The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


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174<br />

<strong>The</strong> Destriers of Heaven<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sun King’s most prized possessions are his white<br />

silver-maned horses, the tetzillim or heavenly destriers,<br />

which he firmly believes are descended from the steed<br />

of the Sun God himself. Since they are the descendants<br />

of half-celestial winged horses, the line was certainly<br />

sired by a good outsider at some point in the past.<br />

Tetzillim: Large outsider (native); HD 3d8+9; hp 22;<br />

Init +1; Spd 60 ft.; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 13;<br />

Base Atk +3; Grp +10; Atk +5 melee (1d4+3, hoof);<br />

Full Atk +5 melee (1d4+3, 2 hooves) and +0 melee<br />

(1d3+1, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA daylight;<br />

SQ darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, resistance to<br />

acid 5, cold 5, and electrical 5, scent; AL NG; SV Fort<br />

+6, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 4, Wis<br />

15, Cha 8.<br />

Skills & Feats: Listen +7, Jump +6, Spot +7; Endurance,<br />

Run.<br />

to fight. My spies tell me that the dark ones have made<br />

pacts with pirate tribes, who would have the advantage<br />

if we met at sea. I believe we should keep to the land,<br />

where we are invulnerable.’<br />

Why not just have clerics provide food and water for<br />

the legions? Why depend on the oases? ‘<strong>The</strong> priests<br />

of my Father can, indeed, keep the soldiers fed; but to do<br />

so would require too many. We would need one priest<br />

for every three men. We have many priests, as you have<br />

seen! Yet I cannot spare that many. Also, outlanders,<br />

know that the oases are the gift of my Father. It is my<br />

duty as monarch to preserve them.’<br />

Location: <strong>The</strong> Camp of the Phoenix<br />

Legions<br />

<strong>The</strong> tents massed here on the border of the desert are<br />

made from white silk, rippling in the light breeze. <strong>The</strong><br />

men of the Phoenix Legions move among them, swarthy<br />

and confident, their golden armour shining like the sun<br />

they venerate. Seeing you approach, they greet you with<br />

salutes; their expressions show deep respect.<br />

Looking at the thousands of gold-clad warriors before<br />

you, each one ready to die in the fight to drive the drow<br />

back from Crom Calamar, you know that the odds have<br />

changed since you left that darkened city. <strong>The</strong>re is much<br />

left to do, but with allies like this, you know that you at<br />

least have a fighting chance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> overall commander of the expeditionary force,<br />

General Mashoul Wassim (Ftr 12/Rgr 5), comes out<br />

to welcome the Player Characters to the camp and<br />

provides them with dates and sherbet. He is a strong<br />

man in the prime of life, eager to move against the drow<br />

and frustrated at the delays that have arisen.<br />

Over lunch, General Wassim tells the Player Characters<br />

that there have been strange phenomena in the sky. One<br />

man claims to have seen a floating island, while another<br />

saw a plume of black smoke that moved across the<br />

horizon. Shortly afterwards, nomads riding in from the<br />

desert reported that two of the oases to the south of the<br />

Plateau of Skulls had been destroyed, namely the Oasis<br />

of the Sleeping Stars and the Oasis of Pashtar. He is<br />

deeply saddened at the loss of the former; ‘the Sun King<br />

himself set up a shrine there’.<br />

General Wassim can provide the Player Characters<br />

with a rudimentary map of the desert showing where<br />

the oases and the Plateau of Skulls lie. He cautions<br />

them not to rely on compasses because the ‘spirits of<br />

the desert play tricks.’ <strong>The</strong>y should navigate by the<br />

stars, or they will be misled (in fact, massive lodestone<br />

deposits under the sand are what confuse compasses).<br />

He recommends that they investigate the burned oases<br />

first, to see if any clues remain.<br />

Event: Into the Desert<br />

<strong>The</strong> border of the desert can hardly be plainer. On one<br />

side the cultivated terraces of the Topaz Dominions<br />

stretch away into the distance. White sheep and goats<br />

feast on the lush grasses and fishermen pole their boats<br />

down the coast spearing fat gleaming fish. On the other<br />

side lies a baked, sandy plain simmering under the sun,<br />

the sand an unhealthy grey colour like the flaking skin<br />

of a leper. <strong>The</strong> very land seems dead. It is no wonder<br />

that travellers do not like to cross the desert; it looks as<br />

though it would parch the life out of the soul as well as<br />

the body.<br />

Strange though it seems, there is green life out there<br />

(or so you have been told), and it is being destroyed.<br />

You have a new appreciation for the value of any water<br />

source or green shady place in a lifeless zone like this.<br />

You understand now why the Sun King is so troubled.<br />

Even if he did not have an army to bring across the<br />

desert, no monarch can allow some unknown force to<br />

destroy even one oasis upon which so many different<br />

lives depend, let alone all of them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Desert of Sharn is not natural. It was created by the<br />

devastating magical fire of the Tyrant, aided by gouts<br />

of fire and acid from the dragon allies of the drow. It<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

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