The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


Traitor’s Gambit The drow commander Drozen Vellish is currently stationed in one of the outer cysts of the underground cavern network, on the northeastern fringes of Jehannum. This proves to be a dwarven iron mine that the drow are running with few personnel, in order to keep it secret. The mine is of course being worked with slave labour – imprisoned dwarves captured when Jehannum was taken, who are treated abominably. The drow are working them like dogs in order to extract enough ore to make the Ironclads, which are mighty war machines designed by Rannirak. The Player Characters’ mission is to bring Drozen out alive, so that he can betray his masters and tell the enclave of Xoth Sarandi what he knows. They will have to use stealth and subterfuge, as a frontal assault will just lead to the mine being sealed off, with reinforcements being called in from deeper in the caverns. Making their way through to Drozen will be a harrowing experience for the Player Characters. They will have to watch captive dwarves die under the lash without lifting a finger in their defence, since they cannot blow their cover without bringing the whole installation down upon them. Of course, they can always attempt to lead the exhausted dwarves in a revolt, but if they do so they risk losing Drozen or their own lives. Drozen Vellish has no noble motives. He is simply selling out and expects to be rewarded for it. He will refuse to tell the Player Characters anything at all until he is safe at Xoth Sarandi. Once there, his reward collected, he will tell them about the drow’s new project, the Ironclads. This story thread continues in Chapter 9, Genesis of the Ironclads. Event: The Briefi ng The adventure begins with a briefing from Nimian Archimandrus: ‘We may have our most important lead yet, my friends. One of the drow officers wants to turn traitor and tell us all he knows. Naturally he wants political asylum and the best protection we can give in return, along with a sizable sum of money, but that’s for us to worry about. I’ve pulled what remaining strings I still have to make this happen. The response was that the High Council are willing for us to go ahead with this, just so long as they never find out about it, if you see what I mean. ‘The officer’s name is Drozen Vellish. His rank is Toz’capfa, or Fourth Claw, which means he would have been trusted with leadership of multiple divisions on the battlefield. For some reason that we don’t yet know, he’s been serving in a mine facility since the fall of Crom Calamar, acting as supervisor. Not the most complimentary posting you can give an officer, really, which is possibly why he wants to leave... you know what the drow are like, haughty blighters to a man… ahem. Excuse me. ‘It’s not common for a Toz’capfa to be privy to important discussions at a strategic level, nor to be cleared for information that the rank and file don’t also know, unless he’s been given a special assignment. So, given Vellish’s unusual posting, we’re guessing that the drow command have given him some job that relates to a top secret project, and he’s guessing that we’d be interested in knowing more about it. ‘So far as we can tell from divinations, he is sincere in his wish to defect. We’ve considered using scrying on him and trying to pull the thoughts out of his head, but if he detected us he’d pull back like a scalded cat and the deal would be dead in the water. ‘He won’t talk until he’s safely out of there, so we have to extract him and bring him back here to Xoth Sarandi before we can make any use of him. We have the location of the mine where he’s being kept, so it should be simple enough to teleport you in behind enemy lines. If we’re lucky, we should be able to send you straight to Vellish’s chambers, so you could be in and out again in moments. We’ll prepare a scroll of ‘word of recall’ that you can use to bring yourselves back here instantly, with or without Vellish. Any questions?’ Some likely questions are listed below: How did Vellish make contact?: ‘He sent his familiar, a raven, with a message tied around his foot. The raven must have taken a ride on a ship – it could never have flown that distance alone. When it reached here it made straight for the Council chambers, where the Council caught it and passed it on to me. The message Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 189

