The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


An observation platform, currently empty, overlooks the area. The crew here consists of 20 duergar craftsmen-at-arms, two elite drow guards, a drow war-mage and a drow master craftsman. The last is here to fix any pieces that are damaged in the production process. Every half hour a duergar heavy lifter comes to collect the baskets of components and take them to Factory Floor D. Machinery Hazards: The machinery here is far less dangerous than on the other factory floors, as it consists of a conveyor belt. Any creature standing on the moving belt is automatically moved five feet towards the belt’s end at the end of each round, on an initiative count of 1. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity. Tinkering with the machinery using a Disable Device check (DC 20) can either stop the belt dead or increase its speed to 10 or 15 feet per round, as the meddler prefers. Factory Floor D: Final Construction In this chamber, duergar workers are assembling finished pieces into a complete Ironclad. The components have been laid out in regimental order on the floor. A supervisor barks out orders – ‘Caliper brace! Main trans-axle!’ – and the workers hurry to bring him what he demands. The half-finished spidercraft looks completely lifeless, as if something more than mere components is missing. An observation platform offers a view of the area from above. Ten craftsmen-at-arms and a heavy lifter are conducting the assembly, watched over by a senior priestess and a war-mage. If the Player Characters do not interfere, the Ironclad is finished in one hour and taken to the consecration temple. Hangar This cavern is the largest you have seen so far. For the first time, you see how far the Ironclad project has already progressed. Drozen Vellish was badly wrong Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 233

234 or lying when he said that only prototypes had been produced. 20 completed Ironclads stand immobile in the darkness. Four elite guardsmen stand watch over this area. These Ironclads have been consecrated and animated but do not have pilots. Power Source: The Storm Spirit This cylindrical room is lit by a strobing, pale blue light and filled with a low thunderous rumble. Girders thick as tree trunks support a cage made from silvery metal, large enough to hold a titan captive. Within is a thick, swirling cloud of dark gases giving off shuddering arcs of electricity that light up the cage’s bars like white-hot wires. The cloud has a very vague humanoid form. Wooden mounts around the cage’s perimeter hold glass bell jars. Their contents flicker and swirl like miniature versions of the thing in the cage. To the north a metal tube has been bolted to the cage, with the bottom end immersed in the clouds and the top end open. A staircase leads up the wall to a level above, where there is an observation platform opening onto this level. From the platform, a long-haired male drow looks down, his face lit from below by the glare. He has a satisfied expression. A raven perches on his shoulder. This is Archmage Bezenkai, the supervisor of the factory and the most powerful villain present here (see below). He remains on the observation deck most of the time, moving from room to room and keeping a close watch as the Ironclads come into being. If the Player Characters are able to observe for a while, the Games Master should read the following: A duergar worker comes into the room from the east, carrying a bell jar like those around the cage, though empty and lifeless. He exchanges it for a glimmering one and leaves the room. As soon as it is set into its socket by the cage, the lifeless bell jar begins to flare with electric sparks. Non-Player Character: Archmage Bezenkai Bezenkai reports directly to Rannirak. He has been given the duty of making sure that the Ironclads are produced on schedule. So far, all is going according to plan. Bezenkai has hair down to his waist and large, staring eyes. He believes that he is not only the most intelligent and gifted of drow, but also the handsomest. He loves to be flattered and is reluctant to destroy an opponent who pays him compliments, even when he knows he should. Rannirak plays on Bezenkai’s monstrous ego to manipulate him into serving his own purposes. Archmage Bezenkai, Male Drow Wiz17/Acm1: CR 19; Medium humanoid (elf); HD 17d4 plus 1d4; hp 45; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +8; Grp +7; Atk +14 melee (1d6+2/19–20 plus poison, +3 rapier of speed) or +7 melee (1d6-1, staff of transmutation) or +14 ranged (1d4+3/19–20 plus poison, +3 hand crossbow); Full Atk +14/+14/+9 melee (1d6+2/19–20 plus poison, +3 rapier of speed) or +7/+2 melee (1d6-1, staff of transmutation) or +14 ranged (1d4+3/19–20 plus poison, +3 hand crossbow); SA arcane fire, poison, spell-like abilities, spells; SQ drow traits, scry on familiar, spell resistance 29; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +17; Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 16. Skills & Feats: Appraise +7, Concentration +18, Craft (armouring) +22, Decipher Script +13, Knowledge (arcana) +22, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +13, Knowledge (history) +13, Knowledge (the planes) +13, Listen +10, Search +6, Spellcraft +22, Spot +5; Alertness B , Augmented Summoning, Combat Casting, Craft Magical Arms and Armour, Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Spell Penetration, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

An observation platform, currently empty, overlooks the<br />

area.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crew here consists of 20 duergar craftsmen-at-arms,<br />

two elite drow guards, a drow war-mage and a drow<br />

master craftsman. <strong>The</strong> last is here to fix any pieces that<br />

are damaged in the production process. Every half hour<br />

a duergar heavy lifter comes to collect the baskets of<br />

components and take them to Factory Floor D.<br />

Machinery Hazards: <strong>The</strong> machinery here is far less<br />

dangerous than on the other factory floors, as it consists<br />

of a conveyor belt. Any creature standing on the moving<br />

belt is automatically moved five feet towards the belt’s<br />

end at the end of each round, on an initiative count of<br />

1. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity.<br />

Tinkering with the machinery using a Disable Device<br />

check (DC 20) can either stop the belt dead or increase<br />

its speed to 10 or 15 feet per round, as the meddler<br />

prefers.<br />

Factory Floor D: Final Construction<br />

In this chamber, duergar workers are assembling<br />

finished pieces into a complete Ironclad. <strong>The</strong><br />

components have been laid out in regimental order<br />

on the floor. A supervisor barks out orders – ‘Caliper<br />

brace! Main trans-axle!’ – and the workers hurry to<br />

bring him what he demands. <strong>The</strong> half-finished spidercraft<br />

looks completely lifeless, as if something more<br />

than mere components is missing.<br />

An observation platform offers a view of the area from<br />

above.<br />

Ten craftsmen-at-arms and a heavy lifter are conducting<br />

the assembly, watched over by a senior priestess and<br />

a war-mage. If the Player Characters do not interfere,<br />

the Ironclad is finished in one hour and taken to the<br />

consecration temple.<br />

Hangar<br />

This cavern is the largest you have seen so far. For<br />

the first time, you see how far the Ironclad project has<br />

already progressed. Drozen Vellish was badly wrong<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8<br />


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