The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


Random Encounters Inside the Complex d% Encounter Purpose Average EL 01–10 A single elite guardsman On his way to relieve another from duty 17 11–24 A war-mage and a master craftsman Discussing a point of arcane mechanics 17 25–34 Four duergar heavy lifters and a single Taking a pair of fi nished Ironclads to the 17 elite guardsman hangar 35–45 Two elite guardsmen, or one guardsman at On their way to or from the consecration 18 half hit points and one senior priestess temple 46–55 Four duergar craftsmen-at-arms and a war- Going to inspect the latest delivery from 18 mage the crystal mines 56–78 Three elite guardsmen, or two elite Patrolling the base, discussing Vellish’s 19 guardsmen and a war-mage defection 79–96 Four elite guardsmen Running to deal with a crisis (a fi re in the factory, an industrial accident, a dropped lighting jar) 20 97–100 Three senior priestesses Preparing to sacrifi ce a drow master craftsman who blundered and ruined his work 20 It is easy to find this cave mouth. A cursory search of the mountainside turns it up. A more careful Search check (DC 15) reveals the signs of wheeled vehicles, which have clearly been arriving here for several weeks. A Survival check (DC 15) made with the Tracking feat estimates that a heavily laden cart has come here six times a day for the last week. If the Player Characters wait around to see if a delivery comes, they soon notice a horse-drawn wagon approaching from the south. The drivers are two figures wrapped up in heavy clothing against the sun. These are elite drow guardsmen (see above). The wagon is loaded with iron and the horses are clearly struggling to pull it. If the Player Characters do not stop it, the wagon heads into the cave, where one of the drivers finds and pulls a bell cord and the elevator descends, wagon and all. Delivery Point What seemed like a natural cavern from outside is revealed to be – a natural cavern. It extends for 30 or so feet and ends in a rough rock wall. A careful search of the floor using a Search check (DC 25) reveals a ten-foot-square section that seems smoother than the rest, with a seam at its edges. A similar search of the walls (DC 25) finds a nodule of rock that can be removed, revealing a pull cord in a hollow cavity within. When this is pulled, it sounds a bell below to alert the duergar to activate the elevator. Elevator The stone platform descends with a sequence of juddering bumps that jar your bones. It sinks down and down until you are, at a rough guess, 200 feet below the surface. The room into which you emerge has been hollowed out from the grey rock, an echoing, drab, cubical chamber. Three squat figures stand beside the descending platform, sweating as they haul on a capstan. Two dark elves, one in a black breastplate and one wearing a velvet gown, stand on an observation platform halfway up the eastern wall. Hung above the archway to the north is the now-familiar flag of the Drow Empire, with the spider logo radiating like a dark sun. The three figures are duergar craftsmen-at-arms, charged with the dull duty of operating the lift. The drow are an elite guardsman and a war-mage. If they find something amiss, they investigate thoroughly before sounding the alarm. Materials Store This chilly cavern smells of iron, steel and oil, the smell of a blacksmith’s shop magnified a hundredfold. It is crammed with ingots of metal in neat stacks, barrels packed into tight squares, heaps of rope and crates. Everything is laid out in tedious, plodding order. Four duergar heavy lifters (see above) work here, storing away the latest delivery from the mines and fetching the required materials to the factory floors. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 231

232 Factory Floor A: Sheet Rolling and Panel Beating This enormous chamber is filled with the din of metal pounding on metal. Immense machines are laid end to end in two rows, with stunted grey figures working on them. The figures feed hot metal into hoppers, which send it to be rolled into sheets between gargantuan rollers and hammered into shape by devices like constructs gone mad, with mallet-like limbs rising and falling incessantly. The products that come clanging off the production belt are like pieces of metal shell, ready to be assembled into a hull. The fragments are all too familiar to you. Standing behind the duergar, keeping careful watch, are several drow guards. Everyone here seems highlystrung, as if they are nervous about something important that is about to happen. There is an observation platform above one end of the room. There are 20 duergar craftsmen-at-arms and four elite drow guards here. The duergar wear metal helmets stuffed with cloth to protect their ears. This gives them a –4 penalty on all Listen checks and a –2 penalty on all Spot checks. In addition, all Listen checks made here are at a –4 circumstance penalty because of the background noise. The Machinery: The first time any of the Player Characters examines one of the machines, the Games Master should read them the following: You notice that there is a strange object mounted on the machine, like a glass bell jar filled with mist and tiny electrical bolts. It looks as if someone has bottled a thundercloud. Whether this is a power source, some kind of magical brain, a defence mechanism or something even more sinister, you cannot tell. Lightning Jars: Smashing a lightning jar causes a detonation of electrical energy in a 30-foot-radius spread. This deals 25d6 electrical damage to all creatures in the area of effect, with a Reflex saving throw (DC 23) allowed for half damage. The safe removal of a lightning jar requires a Disable Device check (DC 15). Machinery Hazards: The machines are extremely dangerous and can cause severe damage to characters caught in them. Treat regions of machinery as if they are trapped, with no Search check necessary to find the trap. A Disable Device check can be made to shut the machinery down. Creatures entering the machinery squares, voluntarily or not, suffer the effects of the trap each round: • Rolling Machine: The rollers trap creatures and crush them for 16d6 points of damage. A successful Reflex saving throw (DC 20) avoids this. • Hammering Machine: Each creature suffers 2d4 mallet attacks per round. Each attack is +18 melee and deals 1d6+10 points of bludgeoning damage. • Shearing Machine: A huge blade descends to slice off segments of sprue. Single melee attack, +20 melee, damage 4d6+14 slashing. Factory Floor B: Component Casting This chamber is awash with heat, and the ceiling ripples with grisly light from many furnaces. At the eastern end of the room, cucurbits are brimming with molten iron. These are periodically tilted, allowing white-hot metal to flow hissing into moulds. The duergar working here are hard at work casting flywheels, joint sections, cogs and small odd components that you cannot identify. At the western end of the room, duergar sit at benches filing away at the fresh-cast pieces. Drow guards stand watching with fearful expressions, as if they expect something to explode at any moment. There is an observation platform above one end of the room. There are 24 duergar craftsmen-at-arms here, along with three elite drow guards and one war-mage. Machinery Hazards: The cucurbits of molten iron are only dangerous if a creature should happen to fall in them, or if the iron is spilled out. Treat the iron as lava (see the DMG). A creature adjacent to a cucurbit can tip the iron out (as a full-round action) by pulling a lever. This sends a wave of molten iron spilling out in a 30-foot spread. Creatures in the path of the iron must make Reflex saving throws (DC 15) or be washed over by the molten iron and be considered totally immersed for one round. Factory Floor C: Riveting and Assembly A low rattling sound fills this room as a conveyor belt, apparently made from worn leather, moves halfassembled Ironclad components from one duergar craftsman to the next. The grey dwarves grab the pieces off the belt, hammer rivets into place, tighten bolts and join seams with molten solder. The pieces that roll off the end of the production line into huge woven baskets are clearly recognisable as Ironclad legs, pincers and hull segments. This is not wholesome craftsmanship – this is some mechanised nightmare. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

