The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


Change Shape (Su): A saidakh can assume any humanoid form, or revert to her own form, as a standard action. Saidakhu often take the forms of people known to have drowned at sea, in order to intimidate their victims and put them in mind of their crimes. When she is not in her own form, a saidakh cannot use her chilling gaze attack. A saidakh remains in one form until she chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but the saidakh reverts to her natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals her natural form. Chilling Gaze (Su): The empty eyes of a saidakh turn her victims’ muscles to icy water, leaving them without the strength to resist her embrace. The saidakh’s gaze attack has a range of 30 feet and deals 1d4 Strength drain. This can be resisted with a Fortitude saving throw (DC 24). The save DC is Charisma-based. Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid female slain by a saidakh has a 20% chance to arise as a new saidakh 1d4 days after the event. Males never become saidakhu. Energy Drain (Su): The icy touch of a saidakh bestows two negative levels on the target. A negative level can be removed by a Fortitude saving throw (DC 24), which is Charisma-based. Each negative level bestowed grants the saidakh five temporary hit points. Energy Immunity: A saidakh is immune to all forms of energy damage, with the exception of cold damage, which slows her for one round per five points of damage dealt without harming her, and fire damage, which affects her normally. Find Victim (Sp): A saidakh single-mindedly pursues a creature or group of creatures who have disturbed a given corpse or location. She tracks them down unerringly, as though guided by discern location. Saidakhu prefer to dispose of their victims one at a time, rather than take them on in groups. Kiss of Drowning (Su): A saidakh who successfully pins an opponent of Large size or smaller can kiss him, which forces cold salt water into his lungs. This attack does not affect creatures who do not need to breathe or who have the ability to breathe water. A creature subjected to the saidakh’s kiss must make a Charismabased Fortitude saving throw (DC 23) or begin to drown. Immediately after the kiss, the creature falls unconscious. On the second round, if the pin has been maintained, the creature drops to –1 hit points and is dying. On the third round, the creature dies. A creature who holds its breath when the saidakh carries out this attack gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its saving throw. The save DC is Charisma-based. Mist Veil (Sp): At will, as a standard action, a saidakh can surround herself with a pall of sea mist. This functions identically to the obscuring mist spell, with the exception that the saidakh can see through her own mists without difficulty. Quench (Su): The saidakh’s touch extinguishes torches, campfires, exposed lanterns and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. She can dispel magical fire she touches as dispel magic (caster level 14 th ). In addition, she can attempt to counter any fire spell as it is cast by giving up one of her limited-use spell-like abilities. To counter, she must successfully identify the spell being cast with a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell’s level). The use of the spell-like ability is lost whether her check is successful or not. Spell-Like Abilities: At will, as 14 th level sorcerer – control water, curse water; 3/day – create undead, summon nature’s ally IV (water elemental only); 1/day – control weather. Skills: A saidakh has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. 2. Chamber of the Amma Hadrak The walls of this room are so crowded with objects that you can hardly see where they begin and end. They are hung with items from countless ships: nets, wheels, anchors large and small, boathooks, oars, hollow balls of green glass, rumpled and torn maps, coils of tarry rope, hanks of sailcloth, belaying pins in their hundreds and even black skillets and saucepans from the galleys. It is as if a fleet of ships had exploded in slow motion and plastered its fragments across the room’s walls and ceiling. In the midst of all this chaos is a low cradle of rope, like a hammock. A gimbal hangs beside it, containing something that fumes and smokes. The smell of it is acrid and sickly at the same time and makes you feel light-headed. The ship fragments are a second revered reliquary. Ships are treated like people in Sea Harrier culture and the walls of the amma hadrak’s chamber bear relics of beloved ships that have now been lost. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 57

58 Tizla Leaves These leaves are mildly narcotic and are used in many shamanic cultures. Kobold sorcerers and goblin adepts are known devotees of the herb. When burned and inhaled, tizla leaves enhance clairvoyant magic, though they make the user groggy at the same time. Any spell of the Divination school that has a duration of longer than one round, such as scrying, has its duration increased by 100% when cast by a caster under the influence of tizla. This effect stacks with other methods of increasing spell duration. However, the user is also slowed for as long as the influence lasts. A person inhaling tizla smoke partakes of the effects for as long as he continues to inhale it and for 1d6 rounds afterwards. In order to make sure that they continue to inhale the smoke for as long as possible, tizla users sit in lodges and burn fistfuls of it on coals, or do what the amma hadrak does and stack up an incense burner. The smoke is burning tizla leaves: a Craft (alchemy) or Knowledge (nature) check (DC 15) identifies it. See the sidebar for more information. Any Player Character approaching within five feet of the brazier who does not wish to inhale the smoke must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) to avoid doing so. If she has not been encountered already, the amma hadrak is sitting in her hammock, rocking back and forth and inhaling the smoke. She rarely leaves her chambers, preferring to remain here and send out her prying eyes to keep watch over her people. She intends to totter forth and visit the prisoner at some point today, to find out how much the interfering elf scum found out. If the Player Characters confront her in her lair, she opts for parley rather than combat. She does not even rise from her hammock. While she engages them in halting conversation, her prying eyes scoot to Revekhal Sunspite (or, if he is not to be found, to the nearest captain) and jiggle frantically, to signal that she is in danger. She tries to stall the Player Characters until help arrives. If they attack her directly, she attempts to escape with dimension door and fetch backup. The amma hadrak looks like a smelly hag but she is the toughest adversary on the whole ship. Like all Sea Harriers, she respects courage and humour. If the Player Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

