The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


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194<br />

If the soldiers here have not run to assist those at<br />

the guard point, the Games Master should add the<br />

following:<br />

A group of four more drow are playing a dice game<br />

around a table, drinking black wine from carved onyx<br />

beakers. One of them snaps his fingers and the elderly<br />

dwarf immediately shuffles across to bring more wine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Games Master should use the statistics given in<br />

Room 6 for the drow fighters. <strong>The</strong>y do not have weapons<br />

ready. If the party is over 17 th level on average, the<br />

Games Master should include two more drow soldiers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dwarf Slave: <strong>The</strong> dwarf is Corbin Eosker,<br />

formerly Forge-father Corbin. He was previously a<br />

cleric of a dwarven deity, Thunor, but lost his clerical<br />

abilities when he betrayed his people to save his own<br />

life. A group of dwarves took sanctuary in the temple<br />

of Thunor in Crom Calamar. Instead of fighting to the<br />

end to defend them, Corbin allowed the drow to capture<br />

the temple and those who were sheltering there, so<br />

long as the drow promised not to harm them. Thunor<br />

immediately abandoned his spineless priest, who now<br />

enjoys the ‘privilege’ of waiting on the drow soldiers<br />

instead of working himself to death in the choking<br />

mines below.<br />

Corbin is bitterly ashamed of what he has done, though<br />

he will not admit it to the Player Characters. He has<br />

frequently made plans to kill himself but does not have<br />

access to anything sharp, and the drow are always<br />

watching.<br />

If rescued, he claims that he was made to serve in the<br />

barracks because he is old and would not last a minute<br />

in the mines. He insists that the drow took him and his<br />

congregation by force, overwhelming the dwarves by<br />

weight of numbers and capturing them all. He can tell<br />

the Player Characters that there are hundreds of dwarf<br />

slaves in the mines.<br />

Any dwarf slave that sees him wants to kill him on<br />

sight. Corbin would give anything to redeem himself<br />

and undo the wrong his fear has wrought. If a suitable<br />

moment arises, the Games Master can have Corbin<br />

sacrifice himself to help the slaves or the party escape.<br />

Corbin Eosker, Male Dwarf Clr10: CR 10; HD 10d8;<br />

hp 45; Init 2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 8, touch 8, flat-footed 8;<br />

Base Atk +7; Grp +7; Atk +7 melee (1d3 nonlethal,<br />

unarmed strike); Full Atk +7/+2 melee (1d3 nonlethal,<br />

unarmed strike); SA none; SQ dwarf traits; AL N; SV<br />

Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +11; Str 11, Dex 7, Con 11, Int<br />

14, Wis 18, Cha 7.<br />

Skills & Feats: Concentration +8, Craft (alchemy)<br />

+8, Diplomacy +8, Heal +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10,<br />

Knowledge (religion) +10, Spellcraft +10; Brew Potion,<br />

Combat Casting, Extend Spell, Improved Initiative.<br />

Domains: None. Corbin is currently an apostate. He<br />

cannot cast spells or channel divine energy.<br />

7a. Training Room<br />

This long hall has been set up as a practice area. Straw<br />

targets hang from the walls and fencing dummies stand<br />

waiting for use. A group of six drow are honing their<br />

skills with rapier and hand crossbow. As you watch,<br />

there is a zing and a thud as a crossbow bolt strikes<br />

home. One of the observing drow begins a slow, ironic<br />

clap.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are five drow warriors (see above) and one<br />

warlock here (see page 198 for warlock statistics). Any<br />

noisy disturbance in the barracks has a chance of being<br />

overheard via a Listen check (DC 20), though the thick<br />

intervening walls give some insulation.<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

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