The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


lack as sump oil. Everything here has a bluish-black colour. The rocks look like obsidian or jet, the sand like ground onyx, and even the dead trees look like moonlit ebony. The only illumination comes from clots of luminescent fungi on the ground, which light up the areas around them in sickly green and red. If it were not for the turbulent sky overhead, you could almost think you were in a subterranean cavern somewhere. Noctulos has the following planar traits: Strongly Evil-Aligned: A –2 circumstance penalty applies to all Charisma-based, Intelligence-based and Wisdom-based checks made by characters not of evil alignment. Divination Impeded: The shadow and gloom of the plane is metaphysical as well as physical, interfering with attempts to gain new knowledge. All spells from the Divination school of magic are impeded on Noctulos. Characters attempting to cast them must make Spellcraft checks (DC 20 + spell level). Failure means that the spell does not function but is still lost as a prepared spell or spell slot. The following spells from other schools are also impeded: continual flame, dancing lights, daylight, flare, light, searing light, sunbeam and sunburst. Necromantic Spells Enhanced: All spells from the Necromancy school are maximised and enhanced on this plane. The following spells from other schools are also maximised and enhanced: darkness, deeper darkness, greater shadow conjuration, greater shadow evocation, shades, shadow conjuration, shadow evocation and shadow walk. Unique Effect: In Noctulos, the memories of dead people are able to speak. They cannot learn anything new, nor are they the actual souls of the dead. Those who die in Noctulos have continual speak with dead effects upon their corpses. Those dead people who are merely mirrored here appear as shadowy versions of their original selves, going through ritualistic reenactments of the lives they led. Plot Event: Entering Noctulos You have emerged on top of a rocky ledge overlooking a plain. Despite the lack of illumination, you can still make out details of your surroundings. To the south, the hill slopes downwards until it reaches a forest of diseased-looking trees. From the heart of this forest, you can see a faint green glimmer, as if strange fires were burning. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 209

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Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

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