Random Encounters Inside the Complex<br />

d% Encounter Purpose<br />

Average<br />

EL<br />

01–10 A single elite guardsman On his way to relieve another from duty 17<br />

11–24 A war-mage and a master craftsman Discussing a point of arcane mechanics 17<br />

25–34 Four duergar heavy lifters and a single Taking a pair of fi nished Ironclads to the 17<br />

elite guardsman<br />

hangar<br />

35–45 <strong>Two</strong> elite guardsmen, or one guardsman at On their way to or from the consecration 18<br />

half hit points and one senior priestess temple<br />

46–55 Four duergar craftsmen-at-arms and a war- Going to inspect the latest delivery from 18<br />

mage<br />

the crystal mines<br />

56–78 Three elite guardsmen, or two elite Patrolling the base, discussing Vellish’s 19<br />

guardsmen and a war-mage<br />

defection<br />

79–96 Four elite guardsmen Running to deal with a crisis (a fi re in the<br />

factory, an industrial accident, a dropped<br />

lighting jar)<br />

20<br />

97–100 Three senior priestesses Preparing to sacrifi ce a drow master<br />

craftsman who blundered and ruined his<br />

work<br />

20<br />

It is easy to find this cave mouth. A cursory search of<br />

the mountainside turns it up. A more careful Search<br />

check (DC 15) reveals the signs of wheeled vehicles,<br />

which have clearly been arriving here for several weeks.<br />

A Survival check (DC 15) made with the Tracking feat<br />

estimates that a heavily laden cart has come here six<br />

times a day for the last week.<br />

If the Player Characters wait around to see if a<br />

delivery comes, they soon notice a horse-drawn wagon<br />

approaching from the south. <strong>The</strong> drivers are two figures<br />

wrapped up in heavy clothing against the sun. <strong>The</strong>se are<br />

elite drow guardsmen (see above). <strong>The</strong> wagon is loaded<br />

with iron and the horses are clearly struggling to pull it.<br />

If the Player Characters do not stop it, the wagon heads<br />

into the cave, where one of the drivers finds and pulls a<br />

bell cord and the elevator descends, wagon and all.<br />

Delivery Point<br />

What seemed like a natural cavern from outside is<br />

revealed to be – a natural cavern. It extends for 30 or<br />

so feet and ends in a rough rock wall.<br />

A careful search of the floor using a Search check<br />

(DC 25) reveals a ten-foot-square section that seems<br />

smoother than the rest, with a seam at its edges. A<br />

similar search of the walls (DC 25) finds a nodule of<br />

rock that can be removed, revealing a pull cord in a<br />

hollow cavity within. When this is pulled, it sounds a<br />

bell below to alert the duergar to activate the elevator.<br />

Elevator<br />

<strong>The</strong> stone platform descends with a sequence of<br />

juddering bumps that jar your bones. It sinks down and<br />

down until you are, at a rough guess, 200 feet below<br />

the surface. <strong>The</strong> room into which you emerge has been<br />

hollowed out from the grey rock, an echoing, drab,<br />

cubical chamber. Three squat figures stand beside<br />

the descending platform, sweating as they haul on a<br />

capstan. <strong>Two</strong> dark elves, one in a black breastplate and<br />

one wearing a velvet gown, stand on an observation<br />

platform halfway up the eastern wall.<br />

Hung above the archway to the north is the now-familiar<br />

flag of the <strong>Drow</strong> Empire, with the spider logo radiating<br />

like a dark sun.<br />

<strong>The</strong> three figures are duergar craftsmen-at-arms,<br />

charged with the dull duty of operating the lift. <strong>The</strong><br />

drow are an elite guardsman and a war-mage. If they<br />

find something amiss, they investigate thoroughly<br />

before sounding the alarm.<br />

Materials Store<br />

This chilly cavern smells of iron, steel and oil, the smell<br />

of a blacksmith’s shop magnified a hundredfold. It is<br />

crammed with ingots of metal in neat stacks, barrels<br />

packed into tight squares, heaps of rope and crates.<br />

Everything is laid out in tedious, plodding order.<br />

Four duergar heavy lifters (see above) work here, storing<br />

away the latest delivery from the mines and fetching the<br />

required materials to the factory floors.<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8<br />


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