The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


(1d8+8, 6 arms) and +39 melee (6d6+8, bite); Space/ Reach 30 ft./20 ft. (80 ft. with tentacle, 40 ft. with arm); SA constrict, improved grab; SQ darkvision 60 ft., ink cloud, jet, low-light vision, spell-like abilities; AL NE; SV Fort +29, Ref +18, Will +18; Str 42, Dex 10, Con 33, Int 21, Wis 20, Cha 23. Skills & Feats: Concentration +31, Diplomacy +26, Hide 4, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (geography) +25, Knowledge (nature) +18, Listen +37, Search +17, Sense Motive +25, Spot +37, Survival +17 (+19 following tracks), Swim +36, Use Magic Device +36; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armour, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack. Omorogg especially enjoys using the benefits of its Great Cleave feat to slay multiple citizens and flip their corpses into the sea. An opponent can make sunder attempts against Omorogg’s tentacles or arms as if they were weapons. Omorogg’s tentacles have 33 hit points and its arms have 16 hit points. If Omorogg is currently grappling a target with one tentacle or arm, it usually uses another limb to make its attack of opportunity against the sunder attempt. Severing Omorogg’s tentacle or arm deals damage to Omorogg equal to half the limb’s full normal hit points. Omorogg withdraws from combat if it loses both tentacles or three of its arms. Omorogg regrows severed limbs in 1d10+10 days. Omorogg has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Constrict (Ex): Omorogg deals automatic arm or tentacle damage with a successful grapple check. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Omorogg must hit with an arm or tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict. Sea Travel in Ashfar Given that most of Ashfar’s shipping rarely needs to make a voyage of more than 15 miles in actual distance (five out from the home harbour to the seaportal that leads to Xoth Sarandi, then five more to reach the sea-portal to the destination, then five more to the destination port), ships are built for short hops and heavy cargoes. Few vessels are built to survive the rigours of the open sea; only colony vessels, exploration ships and warships are built for such conditions. Ink Cloud (Ex): Omorogg can emit a cloud of jet-black ink in an 80-foot spread once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which Omorogg will use to escape a fight that is going badly. Creatures within the cloud are considered to be in darkness. Jet (Ex): Omorogg can jet backward once per round as a full-round action, at a speed of 280 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting. Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day – control weather, control winds, dominate animal (DC 19), resist energy. Caster level 9 th . The save DC is Charisma-based. Equipment & Treasure: Crystal ball. Aftermath Since the sea-portal is blocked, there is nothing for it but to head to Xoth Sarandi the long way, over the great Incarnadine Sea. The Player Characters can either sail there directly, risking assault from the sea creatures that dwell in the open oceans, or they can try to reach and use another sea-portal, such as the one by the harbour of Khummu in the Topaz Dominions. Either way, their voyage will be a perilous one. Escaping Crom Calamar is worth a story award equivalent to defeating a CR 10 challenge. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 31

32 Across Unkown Oceans This chapter covers the Player Characters’ sea voyage from Jehannum to Xoth Sarandi. The route they take is up to them and will affect the random encounters that happen en route, but the set plot events will happen no matter what route they take. If the pace of the campaign is such that too many sea adventures would become gruelling, then the Charybdis Device adventure can be omitted completely or saved for a later sea journey. The sahuagin encounters can easily be adjusted to increase the EL. Deciding on a Route: Nimian Archimandrus will recommend that they sail directly to Xoth Sarandi instead of trying to reach another sea-portal, although the Player Characters may have other ideas. His rationale is that the drow have arranged for one portal to be blockaded, so they may well have sabotaged others. The two sea-portals the Player Characters are most likely to try for, if they take that route, are the portal to the south of the Topaz Dominions or the abandoned portal by Lost Athul. Plot events will, in any case, draw them to the latter. Coastal Encounters The adventures and hooks below should allow the Games Master to give the players an entertaining time while still leaving them with freedom of choice as to where their characters go. Other Shipping: The kraken’s presence at the Crom Calamar portal and the invasion of the city has, of course, created panic among the traders at the docks. Everyone wants to get out at once. Scores of ships are sailing south along the coast, trying to reach the Topaz Dominions. These ships are staying within sight of one another, for greater safety against pirates. They are not equipped for long voyages or speed, so they are easy prey. If the Player Characters opt to travel with a convoy of ships, the Sea Harriers adventure below can have a different opening. The Sea Harriers mount a raid on the trader convoy, in which the Player Characters’ vessel is one of many attacked. See the section ‘Alarum and Plunder’ below. d% Encounter Purpose Average EL 01–03 Greater shadow (night only) A manifestation of the Dark, attracted to the Starborn 8 04–08 1d6+1 sea cats Hunting for food for their young 8 09–13 Juvenile bronze dragon Polymorphed into dolphin form, observing Player Characters, wondering what their business is in its hunting ground 9 14–19 1d6+1 harpies* Trying to captivate sailors on passing ships and lure them onto the rocks (or to jump overboard) 9 20–26 Locathah tribe Defending their territory and driving ships away; they want no part in the 9 upper world’s wars 27–35 5d4 merrow (aquatic ogres) Trying to smash in the hulls of ships with rocks from below, then raid the 10 wreck 36–44 Human trading vessel Separated from convoy, blown off course — 45–57 Human fi shermen Trying to bring home a catch and feed their village — 58–69 Sea Harrier raiding party Looking for easy pickings 10 70–78 1d4+2 giant sea snakes (false sea serpents) Following ships in search of food 10 79–86 Merfolk bard (9th level) Creating major image illusions of sea monsters to scare the sailors on passing ships 10 87–94 Harpy archer (7th level) Luring passing ships onto the rocks of her island home with her captivating song 11 95–100 Kraken Preying on fi shing smacks 12 * 50% chance of calenture patch (see below) Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

