The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


purge, stone shape; 4 th – dispel magic (2), poison (2); 5 th – inflict light wounds (mass)*, righteous might, summon monster V, spell resistance. *Domain spell. Domains: Death (melee death touch attack kills a creature if a roll of 10d6 exceeds its current hit points; 1/day), Destruction (smite attack with +4 bonus to attack roll and +10 damage, 1/day). Equipment & Treasure: +2 half-plate armour, ring of minor elemental resistance (fire), holy symbol (adamantine maggot gnawing in a skull’s eye); Moch only: minor cloak of displacement, scroll of circle of death; Krunna only: rod of flame extinguishing, scroll of create greater undead. A Knowledge (religion) check (DC 25) identifies the holy symbol as that of the Maggot God. The Slab: Beneath the spot where the mummies lay, an inscription is faintly legible, though unpleasant brown stains mar much of it. A Decipher Script check (DC 25) is needed to read it. Characters who fail cannot read the words in italics: ‘May the two who served the Great Coiling One in life now guard his earthly avatar in death, protecting him against all harm, until it is his will to rise from the earth once more and go devouring.’ A Spot or Search check (DC 25) reveals that the shallow pit is more than it seems. It is not just a square recess sunk into the ground, but the top of a shaft whose walls slope slightly inward. The flat floor of the pit is in fact a stone slab with tapered sides, fitted neatly into the shaft like a plug. Clearly there is something else down there. The slab is wedged tightly into place. A Strength check (DC 28) is needed to prise it up. Some sort of crowbar or prying device is needed, as the stone is flush with the sides of the shaft and there is nowhere for fingers to get a grip. 2. Pillared Halls of the Coiling One This additional optional encounter is designed to give the Player Characters a good tough monster to battle against. The square-sided shaft drops down for 30 feet before emerging 20 feet above the floor of a long hall whose roof is held up by pillars. The pillars are decorated with images of writhing, snakelike creatures. You can only guess at how long this sealed chamber has lain undisturbed. Perhaps it is even older than the forest that grew here before the land was turned into desert. A Knowledge (religion) check (DC 25) identifies this as a temple to the Maggot God, a very obscure cult deity that primitive humans were believed to worship before the clerics of the Avillon pantheon brought their religion to the area. Lurking in the darkness in the back of the ruined temple is Yahg, a creature that was once a spirit naga, worshipped as an eidolon of the Maggot God. It was transformed into a lich in an attempt to preserve it for all eternity, in accordance with prophecies that the Maggot God’s favoured would one day arise and consume the upper world. Guarded by the two mummy lords above, it has been lying in torpor, waiting for that day to come. Now it hears the sounds of mortals approaching. It is time to rise… Yahg: CR 18; Huge undead; HD 25d12; hp 162; Init +4; Spd 40 ft.; AC 19, touch 8, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +18; Grp +35; Atk +25 melee (4d6+13 plus 1d8+5 negative energy plus poison, bite) or +25 melee (1d8+5 negative energy plus paralysis, touch); Full Atk +25 melee (4d6+13 plus 1d8+5 negative energy plus poison, bite) or +25 melee (1d8+5 negative energy plus paralysis, touch); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA charming gaze, damaging touch, fear aura, paralysing touch, poison, spells; SQ +4 turn resistance, darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 15/bludgeoning and magic, immunity to cold, electrical, polymorph and mind-affecting attacks, undead traits; AL LE; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +18; Str 28, Dex 11, Con —, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 21. Skills & Feats: Concentration +19, Hide +0, Listen +33, Move Silently +8, Search +10, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +16, Spot +33; Ability Focus (charming gaze), Alertness, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Eschew Materials B , Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armour (2), Improved Natural Attack (bite), Iron Will. Charming Gaze (Su): As charm person, 30 feet, Will save (DC 27) negates. The save DC is Charismabased. Fear Aura (Su): Yahg is shrouded in a dreadful aura of ancient pre-human malice and hunger. Creatures of less than five Hit Dice in a 60-foot radius who look at Yahg must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 27) or be affected as though by a fear spell from a 1 st level sorcerer. A creature who successfully saves cannot be affected again by Yahg’s aura for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 181

