The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


The plane, I have discovered, is named Noctulos. It is accessible via the rift that occasionally manifests directly beneath the Cyst. To reach Noctulos by means of plane shifting, one would have to construct a fork of cold iron, with the tines exactly three and seven-eighths of an inch apart, as the key component. Noctulos has the richest tenebrium deposits of any shadow plane I have yet explored. The drow will surely be delighted with these. I fancy I know what their purpose is to be. Splendid: the more they conquer, the more I may demand. 13. The Cyst This round-ceilinged room has an atmosphere of dread that you cannot account for. It is as if some memory of horrible deeds has been locked away here and kept where nobody should ever find it. The floor of the room is a mere sheet of ice, whose thickness you guess is probably around three or four inches. Beneath the sheet is water. You catch a glimpse of something huge moving under the ice. It is impossible to tell what it is. There are three ledges on the walls of the room, fashioned from the ice. On one sits a bronze coffer. On another is the bleached skull of a dragon. On the last sits a grotesque humanoid figure, bald and jag-jawed, draped in silk cloth like a macabre idol. On its head is a circlet of finger bones connected with silver wire. You wonder if it is alive at all, until it blinks – and nictating membranes briefly close its eyes sideways. This figure is Bastirak, the lord of the citadel. If the Player Characters confront him here rather than elsewhere in the edifice, they find him as described, sitting in meditation. If they have been careless, such as by allowing the guards to report that there are intruders in the castle or by creating too much noise and chaos, Bastirak comes to deal with them personally. Bastirak, Male Half-White Dragon Wiz15: CR 17; Medium dragon (augmented humanoid, cold); HD 15d4+30; hp 67; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +7; Grp +11; Atk +15 melee (1d4+8/19–20, Nightwatch) or +11 melee (1d4+4, claw); Full Atk +15/+10 melee (1d4+8/19–20, Nightwatch) or +11 melee (1d4+4, 2 claws) and +6 melee (1d6+2, bite); SA breath weapon, spells; SQ darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, paralysis, and sleep, low-light vision, resistance to fire 20, vulnerability to fire; AL CE; SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +11; Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 10. Skills & Feats: Concentration +20, Decipher Script +23, Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (the planes) +23, Listen +11, Spellcraft +25, Spot +11, Swim +13; Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Maximise Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration. Breath Weapon: 30-ft. cone of cold, dealing 6d8 points of cold damage, Reflex saving throw (DC 12) allowed for half damage. Spells prepared (4/5/5/5/5/5/3/2/1, save DC 15 + spell level): 0 th – ray of frost (2), resistance, touch of fatigue; 1 st – charm person, magic missile, protection from good, shield, true strike; 2 nd – ghoul touch, hypnotic pattern, protection from arrows, spectral hand, web; 3 rd – displacement, fly (already cast), sleet storm, vampiric touch (2); 4 th – black tentacles, detect scrying, greater invisibility, ice storm, lesser globe of invulnerability; 5 th – baleful polymorph, feeblemind, mage’s faithful hound, mind fog, wall of force; 6 th – forceful hand, freezing sphere, globe of invulnerability; 7 th – mage’s sword, mass hold person; 8 th – polar ray. Equipment & Treasure: Bracers of armour +6, circlet of chill bone (see below), ironwood key to the bookcases in Room 12, Nightwatch (see below), five small tenebrium crystals in a silk pouch. The ice-mage has a protruding lower jaw with jagged teeth, wisps of beard like those that cling to skulls, and a great gleaming bald head with the suggestion of a Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 151

