The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


+19, Move Silently +21, Search +16, Sense Motive +17, Spot +19, Survival +2 (+4 following tracks); Alertness, Cleave, Improved Grapple, Iron Will, Power Attack. Sunlamp: This extraordinary lantern consists of a blown glass sphere cradled in a bronze ring, which then hangs from three chains attached to a hook. When the sunlamp is activated, it establishes a spherical field beneath itself that functions as a tiny hut, with the notable difference that the walls of the hut are transparent. Within the sphere, the sunlamp sheds light as bright as full daylight. This light is the equivalent of actual sunlight for creatures who are damaged by daylight or intolerant to it. The sunlamp can be lit or extinguished with a command word. A third command word sets it to grow brighter and dimmer over time, emulating the cycle of day and night. 7. The Hall of Bronderbok, the Jailer of the Worlds This ice sphere is filled with orange light shining through thick strands of webbing that gleam like spun sugar. Crouching at the top of the room is an eerily beautiful sculpture of a giant spider made from glass and steel, glowing from within with a light like embers. Here dwells Bastirak’s most powerful ally, who keeps the rogue planes sealed behind mighty barriers. Bronderbok is a planespider, serving the evil wizard in the interests of keeping the planar rift under control, Bastirak’s own planar voyaging has been severely curtailed. Bastirak grudgingly concedes that this arrangement is better than having a citadel full of uncontrolled extraplanar creatures. Bronderbok descends into the realm of planar gateways every day and weaves webbing barriers across them, temporarily preventing outsiders from crossing through into the mundane world. Bastirak is only permitted to enter one of these each day. At present he keeps his expeditions confined to the plane of Noctulos. Bronderbok investigates the Player Characters to ascertain whether they are ‘anomalies’ or not. So long as they do not use magic that accesses other planes or brings outsiders into the Prime Material (such as summoning spells or planar ally), it leaves them alone. It recognises the devils present in the citadel as being here by lawful contract. However, the devils are not permitted to summon other devils to their aid. If they forget this strict rule, Bronderbok will descend from its web, locate the ‘anomaly’ and disintegrate the summoned creatures. Bronderbok’s Mandala: The planespider has brought a mandala (a stylised meditation aid) from its home plane. It uses this as a meditative focus. The mandala is circular and made from a thin platinum disc two feet across, engraved with beautiful and complex designs that symbolise the various subdivisions of the Astral Plane, with tiny gems representing the intersections of the planes. In material terms, it is worth 9,500 gold pieces. Planespider: CR 15; Large outsider (extraplanar, lawful); HD 20d8+20; hp 110; Init +7; Spd 60 ft. (climb 30ft.); AC 36, touch 16, flat-footed 29; Base Atk +20; Grp +35; Atk Claw +31 melee (2d6+11, 19–20); Full Atk 4 claws +31 melee (2d6+11, 19–20); SA anchor web, cocoon, disintegration ray, spell-like abilities, stitch rift; SQ Damage reduction 15/chaos, darkvision 60 ft., telepathy 100 ft., planar sense, spell resistance 31; AL LN; SV Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +15; Str 33, Dex 24, Con 13, Int 23, Wis 16, Cha 11. Skills & Feats: Concentration +24, Diplomacy +23, Hide +26, Move Silently +30, Knowledge (arcana) +29, Knowledge (the planes) +29, Listen +26, Sense Motive +26, Sleight of Hand +30, Spellcraft +29, Spot +26, Survival +26, Use Rope +30; Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw). These highly intelligent arachnids originate from a lawful neutral plane called Coax, where they build magical thinking machines to perform stupendous calculations far beyond the powers of human minds to grasp. A small group of volunteers dwells on the Astral Plane, from whence they observe the behaviour of other planes and intervene to prevent the worlds from becoming muddled. Phase spiders are thought by some sages to be a degenerate offshoot of this race. Whether this is true or not, planespiders viciously attack phase spiders on sight, using their anchor web to keep them from shifting to the Ethereal Plane and back. A planespider’s greatest concern is to keep everything in its proper place. This means dispatching extraplanar creatures back to their own planes whenever possible. If a creature does not go willingly, the planespider attempts to erase it with its disintegrate ray. To the spider, all extraplanar creatures appear as anomalies – disruptions to the perfect order of the universe. Creatures who have survived encounters with planespiders report that lengthy, reasoned arguments can persuade a planespider to show mercy, while appeals to its (presumably nonexistent) better nature are likely to result in disintegration. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 139

