The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed

The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed The Drow War Book Two. The Dying Of - RoseRed


There is indeed a wizard of the ice based in a citadel to the northwest of here. The whiteladies are no friends of his. He brought them to this plane as curiosities, then turned them out into the waste when he grew weary of them. The only beings worse than the wizard are those wretched windshapers, beings of evil and treachery who turn the air itself into an instrument of torture. The Eggs: The eggs have 30 hit points a hardness of 3 and can be hit automatically. Smashed eggs prove to have unformed, foetal whiteladies in them. Grommen’s Bag The bag contains three items that Grommen looted from Bastirak’s citadel before he was driven off. These are a platinum idol in the shape of a beetle-headed goddess, a fist-sized chunk of glowing green crystal and a heavy key made from adamantine. The Idol: This is clearly not the work of any known culture of Ashfar. A Knowledge (the planes) check (DC 20) identifies it as the creation of one of the denizens of Tingrith, an obscure plane of Law. From its material value alone, it is worth 2,000 gold pieces. Bastirak picked it up on one of his off-plane jaunts. The idol has the aura of a lawful alignment and moderate Divination magic. It is a Counselling Icon, a common possession on Tingrith. Every hour, as regularly as a cuckoo clock, it proclaims a piece of random ‘wisdom’ of a sagely sort. It does this clearly and audibly, which can make life difficult for stealthy characters or those who are trying to rest. Typical phrases that the idol may utter might include: ‘The fox hunts, the chicken scratches, but only the pig seeks truffles with its nose.’ ‘The world of magic is a mirror, wherein he who sees muck is muck.’ ‘The wise need not to ask; the fool asks in vain.’ The Crystal: Another item ransacked from Bastirak’s collection of extraplanar souvenirs, this is a Khemidian dream-cluster. A Knowledge (the planes) check (DC 25) identifies it. The purpose of a dream-cluster is to aid in planar navigation. A character who sleeps within 30 feet of a dream-cluster must make a Will saving throw (DC 15) or suffer unnerving dreams of other planes, in which he flies like a bird through unearthly landscapes and over alien architecture. A character who has these dreams does not rest well and wakes up fatigued. However, any plane shift spell he casts is rendered many times more accurate. Instead of arriving 5–500 miles from the intended destination, he arrives only 4–80 (4d20 miles) miles away. The Key: This key unlocks the adamantine doors closing off the Great Tunnel. Grommen, being a giant, clambered over the glacial peaks to reach Bastirak’s citadel. The journey was so harrowing that when he reached the place he stole a tunnel key, vowing that if he ever came back he would take an easier route. Event: Choosing a Path To reach the citadel, the Player Characters must negotiate the Glacial Peaks that form a natural barrier around the plateau. There are three ways to do this. • The conventional approach is to go the hard way, climbing over the mountains and following whatever trails can be found. If they take this route, the Player Characters risk all the hazards of mountain climbing (avalanches, uncertain footholds and treacherous slopes) as well as the menace of the brocken spectres and dreaded glacial ooze. • If the Player Characters have the ability to fly, they can take to the air and avoid most of the hazards of the mountains. This, however, exposes them to attack from the flying horrors that haunt the peaks, such as the brocken spectres and the arctic lights. • If they have Grommen’s key or some other way of opening the adamantine gates, they can take the easiest route of all, following the Great Tunnel carved through the rock by the titans. The Great Tunnel is not without monsters of its own, however; there are immense purple worms tunnelling in the roots of the mountain, and extraplanar horrors more sinister still, relishing the unbroken darkness and silence. Location: The Great Tunnel Set into the side of the mountain before you, black and forbidding in the endless white of the waste, are two massive doors. The featureless surfaces give away no clues as to who built them or what lies beyond. Only a single keyhole, almost invisible in the smooth black metal, suggests that the doors are even meant to open. In the distance, on the mountainsides flanking the gate, you see titanic figures carved into the rock. They must be hundreds of feet tall. These are crude and humanoid, each one raising its hands up as if to support the sky. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8 129