190 simply gave a name, a location, a portrait and a dab of blood. Clearly, it was an invitation to scry the sender. Cadrivaine was able to establish a scrying link and send him a message to let him know when we’d be watching next, following which he’s been writing down what he wants to say at a prearranged time, so he wouldn’t have to speak out loud and risk being overheard. It’s all very convoluted.’ Doesn’t this whole set-up look like a trap?: ‘Yes, it does. It stinks of treachery. Unfortunately, that’s a risk you are going to have to take and I only hope what Vellish can tell us is worth the risk. I’m sure you can handle it if the mission doesn’t go entirely according to plan, but if the situation becomes desperate, then get out of there. Vellish’s information isn’t worth the loss of your lives. As I said, we will give you the means to travel back here instantaneously. Just make sure you stay away from any magic that can lock down planar travel; dimensional anchors, dimensional locks, that kind of thing.’ Tying Into Former Discoveries: If the Player Characters visited the Council of Trees in the Warriors of Winter chapter, they may already know something about the Ironclad Project. If they shared this information with the Conclave, then Nimian Archimandrus theorises that Drozen Vellish is highly likely to be involved in this mysterious ‘machine’ project, and that this is what he wants to talk about. Machines need metal and metal comes from mines, so it makes sense for the drow to be mining right now. Event: Eddies in the Ether Obviously, the adventure is not going to be as easy as ‘teleport in, teleport out’. When the Player Characters are ready to teleport across, with Cadrivaine taking the role of spellcaster as before (unless one of the Player Characters wants to do this, in which case they need greater teleport because of the range), the spell begins: The Conclave have cast their scrying spells and confirmed that Drozen Vellish is in his chambers, waiting for you to come and collect him. The spell takes hold and you feel the familiar sensation of the world falling away from under you. The cosy surroundings of the tavern room blur and fade. The next moment you are somewhere else – but not the dark cell you expected. You are falling through an endless vortex, with amber and pearl colours racing past and a roar like the sea in a hollow cave. The speed at which you are moving is dizzyingly fast and yet everything seems much slower than it should be. You realise that this is the Ethereal Plane and that you are still in the midst of teleportation. Has something gone wrong? In answer to the unspoken question, darkness rises up from beneath you, building in a pillar like a column of water. It smokes and ripples, sending tendrils of shadow through the ether. The sides of it spread out and up like mounting waves, or arms lifted within a robe. The immense shadow is directly in your path, lifting its head, spreading its arms. It looms, impossibly huge, unavoidable, and with a sudden freezing shock you plunge into it. Everything around you shakes crazily; there is a strangely mundane sound of tearing fabric and abruptly you are flung tumbling over the floor of an elegantly furnished room, with the blood pounding in your ears. The Dark, sensing that the Starborn are drawing close once again, has attempted to stop the Player Characters from reaching their destination. It cannot throw them off course or harm them physically, so it has slowed down time by a crucial few minutes while they pass through its body. In the time between the Player Characters’ departure and their arrival at Vellish’s chambers, Vellish is called to a disturbance in the mines and has to leave. The Player Characters arrive in Vellish’s room to find him gone… Location: The Mencarth Mines The dwarves abandoned this mine even though the iron ore deposits were very rich, because toxic vapours welling up from the lowest levels made the miners ill. Rather than risk lives, they closed the mine down. Now the drow send captured dwarves down into the tunnels to dig the ore out. The drow do not care if a few dwarves cough up blood and die, so long as plenty of iron is mined for the new war machines. 1. Vellish’s Chambers This room is nothing but a hollow dug out of the rock, and the luxurious furnishings here cannot disguise that. The thick carpets underfoot, covered with a pattern showing stylised spiders with their legs intertwined, are squishy with water. The hangings on the walls have become mildewed and the bed smells musty and damp. A dress uniform hangs on an iron stand, positioned carefully away from the wall. A writing desk of polished black wood stands beside the bed, with a quill, inkstand and parchment upon it. A Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

