The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


sea, so that they can remain close to their descendants. Each ancestor is still given a share of the treasure every year at a festival of remembrance. The Metal Plates: These bear the name of the ancestor behind the glass. Clockwise from the door, these are: Lady Raishel the First, Queen Bethecca the Wrack, Sagbelly Sal the Whale of Nine Oceans, Mistress Flick, Frederica the Romany, Queen Twilight and Rattling Janine Coalblister. The Scrolls: The scrolls are lists of requests made by Sea Harriers, in much the same way as saints are petitioned. They range from ‘good grandmother, cure my gout’ to ‘send us fair weather for the raid tomorrow’ to ‘make him fall in love with me and I will give you all the gold I take this hunting season’. The Compartments: If the Player Characters remove the glass (which can be done quietly with a Disable Device check (DC 25)) they can loot the bodies. The Player Characters probably expect the dry skeletons to lurch up and attack them, but nothing of the kind happens; the worst thing to happen is a skull toppling from bony shoulders and landing on the floor with a thump, still wearing its velvet hat. Each coffer contains exactly 3,141 gold pieces; each ancestor gets an equal share of the coin. The ancestors’ remains have been laid to rest with the following additional treasure: Lady Raishel the First: A golden anchor pendant on a gold chain (worth 900 gp), 18 assorted bangles in gold and silver (worth 75 gp each), a stylised silvergilt pectoral in the shape of a hawk and set with jasper (worth 450 gp) and a masterwork hand crossbow with silver fittings and scenes of ships engraved on the stock (worth 550 gp). Queen Bethecca the Wrack: A diamond-encrusted hat ornament in the shape of a crab (worth 2,100 gp), matched pearl earrings (fixed on with silver wire because the skull has no ears) (worth 700 gp each), three golden rings (worth 50 gp each) and a gold ankle chain with jewelled lucky charms hanging from it (worth 350 gp). Sagbelly Sal the Whale of Nine Oceans: A masterwork dagger with a claw at the pommel holding an emerald (worth 750 gp), a chunky silver necklace with a giant Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 55