130 Background: Characters who can research the past with magic or class abilities (such as bardic knowledge or legend lore) can learn that the Waste was once the dominion of titans, strangers to this world, who constructed the Great Tunnel as a way to cut through the glacial peaks to the plateau beyond. The titans were said to have founded a city beyond the mountains, where their sages took advantage of the planar nexus to learn secrets of magic unknown to lesser races. Legends are unclear as to the fate of the titans’ city, but what information there is suggests that it is completely gone from the earth – not swallowed up like Lost Athul, but gone like morning mist. The wildest speculations are those that have the city sucked into some gigantic planar rift and establishing itself in an alien realm where the titans still study their mysteries. The titans’ city is explored further in The Drow War, Book Three: The Darkest Hour. The Gates: The gates are made from six-inch-thick adamantine. The lock is of good quality and can be opened with an Open Lock check (DC 30); however, it is frozen solid, so any attempt to use the Open Lock skill on it without first thawing or lubricating the lock suffers from a +4 increase to the DC. The key from Grommen’s bag (see above) opens the lock but is hard to turn, requiring a Strength check (DC 20). Even when the door is unlocked, it remains heavy, stiff and hard to open and a good deal of force is needed; it opens if a Strength check (DC 25) is passed. The Tunnel: The tunnel is a single straight passage with an arched roof, 20 feet high and 20 feet wide, which runs right under the Glacial Peaks and culminates in a second, identical set of adamantine gates. Event: Encounters in the Great Tunnel Either or both of these two optional events can be included, depending on how weary the Player Characters are. The Hungry Worm: From up ahead in the darkness comes the sound of dozens of scrabbling feet. Judging by the sound, in a few moments a horde of creatures of some kind will come into view, racing down the tunnel; but what they are, you cannot tell. What the Player Characters can hear is the sound of a pair of skitterjinxes fleeing down the passageway as an especially large purple worm comes surging after them. The Player Characters may think, though, that the skitterjinxes are trying to attack them. If the Player Characters fight the creatures, the skitterjinxes try to scurry around and get the Player Characters in between the worm and themselves. The worm is 200 feet away, moving at a speed of 40 feet per round (taking double moves). It fills the entire passageway. If the Player Characters kill it, which is likely, they quickly realise that the tunnel is now blocked by the dead worm. They must either dispose of the body somehow, or deliberately climb into the worm’s maw (and suffer acid damage) and hack their way out of the other end. Predatory Purple Worm: CR 14; Gargantuan magical beast; HD 25d10+200 (337 hp); Init -2; Spd 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., swim 10 ft.; AC 20, touch 4, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +25; Grp +50; Atk +35 melee (3d8+13, bite); Full Atk +35 melee (3d8+13, bite) and +30 melee (3d6+6 plus poison, sting); Space/Reach 20 ft./15ft.; SA improved grab, poison, swallow whole; SQ tremorsense 60 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +22, Ref +12, Will +7; Str 36, Dex 6, Con 26, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 8. Skills & Feats: Listen +23, Swim +25; Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Natural Armour, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (sting), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (sting). Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the purple worm must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to swallow the foe the following round. Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 30, initial damage 1d6 Strength, secondary damage 2d6 Strength. The save DC is Constitution-based. Swallow Whole (Ex): The purple worm can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of a smaller size than itself by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent is dealt 2d8+13 points of crushing damage plus eight points of acid damage per round from the worm’s gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 18). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The worm’s interior can hold two Large, eight Medium, 32 Small, 128 Tiny, or 512 Diminutive or smaller opponents. Skills: The purple worm has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8

• <strong>The</strong>re is indeed a wizard of the ice based in a<br />

citadel to the northwest of here. <strong>The</strong> whiteladies<br />

are no friends of his. He brought them to this<br />

plane as curiosities, then turned them out into the<br />

waste when he grew weary of them. <strong>The</strong> only<br />

beings worse than the wizard are those wretched<br />

windshapers, beings of evil and treachery who turn<br />

the air itself into an instrument of torture.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Eggs: <strong>The</strong> eggs have 30 hit points a hardness of 3<br />

and can be hit automatically. Smashed eggs prove to<br />

have unformed, foetal whiteladies in them.<br />

Grommen’s Bag<br />

<strong>The</strong> bag contains three items that Grommen looted from<br />

Bastirak’s citadel before he was driven off. <strong>The</strong>se are a<br />

platinum idol in the shape of a beetle-headed goddess,<br />

a fist-sized chunk of glowing green crystal and a heavy<br />

key made from adamantine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Idol: This is clearly not the work of any known<br />