140 The spiders are able to open and close rifts between the worlds. Their metallic leg blades are sharp enough to cut through reality itself, creating holes into parallel worlds, while their webbing has the power to bind errant planar phenomena back into place. A planespider looks like a large spider made from gleaming metal and glass, with a reddish glow pulsing at the rear of its body like that of a firefly. It speaks in a neutral, metallic voice. A planespider’s natural weapons count as lawful-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Anchor Web (Sp): A planespider’s webbing has an anchoring effect, counteracting attempts to move through the planes. As a standard action, it can throw a sheet of webbing eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet with a range increment of ten feet, and is effective against targets of up to Large size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. The target is also subjected to the effects of a dimensional lock with a caster level of 18 th . An entangled creature can escape with a Escape Artist check (DC 21) or burst the web with a Strength check (DC 25). The check DCs are Constitution-based and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. The web has 21 hit points, hardness 3 and damage reduction 10/chaos. Planespiders can also create sheets of sticky webbing from five to 60 feet square. They often place these in front of gates they are trying to close, so as to catch rogue creatures coming through the rift. Approaching creatures must succeed on a Spot check (DC 20) to notice a web, or they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each five-foot square section has 21 hit points, hardness 3 and damage reduction 10/chaos. A planespider can move across its own sheet web at its climb speed and can determine the exact location of any creature touching the web. It can cut its own web as easily as tissue. A creature who hacks off a dead planespider’s forelimb can use it to slice through the webs it has created. Cocoon (Ex): Creatures that a planespider considers anomalous but non-threatening are tagged for removal back to their plane of origin. The spider attempts to cocoon them for easy transportation. A planespider that successfully pins an opponent can attempt to hurriedly enwrap it in a cocoon of webbing. Creatures of Medium size or smaller are wrapped in one round. The spider must maintain the pin for two rounds to enwrap a Large size opponent, four rounds for a Huge opponent and eight rounds for a Gargantuan opponent. Partially wrapped creatures are considered entangled in the web as if they had been hit by a web attack (see above). Completely wrapped creatures cannot take any actions at all. They can breathe but they cannot move or speak and are considered helpless. Unless an enwrapped creature has some means of taking actions without moving at all (such as casting a stilled, silent spell), it is at the planespider’s mercy and must wait until the spider or some other creature frees it. Disintegration Ray (Sp): Once the planespider has identified a creature as both anomalous and threatening, it attempts to ‘remove it from the matrix’ by reducing it to dust. It can train a disintegration ray upon a target (ranged touch attack) once per round. Targets struck by the beam suffer the effects of a disintegrate spell (caster level 20 th ), and are dealt 40d6 points of damage and disintegrated completely if reduced to zero hit points or fewer. A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 26) reduces the damage to 5d6 points. The save DC is Intelligence-based. Planar Sense (Su): A planespider can automatically sense the presence of any outsider-type creature (extraplanar or native) within 300 feet of itself. It also detects the use of any summoning spell or any spell that accesses or contacts other planes, such as contact other plane, ethereal jaunt, plane shift or teleport. Spell-like Abilities: At will – discern lies (DC 20), plane shift (DC 23); 3/day – dictum (DC 23), dismissal (DC 21),greater invisibility, mass hold person (DC 23), symbol of pain (DC 21), symbol of sleep (DC 21), true seeing; 1/day – maze (DC 24). The planespider uses these abilities as if it is a 20 th level wizard. The save DCs are Intelligence-based. Stitch Rift (Sp): As a full-round action, a planespider can attempt to close any temporary gateway between the planes, such as an active gate spell or a teleportation circle. It must be adjacent to the gateway to do this and must make a Concentration check if disturbed. The planespider makes a dispel check as if using dispel magic against the gateway. Its modifier for the check is +20. The planespider cannot close a permanent gateway or rift but it can suppress it, weaving a wall of webbing across it to close it off. To do this, it makes a dispel check as above. An affected gateway is suppressed for Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