182 Paralysing Touch (Su): Any living creature that Yahg hits with its touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw (DC 27) or be permanently paralysed. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse spell description). The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralysed by Yahg seems dead, though a Spot check (DC 20) or a Heal check (DC 15) reveals that the victim is still alive. The save DC is Charisma-based. Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 27, initial and secondary damage 1d8 Con. The save DC is Charismabased. Spells: Yahg casts spells as a 7 th level sorcerer. It can also cast spells from the cleric spell list and from the Chaos and Evil domains as arcane spells. The cleric spells and domain spells are considered arcane spells for Yahg, meaning that it does not need a divine focus to cast them. Spells known (6/7/7/5, save DC 15 + spell level): 0 th – cure minor wounds, daze, detect magic, mage hand, open/close, ray of frost, read magic; 1 st – command, divine favour, entropic shield, magic missile, shield of faith; 2 nd – cat’s grace, invisibility, summon swarm; 3 rd – displacement, fireball. Yahg is a vast bony serpent with a fanged human skull for a face, slithering among the dust and debris of forgotten ages. Its body looks like the result of a horribly botched mummification job. Swatches of cloth are tied around some sections as if to hold them together. Patches of crackling hide have been crudely stitched in place with leather thongs. It speaks in an archaic dialect of Common that requires an Intelligence check (DC 15) to understand. If it has heard the Player Characters coming, which is likely given the amount of noise that opening the stone slab makes, it casts invisibility and waits for them to approach. The Player Characters will probably notice the figure on the altar first (see below) and take it for some kind of undead creature. The Altar of the Maggot God: The southern end of the temple features an altar upon a raised stone dais, where a composite figure sits with its arms raised and snakelike coils beneath. This is a hideous composite mummy made from the lower part of a giant snake and the torso of a human male. Unlike the other creatures in the Mound, it is merely dead and not undead. It gleams golden in the radiance of the Player Characters’ light sources; the whole thing has been covered with thick gold foil and ornamented with jewels. Some of the mummy’s ornaments are valueless, or apparently so. It wears earrings of looped bone, a girdle made from the skulls of dozens of small rodents and (for some unknown reason connected to the cult) has a tongue made from iron in its mouth. Strung around the mummy’s neck is a string of prayer beads that seems to be ordinary but is in fact a greater strand of prayer beads. A character who takes the time to pick off all of the precious metals and jewels, which takes about three hours, can retrieve 500 gold pieces’ worth of gold and an assortment of gems: 230 worth ten gold pieces each, 47 worth 50 gold pieces each and two small ruby lenses covering the eyes, worth 1,100 gold pieces each. Yahg’s Phylactery: The lich-naga concealed its phylactery – a mere clay tablet covered with magical scrawls into which diamond dust has been mixed – in the column marked with an X. As this column was sealed up and plastered over, there is no door to find, so attempts to find secret doors do not work. A Search check (DC 30), that includes tapping, detects that the column is hollow. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

182<br />

Paralysing Touch (Su): Any living creature that Yahg hits<br />

with its touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude saving<br />

throw (DC 27) or be permanently paralysed. Remove<br />

paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free<br />

the victim (see the bestow curse spell description). <strong>The</strong><br />

effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralysed by Yahg<br />

seems dead, though a Spot check (DC 20) or a Heal<br />

check (DC 15) reveals that the victim is still alive. <strong>The</strong><br />

save DC is Charisma-based.<br />

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 27, initial and<br />

secondary damage 1d8 Con. <strong>The</strong> save DC is Charismabased.<br />

Spells: Yahg casts spells as a 7 th level sorcerer. It can<br />

also cast spells from the cleric spell list and from the<br />

Chaos and Evil domains as arcane spells. <strong>The</strong> cleric<br />

spells and domain spells are considered arcane spells<br />

for Yahg, meaning that it does not need a divine focus<br />

to cast them.<br />

Spells known (6/7/7/5, save DC 15 + spell level): 0 th<br />

– cure minor wounds, daze, detect magic, mage hand,<br />

open/close, ray of frost, read magic; 1 st – command,<br />

divine favour, entropic shield, magic missile, shield of<br />

faith; 2 nd – cat’s grace, invisibility, summon swarm; 3 rd<br />

– displacement, fireball.<br />

Yahg is a vast bony serpent with a fanged human<br />

skull for a face, slithering among the dust and debris<br />

of forgotten ages. Its body looks like the result of a<br />

horribly botched mummification job. Swatches of<br />

cloth are tied around some sections as if to hold them<br />

together. Patches of crackling hide have been crudely<br />

stitched in place with leather thongs. It speaks in an<br />

archaic dialect of Common that requires an Intelligence<br />

check (DC 15) to understand.<br />

If it has heard the Player Characters coming, which is<br />

likely given the amount of noise that opening the stone<br />

slab makes, it casts invisibility and waits for them to<br />

approach. <strong>The</strong> Player Characters will probably notice<br />

the figure on the altar first (see below) and take it for<br />

some kind of undead creature.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Altar of the Maggot God: <strong>The</strong> southern end of<br />

the temple features an altar upon a raised stone dais,<br />

where a composite figure sits with its arms raised and<br />

snakelike coils beneath. This is a hideous composite<br />

mummy made from the lower part of a giant snake and<br />

the torso of a human male. Unlike the other creatures in<br />

the Mound, it is merely dead and not undead. It gleams<br />

golden in the radiance of the Player Characters’ light<br />

sources; the whole thing has been covered with thick<br />

gold foil and ornamented with jewels.<br />

Some of the mummy’s ornaments are valueless, or<br />

apparently so. It wears earrings of looped bone, a girdle<br />

made from the skulls of dozens of small rodents and<br />

(for some unknown reason connected to the cult) has a<br />

tongue made from iron in its mouth. Strung around the<br />

mummy’s neck is a string of prayer beads that seems<br />

to be ordinary but is in fact a greater strand of prayer<br />

beads.<br />

A character who takes the time to pick off all of the<br />

precious metals and jewels, which takes about three<br />

hours, can retrieve 500 gold pieces’ worth of gold and<br />

an assortment of gems: 230 worth ten gold pieces each,<br />

47 worth 50 gold pieces each and two small ruby lenses<br />

covering the eyes, worth 1,100 gold pieces each.<br />

Yahg’s Phylactery: <strong>The</strong> lich-naga concealed its<br />

phylactery – a mere clay tablet covered with magical<br />

scrawls into which diamond dust has been mixed – in<br />

the column marked with an X. As this column was<br />

sealed up and plastered over, there is no door to find,<br />

so attempts to find secret doors do not work. A Search<br />

check (DC 30), that includes tapping, detects that the<br />

column is hollow.<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

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