152 The Family Azarak, Zamelak and Bastirak are all more than human. They are all the children of different dragons – one red, one white, one silver – begotten on draconian mothers while they were in human form by the ambitious King Hazrad of Argantia. He kept a harem of many different creatures, including demonesses and dragonesses of all kinds. King Hazrad paid the price for his exotic tastes when his harem finally turned on him and tore his palace down, and the tiny kingdom of Argantia is long since gone. The three half-siblings grew up under the guidance of Bwarran Yin, one of the golden dragons of Kandang, in the era when those wise creatures ruled the region. Bwarran Yin’s guidance kept the evil in Bastirak and Azarak in check but could not remove it altogether. Zamelak, child of a silver dragoness, grew up good and true, while her brothers hated lesser creatures only slightly less than they hated each other. The fall of Kandang sent the half-dragons fleeing out into the world as nobles cast down from their place. Bastirak and Zamelak lost no time in building power bases and attacking one another, at last free to give vent to the hatred that consumed them. Zamelak stayed by Bastirak’s side (as she was more able to tolerate his icy home than Azarak’s fiery realm) and tried to persuade him to stay his hand. However, it was Bastirak that changed his sister’s mind, not the other way around. With a combination of vicious magic, torture and mental manipulation, he perverted her to the cause of evil, finally marrying her in a twisted, incestuous ceremony. Zamelak abandoned the worship of her benign goddess and embraced the cult of Gahaira, the devastating north wind. Together the two of them fought and overcame Azarak. Victory came at a price. The sight of her brother’s battered, defeated form brought home the truth of what Zamelak had done and how far she had fallen. This cracked her already weakened mind. Unable to reconcile the evil deeds that she had done with the good in her blood, she sought refuge in insanity. She now raves in continuous madness, reliving her childhood, while Bastirak lords it over his arctic palace, his brother Azarak locked forever in a sphere of ice. Bastirak’s Circlet of Chill Bone Legends of this potent magical item were what first drew Bastirak to the Waste. He bored great tunnels in the ice seeking for it and finally opened the Cyst where the circlet’s bearer, a lich-lord named Venderesc, lay in torpid slumber. Bastirak wrested the Circlet from the lich and destroyed him. The circlet appears to be a set of bleached finger bones strung together with wire. The item’s features are as follows: • The circlet’s wearer is treated as a creature of the Cold subtype for as long as he wears it. • The wearer gains resistance to fire 20. • The circlet’s wearer may move large quantities of snow and loose ice fragments at will, as if by the move earth spell cast by a 20 th level wizard, affecting snow rather than earth. This ability cannot be used to reshape solid ice. • The circlet’s wearer may shape ice at will, as if by the stone shape spell cast by a 20 th level wizard, affecting solid ice rather than stone. • The circlet’s wearer may produce a wall of ice three times per day, as if by the spell cast by a 20 th level wizard. The ice created does not disappear at the end of the spell’s duration and will remain indefi nitely if the background temperature is not suffi cient to melt it. Bastirak used this power to build the citadel. • The circlet is evil-aligned. Any non-evil wizard who touches it is dealt 16d6 points of damage. • Immersing the circlet in the heart’s blood of a red dragon, which must be a wyrm or great wyrm, can destroy it. bone ridge running along it; this last is a reminder of his dragon parentage. He wears a long ragged-edged robe of dirty white silk, embroidered with characters in the language of Kandang that proclaim the royalty of his line. Nightwatch: This intelligent dagger has a silvery-blue hilt and a long thin blade. Set into the cross guard is the wet, living eye of a young dragon, which swivels and looks around. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

152<br />

<strong>The</strong> Family<br />

Azarak, Zamelak and Bastirak are all more than<br />

human. <strong>The</strong>y are all the children of different<br />

dragons – one red, one white, one silver – begotten<br />

on draconian mothers while they were in human<br />

form by the ambitious King Hazrad of Argantia. He<br />

kept a harem of many different creatures, including<br />

demonesses and dragonesses of all kinds. King<br />

Hazrad paid the price for his exotic tastes when<br />

his harem finally turned on him and tore his palace<br />

down, and the tiny kingdom of Argantia is long since<br />

gone.<br />

<strong>The</strong> three half-siblings grew up under the guidance of<br />

Bwarran Yin, one of the golden dragons of Kandang,<br />

in the era when those wise creatures ruled the region.<br />

Bwarran Yin’s guidance kept the evil in Bastirak and<br />

Azarak in check but could not remove it altogether.<br />

Zamelak, child of a silver dragoness, grew up good<br />

and true, while her brothers hated lesser creatures<br />

only slightly less than they hated each other.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fall of Kandang sent the half-dragons fleeing out<br />