56 shark’s tooth set in silver (worth 300 gp), fine leather boots with diamonds set into the heel in a skull-andcrossbones pattern (worth 1,400 gp) and a golden chain link belt long enough to wrap around an average person three times (worth 1,300 gp). Mistress Flick: A miniature ship in a bottle (worth 15 gp), a pocket compass in a golden case with mermaids embossed on the back hanging on a gold chain (worth 1,000 gp), 16 hair-beads made from carved semiprecious stones (worth 10 gp each), a platinum snuffbox with a mother-of-pearl inlay showing a ship in full sail being attacked by a kraken (worth 2,500 gp) and two ebony chopsticks with jade dragon fittings (worth 200 gp each). Frederica the Romany: A hip flask made from solid silver embossed with a dancing skeleton design with sapphire eyes (worth 1,200 gp), an armband made from white gold in the shape of an octopus with tentacles entwined (worth 2,000 gp), a masterwork violin made from exotic woods inlaid with pearl in an ebony case (worth 900 gp) and a headdress made from platinum coins on a wire (worth 600 gp). Queen Twilight: A silver inkwell filled with dried blood (worth 150 gp), a tangle of 20 delicate silver and gold chains (Dexterity check (DC 25) needed to disentangle, with failure halving its value) (worth 50 gp each), a silver ship’s bell with a pearl-inlaid hardwood handle (worth 500 gp), a large golden amulet in the shape of a ship’s wheel hung from a sharkskin thong (worth 1,400 gp) and a bulky, slightly dented golden belt buckle (worth 400 gp). Rattling Janine Coalblister: A monkey skull covered with a mosaic of ruby, sapphire and emerald pieces (worth 900 gp), a binder for a ship’s log in black leather with pearl ornamentation and gold studs (worth 250 gp), a swordstick made from ebony with a silver serpent twined along its length, the head forming the knob, the sword is a masterwork silvered rapier (worth 850 gp) and there is an artificial hand replacing the skeleton’s own left hand, made from silver and articulated with wires, with jewelled rings moulded into the fingers (worth 4,500 gp). If the Player Characters disturb the remains or steal any of the treasure, the spirits of the ancestors become angry. They send forth a saidakh, a female sea-horror, to take revenge and reclaim the treasure. The saidakh does not attack immediately. Instead, she pursues the Player Characters responsible and strikes when they are alone. Saidakh, Medium Undead (water): CR 11; Diminutive magical beast; HD 14d12; hp 91; Init +1; Spd 30 ft, fly 20 ft. (poor); AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +7/; Grp +15; Atk Slam +11 melee (1d4+4 plus energy drain); Full Atk 2 slams +11 melee (1d4+4 plus energy drain); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA Chilling gaze, create spawn, energy drain, kiss of drowning; SQ Aqueous form, change shape, damage reduction 15/good and magic, energy immunity, find victim, mist veil, quench, spell-like abilities; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +10; Str 18, Dex 13, Con —, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 20. Skills & Feats: Bluff +13, Disguise +14, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (nature) +8, Intimidate +22, Spellcraft +18, Swim +21; Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Attack (slam). The saidakhu are marine undead who watch over the bones of the dead who die at sea. They work by the principle that what the sea takes, it owns and what it owns, it shall keep. They have no ill will towards anyone save those who disturb the dead at sea. Those who plunder shipwrecks, disturb sunken remains or loot the bodies of the drowned are those most hated by the saidakhu. Though they are evil, the saidakhu are bound by a code. A saidakh will never attack a creature who has had no part in such crimes unless she is attacked first. A saidakh resembles the animated corpse of a drowned woman, with blank white eyes and a gaping mouth from which water continually trickles. In the lore of the sea, saidakhu are sometimes called whiteladies or weeping women. Saidakhu do not have treasure that belongs to them. They are sent forth when treasure that should remain under the sea or with the sea’s dead is stolen. In combat, the saidakh attempts to weaken her target with her chilling gaze, then goes in for the kill with a grapple, a pin and a kiss of drowning. Aqueous Form (Su): A saidakh can enter or leave aqueous form at will as a free action, collapsing suddenly into a spreading pool of water. While aqueous, she gains damage reduction 25/good and magic. An aqueous saidakh cannot attack, nor can she use spells or spell-like abilities. She cannot run, but can move over ground at a speed of 20 feet and swim at a speed of 30 feet. When immersed in water, she becomes invisible as per the spell and can use the water to hide. Saidakhu typically use this form to seep through keyholes and under doors to reach those who try to flee from them. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