Change Shape (Su): A saidakh can assume any<br />

humanoid form, or revert to her own form, as a standard<br />

action. Saidakhu often take the forms of people known<br />

to have drowned at sea, in order to intimidate their<br />

victims and put them in mind of their crimes. When<br />

she is not in her own form, a saidakh cannot use her<br />

chilling gaze attack. A saidakh remains in one form<br />

until she chooses to assume a new one. A change in<br />

form cannot be dispelled, but the saidakh reverts to her<br />

natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals<br />

her natural form.<br />

Chilling Gaze (Su): <strong>The</strong> empty eyes of a saidakh turn<br />

her victims’ muscles to icy water, leaving them without<br />

the strength to resist her embrace. <strong>The</strong> saidakh’s gaze<br />

attack has a range of 30 feet and deals 1d4 Strength<br />

drain. This can be resisted with a Fortitude saving<br />

throw (DC 24). <strong>The</strong> save DC is Charisma-based.<br />

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid female slain by a<br />

saidakh has a 20% chance to arise as a new saidakh 1d4<br />

days after the event. Males never become saidakhu.<br />

Energy Drain (Su): <strong>The</strong> icy touch of a saidakh bestows<br />

two negative levels on the target. A negative level can<br />

be removed by a Fortitude saving throw (DC 24), which<br />

is Charisma-based. Each negative level bestowed grants<br />

the saidakh five temporary hit points.<br />

Energy Immunity: A saidakh is immune to all forms<br />

of energy damage, with the exception of cold damage,<br />

which slows her for one round per five points of damage<br />

dealt without harming her, and fire damage, which<br />

affects her normally.<br />

Find Victim (Sp): A saidakh single-mindedly pursues a<br />

creature or group of creatures who have disturbed a given<br />

corpse or location. She tracks them down unerringly, as<br />

though guided by discern location. Saidakhu prefer to<br />

dispose of their victims one at a time, rather than take<br />

them on in groups.<br />

Kiss of <strong>Drow</strong>ning (Su): A saidakh who successfully<br />

pins an opponent of Large size or smaller can kiss him,<br />

which forces cold salt water into his lungs. This attack<br />

does not affect creatures who do not need to breathe<br />

or who have the ability to breathe water. A creature<br />

subjected to the saidakh’s kiss must make a Charismabased<br />

Fortitude saving throw (DC 23) or begin to<br />

drown. Immediately after the kiss, the creature falls<br />

unconscious. On the second round, if the pin has been<br />

maintained, the creature drops to –1 hit points and is<br />

dying. On the third round, the creature dies. A creature<br />

who holds its breath when the saidakh carries out this<br />

attack gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its saving<br />

throw. <strong>The</strong> save DC is Charisma-based.<br />

Mist Veil (Sp): At will, as a standard action, a saidakh<br />

can surround herself with a pall of sea mist. This<br />

functions identically to the obscuring mist spell, with<br />

the exception that the saidakh can see through her own<br />

mists without difficulty.<br />

Quench (Su): <strong>The</strong> saidakh’s touch extinguishes torches,<br />

campfires, exposed lanterns and other open flames of<br />

nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller.<br />

She can dispel magical fire she touches as dispel<br />

magic (caster level 14 th ). In addition, she can attempt<br />

to counter any fire spell as it is cast by giving up one<br />

of her limited-use spell-like abilities. To counter, she<br />

must successfully identify the spell being cast with a<br />

Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell’s level). <strong>The</strong> use of the<br />

spell-like ability is lost whether her check is successful<br />

or not.<br />

Spell-Like Abilities: At will, as 14 th level sorcerer<br />

– control water, curse water; 3/day – create undead,<br />

summon nature’s ally IV (water elemental only); 1/day<br />

– control weather.<br />

Skills: A saidakh has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim<br />

check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard.<br />

It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even<br />

if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action<br />

while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.<br />

2. Chamber of the Amma Hadrak<br />

<strong>The</strong> walls of this room are so crowded with objects that<br />

you can hardly see where they begin and end. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are hung with items from countless ships: nets, wheels,<br />

anchors large and small, boathooks, oars, hollow balls<br />

of green glass, rumpled and torn maps, coils of tarry<br />

rope, hanks of sailcloth, belaying pins in their hundreds<br />

and even black skillets and saucepans from the galleys.<br />

It is as if a fleet of ships had exploded in slow motion<br />

and plastered its fragments across the room’s walls and<br />

ceiling.<br />

In the midst of all this chaos is a low cradle of rope,<br />

like a hammock. A gimbal hangs beside it, containing<br />

something that fumes and smokes. <strong>The</strong> smell of it is<br />

acrid and sickly at the same time and makes you feel<br />

light-headed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ship fragments are a second revered reliquary.<br />

Ships are treated like people in Sea Harrier culture and<br />

the walls of the amma hadrak’s chamber bear relics of<br />

beloved ships that have now been lost.<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8<br />


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