into the world as nobles cast down from their place.<br />

Bastirak and Zamelak lost no time in building power<br />

bases and attacking one another, at last free to give<br />

vent to the hatred that consumed them. Zamelak<br />

stayed by Bastirak’s side (as she was more able to<br />

tolerate his icy home than Azarak’s fiery realm) and<br />

tried to persuade him to stay his hand.<br />

However, it was Bastirak that changed his sister’s<br />

mind, not the other way around. With a combination<br />

of vicious magic, torture and mental manipulation,<br />

he perverted her to the cause of evil, finally marrying<br />

her in a twisted, incestuous ceremony. Zamelak<br />

abandoned the worship of her benign goddess and<br />

embraced the cult of Gahaira, the devastating north<br />

wind. Together the two of them fought and overcame<br />

Azarak.<br />

Victory came at a price. <strong>The</strong> sight of her brother’s<br />

battered, defeated form brought home the truth of<br />

what Zamelak had done and how far she had fallen.<br />

This cracked her already weakened mind. Unable<br />

to reconcile the evil deeds that she had done with<br />

the good in her blood, she sought refuge in insanity.<br />

She now raves in continuous madness, reliving her<br />

childhood, while Bastirak lords it over his arctic<br />

palace, his brother Azarak locked forever in a sphere<br />

of ice.<br />

Bastirak’s Circlet of Chill Bone<br />

Legends of this potent magical item were what<br />

first drew Bastirak to the Waste. He bored great<br />

tunnels in the ice seeking for it and finally opened<br />

the Cyst where the circlet’s bearer, a lich-lord named<br />

Venderesc, lay in torpid slumber. Bastirak wrested<br />

the Circlet from the lich and destroyed him.<br />

<strong>The</strong> circlet appears to be a set of bleached finger<br />

bones strung together with wire. <strong>The</strong> item’s features<br />

are as follows:<br />

• <strong>The</strong> circlet’s wearer is treated as a creature of<br />

the Cold subtype for as long as he wears it.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> wearer gains resistance to fire 20.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> circlet’s wearer may move large quantities<br />

of snow and loose ice fragments at will, as<br />

if by the move earth spell cast by a 20 th level<br />

wizard, affecting snow rather than earth. This<br />

ability cannot be used to reshape solid ice.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> circlet’s wearer may shape ice at will, as<br />

if by the stone shape spell cast by a 20 th level<br />

wizard, affecting solid ice rather than stone.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> circlet’s wearer may produce a wall of<br />

ice three times per day, as if by the spell cast<br />

by a 20 th level wizard. <strong>The</strong> ice created does<br />

not disappear at the end of the spell’s duration<br />

and will remain indefi nitely if the background<br />

temperature is not suffi cient to melt it.<br />

Bastirak used this power to build the citadel.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> circlet is evil-aligned. Any non-evil<br />

wizard who touches it is dealt 16d6 points of<br />

damage.<br />

• Immersing the circlet in the heart’s blood of<br />

a red dragon, which must be a wyrm or great<br />

wyrm, can destroy it.<br />

bone ridge running along it; this last is a reminder of<br />

his dragon parentage. He wears a long ragged-edged<br />

robe of dirty white silk, embroidered with characters<br />

in the language of Kandang that proclaim the royalty<br />

of his line.<br />

Nightwatch: This intelligent dagger has a silvery-blue<br />

hilt and a long thin blade. Set into the cross guard is the<br />

wet, living eye of a young dragon, which swivels and<br />

looks around.<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

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