140<br />

<strong>The</strong> spiders are able to open and close rifts between the<br />

worlds. <strong>The</strong>ir metallic leg blades are sharp enough to<br />

cut through reality itself, creating holes into parallel<br />

worlds, while their webbing has the power to bind<br />

errant planar phenomena back into place.<br />

A planespider looks like a large spider made from<br />

gleaming metal and glass, with a reddish glow pulsing<br />

at the rear of its body like that of a firefly. It speaks in<br />

a neutral, metallic voice.<br />

A planespider’s natural weapons count as lawful-aligned<br />

for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.<br />

Anchor Web (Sp): A planespider’s webbing has an<br />

anchoring effect, counteracting attempts to move<br />

through the planes. As a standard action, it can throw<br />

a sheet of webbing eight times per day. This is similar<br />

to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50<br />

feet with a range increment of ten feet, and is effective<br />

against targets of up to Large size. <strong>The</strong> web anchors<br />

the target in place, allowing no movement. <strong>The</strong> target<br />

is also subjected to the effects of a dimensional lock<br />

with a caster level of 18 th . An entangled creature can<br />

escape with a Escape Artist check (DC 21) or burst the<br />

web with a Strength check (DC 25). <strong>The</strong> check DCs are<br />

Constitution-based and the Strength check DC includes<br />

a +4 racial bonus. <strong>The</strong> web has 21 hit points, hardness<br />

3 and damage reduction 10/chaos.<br />

Planespiders can also create sheets of sticky webbing<br />

from five to 60 feet square. <strong>The</strong>y often place these in<br />

front of gates they are trying to close, so as to catch<br />

rogue creatures coming through the rift. Approaching<br />

creatures must succeed on a Spot check (DC 20) to<br />

notice a web, or they stumble into it and become<br />

trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts<br />

to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 bonus if<br />

the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab<br />

while pulling free. Each five-foot square section has 21<br />

hit points, hardness 3 and damage reduction 10/chaos.<br />

A planespider can move across its own sheet web at<br />

its climb speed and can determine the exact location of<br />

any creature touching the web. It can cut its own web<br />

as easily as tissue. A creature who hacks off a dead<br />

planespider’s forelimb can use it to slice through the<br />

webs it has created.<br />

Cocoon (Ex): Creatures that a planespider considers<br />

anomalous but non-threatening are tagged for removal<br />

back to their plane of origin. <strong>The</strong> spider attempts to<br />

cocoon them for easy transportation. A planespider<br />

that successfully pins an opponent can attempt to<br />

hurriedly enwrap it in a cocoon of webbing. Creatures<br />

of Medium size or smaller are wrapped in one round.<br />

<strong>The</strong> spider must maintain the pin for two rounds to<br />

enwrap a Large size opponent, four rounds for a Huge<br />

opponent and eight rounds for a Gargantuan opponent.<br />

Partially wrapped creatures are considered entangled in<br />

the web as if they had been hit by a web attack (see<br />

above). Completely wrapped creatures cannot take<br />

any actions at all. <strong>The</strong>y can breathe but they cannot<br />

move or speak and are considered helpless. Unless an<br />

enwrapped creature has some means of taking actions<br />

without moving at all (such as casting a stilled, silent<br />

spell), it is at the planespider’s mercy and must wait<br />

until the spider or some other creature frees it.<br />

Disintegration Ray (Sp): Once the planespider has<br />

identified a creature as both anomalous and threatening,<br />

it attempts to ‘remove it from the matrix’ by reducing<br />

it to dust. It can train a disintegration ray upon a target<br />

(ranged touch attack) once per round. Targets struck by<br />

the beam suffer the effects of a disintegrate spell (caster<br />

level 20 th ), and are dealt 40d6 points of damage and<br />

disintegrated completely if reduced to zero hit points<br />

or fewer. A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC<br />

26) reduces the damage to 5d6 points. <strong>The</strong> save DC is<br />

Intelligence-based.<br />

Planar Sense (Su): A planespider can automatically<br />

sense the presence of any outsider-type creature<br />

(extraplanar or native) within 300 feet of itself. It also<br />

detects the use of any summoning spell or any spell that<br />

accesses or contacts other planes, such as contact other<br />

plane, ethereal jaunt, plane shift or teleport.<br />

Spell-like Abilities: At will – discern lies (DC 20),<br />

plane shift (DC 23); 3/day – dictum (DC 23), dismissal<br />

(DC 21),greater invisibility, mass hold person (DC 23),<br />

symbol of pain (DC 21), symbol of sleep (DC 21), true<br />

seeing; 1/day – maze (DC 24). <strong>The</strong> planespider uses<br />

these abilities as if it is a 20 th level wizard. <strong>The</strong> save<br />

DCs are Intelligence-based.<br />

Stitch Rift (Sp): As a full-round action, a planespider<br />

can attempt to close any temporary gateway between<br />

the planes, such as an active gate spell or a teleportation<br />

circle. It must be adjacent to the gateway to do this<br />

and must make a Concentration check if disturbed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> planespider makes a dispel check as if using dispel<br />

magic against the gateway. Its modifier for the check<br />

is +20.<br />

<strong>The</strong> planespider cannot close a permanent gateway or<br />

rift but it can suppress it, weaving a wall of webbing<br />

across it to close it off. To do this, it makes a dispel<br />

check as above. An affected gateway is suppressed for<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

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