32<br />

Across Unkown Oceans<br />

This chapter covers the Player Characters’ sea<br />

voyage from Jehannum to Xoth Sarandi. <strong>The</strong><br />

route they take is up to them and will affect the<br />

random encounters that happen en route, but the set plot<br />

events will happen no matter what route they take.<br />

If the pace of the campaign is such that too many sea<br />

adventures would become gruelling, then the Charybdis<br />

Device adventure can be omitted completely or saved<br />

for a later sea journey. <strong>The</strong> sahuagin encounters can<br />

easily be adjusted to increase the EL.<br />

Deciding on a Route: Nimian Archimandrus will<br />

recommend that they sail directly to Xoth Sarandi<br />

instead of trying to reach another sea-portal, although<br />

the Player Characters may have other ideas. His<br />

rationale is that the drow have arranged for one portal to<br />

be blockaded, so they may well have sabotaged others.<br />

<strong>The</strong> two sea-portals the Player Characters are most<br />

likely to try for, if they take that route, are the portal<br />

to the south of the Topaz Dominions or the abandoned<br />

portal by Lost Athul. Plot events will, in any case, draw<br />

them to the latter.<br />

Coastal Encounters<br />

<strong>The</strong> adventures and hooks below should allow the<br />

Games Master to give the players an entertaining time<br />

while still leaving them with freedom of choice as to<br />

where their characters go.<br />

Other Shipping: <strong>The</strong> kraken’s presence at the Crom<br />

Calamar portal and the invasion of the city has, of<br />

course, created panic among the traders at the docks.<br />

Everyone wants to get out at once. Scores of ships are<br />

sailing south along the coast, trying to reach the Topaz<br />

Dominions. <strong>The</strong>se ships are staying within sight of one<br />

another, for greater safety against pirates. <strong>The</strong>y are not<br />

equipped for long voyages or speed, so they are easy<br />

prey.<br />

If the Player Characters opt to travel with a convoy<br />

of ships, the Sea Harriers adventure below can have a<br />

different opening. <strong>The</strong> Sea Harriers mount a raid on the<br />

trader convoy, in which the Player Characters’ vessel<br />

is one of many attacked. See the section ‘Alarum and<br />

Plunder’ below.<br />

d% Encounter Purpose Average EL<br />

01–03 Greater shadow (night only) A manifestation of the Dark, attracted to the Starborn 8<br />

04–08 1d6+1 sea cats Hunting for food for their young 8<br />

09–13 Juvenile bronze dragon Polymorphed into dolphin form, observing Player Characters, wondering<br />

what their business is in its hunting ground<br />

9<br />

14–19 1d6+1 harpies* Trying to captivate sailors on passing ships and lure them onto the rocks<br />

(or to jump overboard)<br />

9<br />

20–26 Locathah tribe Defending their territory and driving ships away; they want no part in the 9<br />

upper world’s wars<br />

27–35 5d4 merrow (aquatic ogres) Trying to smash in the hulls of ships with rocks from below, then raid the 10<br />

wreck<br />

36–44 Human trading vessel Separated from convoy, blown off course —<br />

45–57 Human fi shermen Trying to bring home a catch and feed their village —<br />

58–69 Sea Harrier raiding party Looking for easy pickings 10<br />

70–78 1d4+2 giant sea snakes<br />

(false sea serpents)<br />

Following ships in search of food 10<br />

79–86 Merfolk bard (9th level) Creating major image illusions of sea monsters to scare the sailors on<br />

passing ships<br />

10<br />

87–94 Harpy archer (7th level) Luring passing ships onto the rocks of her island home with her<br />

captivating song<br />

11<br />

95–100 Kraken Preying on fi shing smacks 12<br />

* 50% chance of calenture patch (see below)<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

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