The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 187

188 Aftermath With the threat to the oases now destroyed forever, the Sun King can move his armies across the desert and on to the border with Jehannum. He wants to move them now, and if the Player Characters do not give him good reasons not to, he gives the order to move out. Optional Twist: His eagerness may, however, be a major tactical mistake. A force as huge as his massed Phoenix Legions will not be able to provision itself indefinitely, so the men will have to depend on the farmland on the borders of Jehannum to sustain themselves, assuming the drow have not seized all of the food supplies. More importantly, an army camped out in the open would be an ideal target for Scallandriax to rake with his fiery breath, or for a drow sorcerer to bombard with devastating spells. Whatever choice the Sun King makes, the war must be brought to a conclusion soon. Rewards: The Sun King bestows rich rewards upon the Player Characters in recognition of their service. He gives them 30,000 gold pieces in coin from the royal coffers and permits them the use of his court wizardsmiths for any magical item manufacture they might need. This allows them to have magical items made at cost price (though they must still pay for materials and other expenses). Defeating the Tyrant and preventing the destruction of any more of the oases is worth a story award equivalent to a CR 17 challenge. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8<br />


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