The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


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Regeneration: Fire and acid deal normal damage to a<br />

chatterman.<br />

Vulnerability to <strong>War</strong>mth: A chatterman who enters an<br />

environment in which the background temperature is<br />

higher than five degrees Celsius begins to deteriorate.<br />

He loses one point of Strength per hour and no longer<br />

benefits from the regeneration special quality. A<br />

chatterman reduced to zero Strength disintegrates<br />

completely.<br />

Glacial Ooze<br />

Gargantuan Ooze (Cold)<br />

Hit Dice: 20d10+160 (270 hp)<br />

Initiative: –3<br />

Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares)<br />

Armour Class: 2 (–8 size, –3 Dex, +3 natural), touch<br />

–1, flat-footed 2<br />

Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+39<br />

Attack: Slam +23 melee (2d6+12 plus 3d6 cold)<br />

Full Attack: Slam +23 melee (2d6+12 plus 3d6 cold)<br />

Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.<br />

Special Attacks: Paralysis, surge<br />

Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., damage reduction<br />

20/bludgeoning, ooze traits, snow crust<br />

Saves: Fort +14, Ref +3, Will +1<br />

Abilities: Str 34, Dex 4, Con 27, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1<br />

Skills: —<br />

Feats: —<br />

Environment: Cold hills<br />

Organisation: Solitary<br />

Challenge Rating: 15<br />

Treasure: —<br />

Alignment: Always neutral<br />

Advancement: 21–30 HD (Gargantuan), 31–40 HD<br />

(Colossal)<br />

Level Adjustment: —<br />

This gigantic, amorphous mass of gel consists of a<br />

faintly bluish translucent substance crusted on the<br />

outside with snow and rime. Glacial oozes appear<br />

almost identical to mounds of snow, especially when the<br />

weather makes visibility poor. <strong>The</strong>y blend in seamlessly<br />

with their environments, engulfing their prey in sudden<br />

swift surges which can easily be mistaken for minor<br />

avalanches. Glacial oozes typically prey upon seals but<br />

can easily devour polar bears and even mammoths.<br />

Engulf (Ex): Although it moves slowly, a glacial ooze<br />

can simply mow down Huge or smaller creatures as a<br />

standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during<br />

a round in which it engulfs. <strong>The</strong> glacial ooze merely<br />

has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it<br />

can cover. Opponents can make attacks of opportunity<br />

against the ooze but if they do so they are not entitled<br />

to saving throws. Those who do not attempt attacks of<br />

opportunity must succeed on Reflex saving throws (DC<br />

32) or be engulfed; on success, they are pushed back<br />

or aside (Games Master’s choice) as the ooze moves<br />

forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the ooze’s<br />

paralysis and cold damage and are considered to be<br />

grappled and trapped within its body. <strong>The</strong> saving throw<br />

DC is Strength-based.<br />

Freeze (Su): Glacial oozes continually leech heat from<br />

their environment. A creature trapped inside a glacial<br />

ooze is dealt 3d6 cold damage each round.<br />

Paralysis (Ex): A glacial ooze can freeze opponents<br />

where they stand. A target hit by a glacial ooze’s melee<br />

or engulf attack must succeed on a Fortitude saving<br />

throw (DC 28) or be paralysed for 3d6 rounds. <strong>The</strong> ooze<br />

can automatically engulf a paralysed opponent. <strong>The</strong><br />

saving throw DC is Constitution-based.<br />

Snow Crust (Ex): A glacial ooze is hard to identify when<br />

against a background of snow and gains a +20 racial<br />

bonus to all Hide checks made in snowy environments.<br />

Creatures who fail to notice a glacial ooze and walk into<br />

it are automatically hit with a melee attack for slam and<br />

cold damage.<br />

Surge (Ex): Unlike other oozes, glacial oozes can<br />

abruptly surge forward to absorb prey. <strong>The</strong>y instinctively<br />

attack by surging down the sides of mountains or snowcovered<br />

hills. When it surges, a glacial ooze may move<br />

up to double its speed and gains a +2 bonus to the DC<br />

of the Reflex saving throw needed for targets to avoid<br />

being engulfed. Once a glacial ooze has surged, it<br />

cannot do so again for 1d4 rounds.<br />

Grun<br />

Large Outsider (Cold, Evil)<br />

Hit Dice: 16d8+64 (136 hp)<br />

Initiative: +3<br />

Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 30 ft.<br />

Armour Class: 22 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch<br />

12, flat-footed 19<br />

Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+27<br />

Attack: Greatclub +22 melee (2d8+10)<br />

Full Attack: Greatclub +22/+17/+12 melee (2d8+10)<br />

and horn +17 melee (1d8+3) and bite +17 melee<br />

(1d8+3)<br />

Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.<br />

Special Attacks: Breath weapon, icy detonation,<br />

stunning stomp, trample<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8<br />


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