Traitor’s Gambit<br />

<strong>The</strong> drow commander Drozen Vellish is currently<br />

stationed in one of the outer cysts of the<br />

underground cavern network, on the northeastern<br />

fringes of Jehannum. This proves to be a<br />

dwarven iron mine that the drow are running with few<br />

personnel, in order to keep it secret. <strong>The</strong> mine is of<br />

course being worked with slave labour – imprisoned<br />

dwarves captured when Jehannum was taken, who<br />

are treated abominably. <strong>The</strong> drow are working them<br />

like dogs in order to extract enough ore to make the<br />

Ironclads, which are mighty war machines designed by<br />

Rannirak.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Player Characters’ mission is to bring Drozen out<br />

alive, so that he can betray his masters and tell the<br />

enclave of Xoth Sarandi what he knows. <strong>The</strong>y will have<br />

to use stealth and subterfuge, as a frontal assault will just<br />

lead to the mine being sealed off, with reinforcements<br />

being called in from deeper in the caverns.<br />

Making their way through to Drozen will be a harrowing<br />

experience for the Player Characters. <strong>The</strong>y will have to<br />

watch captive dwarves die under the lash without lifting<br />

a finger in their defence, since they cannot blow their<br />

cover without bringing the whole installation down<br />

upon them. <strong>Of</strong> course, they can always attempt to lead<br />

the exhausted dwarves in a revolt, but if they do so they<br />

risk losing Drozen or their own lives.<br />

Drozen Vellish has no noble motives. He is simply<br />

selling out and expects to be rewarded for it. He will<br />

refuse to tell the Player Characters anything at all until<br />

he is safe at Xoth Sarandi. Once there, his reward<br />

collected, he will tell them about the drow’s new project,<br />

the Ironclads. This story thread continues in Chapter 9,<br />

Genesis of the Ironclads.<br />

Event: <strong>The</strong> Briefi ng<br />

<strong>The</strong> adventure begins with a briefing from Nimian<br />

Archimandrus:<br />

‘We may have our most important lead yet, my friends.<br />

One of the drow officers wants to turn traitor and tell us<br />

all he knows. Naturally he wants political asylum and<br />

the best protection we can give in return, along with a<br />

sizable sum of money, but that’s for us to worry about.<br />

I’ve pulled what remaining strings I still have to make<br />

this happen. <strong>The</strong> response was that the High Council<br />

are willing for us to go ahead with this, just so long as<br />

they never find out about it, if you see what I mean.<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> officer’s name is Drozen Vellish. His rank is<br />

Toz’capfa, or Fourth Claw, which means he would<br />

have been trusted with leadership of multiple divisions<br />

on the battlefield. For some reason that we don’t yet<br />

know, he’s been serving in a mine facility since the fall<br />

of Crom Calamar, acting as supervisor. Not the most<br />

complimentary posting you can give an officer, really,<br />

which is possibly why he wants to leave... you know<br />

what the drow are like, haughty blighters to a man…<br />

ahem. Excuse me.<br />

‘It’s not common for a Toz’capfa to be privy to important<br />

discussions at a strategic level, nor to be cleared for<br />

information that the rank and file don’t also know,<br />

unless he’s been given a special assignment. So, given<br />

Vellish’s unusual posting, we’re guessing that the drow<br />

command have given him some job that relates to a top<br />

secret project, and he’s guessing that we’d be interested<br />

in knowing more about it.<br />

‘So far as we can tell from divinations, he is sincere in<br />

his wish to defect. We’ve considered using scrying on<br />

him and trying to pull the thoughts out of his head, but<br />

if he detected us he’d pull back like a scalded cat and<br />

the deal would be dead in the water.<br />

‘He won’t talk until he’s safely out of there, so we have<br />

to extract him and bring him back here to Xoth Sarandi<br />

before we can make any use of him. We have the<br />

location of the mine where he’s being kept, so it should<br />

be simple enough to teleport you in behind enemy lines.<br />

If we’re lucky, we should be able to send you straight<br />

to Vellish’s chambers, so you could be in and out again<br />

in moments. We’ll prepare a scroll of ‘word of recall’<br />

that you can use to bring yourselves back here instantly,<br />

with or without Vellish. Any questions?’<br />

Some likely questions are listed below:<br />

How did Vellish make contact?: ‘He sent his familiar,<br />

a raven, with a message tied around his foot. <strong>The</strong><br />

raven must have taken a ride on a ship – it could never<br />

have flown that distance alone. When it reached here<br />

it made straight for the Council chambers, where the<br />

Council caught it and passed it on to me. <strong>The</strong> message<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8<br />


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