guarantee of our good<br />

faith. With no other way to provide this, I have given it<br />

my crystal ball, so that it can monitor our progress. I<br />

can feel the thing scrying on us, almost every day. Its<br />

cold, clammy presence is unmistakable. I do not wish<br />

to write of the bitter fury I feel at having to give up an<br />

item on which I had become so dependent. It is not as<br />

if I can simply purchase another one out here in this<br />

miserable dereliction of waters.<br />

I believe the kraken will wait patiently for its property to<br />

be delivered. Nothing could disguise the greed in those<br />

vast eyes. It wants the eggs desperately, though for<br />

what, I cannot tell. Nor do I especially care to know.<br />

Greedy though the beast is, we cannot expect it to wait<br />

forever by the portal on a mere promise. As soon as<br />

this business of the elf spy is concluded, we will make<br />

for Lost Athul. <strong>The</strong> kraken will be able to watch as we<br />

raise the dead city, which should please it. Damn the<br />

elf grubbesh for delaying us. If I only knew the spell, I<br />

would sequester the wench.<br />

Tucked into the journal at the last page is a drawing of<br />

a stone egg, with curling script around the middle in no<br />

known language. This is one of the Myrrik soul-stones<br />

(see below), so that Sunspite can tell the Harriers what<br />

to fetch.<br />

<strong>The</strong> remains to which Sunspite refers are the bones<br />

of his victims, hidden away down in the bilges (see<br />

below).<br />

Sunspite’s Spellbook: This is hidden inside another,<br />

larger book on the bookshelf – a dull-looking volume<br />

on techniques to find one’s location without the aid of<br />

magic. It is locked shut and the lock has an envenomed<br />

needle in it for extra security:<br />

Poison Needle Trap: CR 11; mechanical; touch trigger;<br />

repair reset; lock bypass (Open Lock DC 40); Atk +20<br />

melee (1 plus poison, needle); poison (deathblade,<br />

Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) resists, 1d6 Con/2d6<br />

Con) Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30.<br />

It contains the following spells:<br />

0 th – all spells; 1 st – comprehend languages, disguise<br />

self, endure elements, mage armour, magic missile,<br />

shield; 2 nd – blur, detect thoughts, false life, locate<br />

object, scorching ray; 3 rd – clairvoyance, dispel magic,<br />

hold person, nondetection, slow; 4 th – black tentacles,<br />

dimension door, lesser globe of invulnerability, resilient<br />

sphere, scrying; 5 th – contact other plane, feeblemind,<br />

waves of fatigue; 6 th – invisibility (quickened), repulsion;<br />

7 th – forcecage.<br />

Azbeth’s Spellbook: This is the book lying open on the<br />

desk. It contains the following spells:<br />

0 th – all spells; 1 st – detect undead, endure elements,<br />

expeditious retreat, identify, jump, mage armour,<br />

mount, shield; 2 nd – fox’s cunning, locate object, see<br />

invisibility, spider climb, whispering wind; 3 rd – dispel<br />

magic, lightning bolt, phantom steed, protection from<br />

energy, ray of exhaustion, tiny hut; 4 th – dimensional<br />

anchor, greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain, lesser<br />

globe of invulnerability, secure shelter; 5 th – mage’s<br />

faithful hound, mirage arcana, sending, transmute rock<br />

to mud; 6 th – greater dispel magic, legend lore, symbol<br />

of persuasion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Desk: In the bottom drawer of the desk are five<br />

Witchcompasses, ready to be installed into new Sea<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

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