culture of Ashfar. A Knowledge (the planes) check (DC<br />

20) identifies it as the creation of one of the denizens of<br />

Tingrith, an obscure plane of Law. From its material<br />

value alone, it is worth 2,000 gold pieces. Bastirak<br />

picked it up on one of his off-plane jaunts.<br />

<strong>The</strong> idol has the aura of a lawful alignment and moderate<br />

Divination magic. It is a Counselling Icon, a common<br />

possession on Tingrith. Every hour, as regularly as a<br />

cuckoo clock, it proclaims a piece of random ‘wisdom’<br />

of a sagely sort. It does this clearly and audibly, which<br />

can make life difficult for stealthy characters or those<br />

who are trying to rest. Typical phrases that the idol may<br />

utter might include:<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> fox hunts, the chicken scratches, but only the pig<br />

seeks truffles with its nose.’<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> world of magic is a mirror, wherein he who sees<br />

muck is muck.’<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> wise need not to ask; the fool asks in vain.’<br />

<strong>The</strong> Crystal: Another item ransacked from Bastirak’s<br />

collection of extraplanar souvenirs, this is a Khemidian<br />

dream-cluster. A Knowledge (the planes) check (DC<br />

25) identifies it. <strong>The</strong> purpose of a dream-cluster is to aid<br />

in planar navigation. A character who sleeps within 30<br />

feet of a dream-cluster must make a Will saving throw<br />

(DC 15) or suffer unnerving dreams of other planes, in<br />

which he flies like a bird through unearthly landscapes<br />

and over alien architecture.<br />

A character who has these dreams does not rest well<br />

and wakes up fatigued. However, any plane shift spell<br />

he casts is rendered many times more accurate. Instead<br />

of arriving 5–500 miles from the intended destination,<br />

he arrives only 4–80 (4d20 miles) miles away.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Key: This key unlocks the adamantine doors<br />

closing off the Great Tunnel. Grommen, being a giant,<br />

clambered over the glacial peaks to reach Bastirak’s<br />

citadel. <strong>The</strong> journey was so harrowing that when he<br />

reached the place he stole a tunnel key, vowing that if he<br />

ever came back he would take an easier route.<br />

Event: Choosing a Path<br />

To reach the citadel, the Player Characters must<br />

negotiate the Glacial Peaks that form a natural barrier<br />

around the plateau. <strong>The</strong>re are three ways to do this.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> conventional approach is to go the hard<br />

way, climbing over the mountains and following<br />

whatever trails can be found. If they take this<br />

route, the Player Characters risk all the hazards of<br />

mountain climbing (avalanches, uncertain footholds<br />

and treacherous slopes) as well as the menace of<br />

the brocken spectres and dreaded glacial ooze.<br />

• If the Player Characters have the ability to fly, they<br />

can take to the air and avoid most of the hazards<br />

of the mountains. This, however, exposes them to<br />

attack from the flying horrors that haunt the peaks,<br />

such as the brocken spectres and the arctic lights.<br />

• If they have Grommen’s key or some other way<br />

of opening the adamantine gates, they can take<br />

the easiest route of all, following the Great Tunnel<br />

carved through the rock by the titans. <strong>The</strong> Great<br />

Tunnel is not without monsters of its own, however;<br />

there are immense purple worms tunnelling in the<br />

roots of the mountain, and extraplanar horrors more<br />

sinister still, relishing the unbroken darkness and<br />

silence.<br />

Location: <strong>The</strong> Great Tunnel<br />

Set into the side of the mountain before you, black and<br />

forbidding in the endless white of the waste, are two<br />

massive doors. <strong>The</strong> featureless surfaces give away no<br />

clues as to who built them or what lies beyond. Only<br />

a single keyhole, almost invisible in the smooth black<br />

metal, suggests that the doors are even meant to open.<br />

In the distance, on the mountainsides flanking the gate,<br />

you see titanic figures carved into the rock. <strong>The</strong>y must<br />

be hundreds of feet tall. <strong>The</strong>se are crude and humanoid,<br />

each one raising its hands up as if to support the sky.<br />

Ibon Presno Gonzalez (order #73006) 8<br />


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