56<br />

shark’s tooth set in silver (worth 300 gp), fine leather<br />

boots with diamonds set into the heel in a skull-andcrossbones<br />

pattern (worth 1,400 gp) and a golden chain<br />

link belt long enough to wrap around an average person<br />

three times (worth 1,300 gp).<br />

Mistress Flick: A miniature ship in a bottle (worth 15<br />

gp), a pocket compass in a golden case with mermaids<br />

embossed on the back hanging on a gold chain (worth<br />

1,000 gp), 16 hair-beads made from carved semiprecious<br />

stones (worth 10 gp each), a platinum snuffbox with a<br />

mother-of-pearl inlay showing a ship in full sail being<br />

attacked by a kraken (worth 2,500 gp) and two ebony<br />

chopsticks with jade dragon fittings (worth 200 gp<br />

each).<br />

Frederica the Romany: A hip flask made from solid<br />

silver embossed with a dancing skeleton design with<br />

sapphire eyes (worth 1,200 gp), an armband made from<br />

white gold in the shape of an octopus with tentacles<br />

entwined (worth 2,000 gp), a masterwork violin made<br />

from exotic woods inlaid with pearl in an ebony case<br />

(worth 900 gp) and a headdress made from platinum<br />

coins on a wire (worth 600 gp).<br />

Queen Twilight: A silver inkwell filled with dried<br />

blood (worth 150 gp), a tangle of 20 delicate silver<br />

and gold chains (Dexterity check (DC 25) needed to<br />

disentangle, with failure halving its value) (worth 50 gp<br />

each), a silver ship’s bell with a pearl-inlaid hardwood<br />

handle (worth 500 gp), a large golden amulet in the<br />

shape of a ship’s wheel hung from a sharkskin thong<br />

(worth 1,400 gp) and a bulky, slightly dented golden<br />

belt buckle (worth 400 gp).<br />

Rattling Janine Coalblister: A monkey skull covered<br />

with a mosaic of ruby, sapphire and emerald pieces<br />

(worth 900 gp), a binder for a ship’s log in black leather<br />

with pearl ornamentation and gold studs (worth 250<br />

gp), a swordstick made from ebony with a silver serpent<br />

twined along its length, the head forming the knob, the<br />

sword is a masterwork silvered rapier (worth 850 gp)<br />

and there is an artificial hand replacing the skeleton’s<br />

own left hand, made from silver and articulated with<br />

wires, with jewelled rings moulded into the fingers<br />

(worth 4,500 gp).<br />

If the Player Characters disturb the remains or steal<br />

any of the treasure, the spirits of the ancestors become<br />

angry. <strong>The</strong>y send forth a saidakh, a female sea-horror,<br />

to take revenge and reclaim the treasure. <strong>The</strong> saidakh<br />

does not attack immediately. Instead, she pursues the<br />

Player Characters responsible and strikes when they are<br />

alone.<br />

Saidakh, Medium Undead (water): CR 11; Diminutive<br />

magical beast; HD 14d12; hp 91; Init +1; Spd 30 ft, fly<br />

20 ft. (poor); AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20; Base Atk<br />

+7/; Grp +15; Atk Slam +11 melee (1d4+4 plus energy<br />

drain); Full Atk 2 slams +11 melee (1d4+4 plus energy<br />

drain); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA Chilling gaze, create<br />

spawn, energy drain, kiss of drowning; SQ Aqueous<br />

form, change shape, damage reduction 15/good and<br />

magic, energy immunity, find victim, mist veil, quench,<br />

spell-like abilities; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will<br />

+10; Str 18, Dex 13, Con —, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 20.<br />

Skills & Feats: Bluff +13, Disguise +14, Knowledge<br />

(arcana) +11, Knowledge (nature) +8, Intimidate +22,<br />

Spellcraft +18, Swim +21; Improved Grapple, Improved<br />

Natural Attack (slam).<br />

<strong>The</strong> saidakhu are marine undead who watch over the<br />

bones of the dead who die at sea. <strong>The</strong>y work by the<br />

principle that what the sea takes, it owns and what<br />

it owns, it shall keep. <strong>The</strong>y have no ill will towards<br />

anyone save those who disturb the dead at sea. Those<br />

who plunder shipwrecks, disturb sunken remains or loot<br />

the bodies of the drowned are those most hated by the<br />

saidakhu. Though they are evil, the saidakhu are bound<br />

by a code. A saidakh will never attack a creature who<br />

has had no part in such crimes unless she is attacked<br />

first.<br />

A saidakh resembles the animated corpse of a drowned<br />

woman, with blank white eyes and a gaping mouth from<br />

which water continually trickles. In the lore of the sea,<br />

saidakhu are sometimes called whiteladies or weeping<br />

women.<br />

Saidakhu do not have treasure that belongs to them.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are sent forth when treasure that should remain<br />

under the sea or with the sea’s dead is stolen.<br />

In combat, the saidakh attempts to weaken her target<br />

with her chilling gaze, then goes in for the kill with a<br />

grapple, a pin and a kiss of drowning.<br />

Aqueous Form (Su): A saidakh can enter or leave<br />

aqueous form at will as a free action, collapsing<br />

suddenly into a spreading pool of water. While aqueous,<br />

she gains damage reduction 25/good and magic. An<br />

aqueous saidakh cannot attack, nor can she use spells or<br />

spell-like abilities. She cannot run, but can move over<br />

ground at a speed of 20 feet and swim at a speed of 30<br />

feet. When immersed in water, she becomes invisible<br />

as per the spell and can use the water to hide. Saidakhu<br />

typically use this form to seep through keyholes and<br />

under doors to reach those who try to flee from them.<br />

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