Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed


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so much as an unholy cross between a cleric and<br />

a wizard, with a bit of the bard’s skill list thrown<br />

in for good measure. That said, the dark weaver’s<br />

mix of abilities also makes him both a compelling<br />

opponent for adventurers and a distillation of the<br />

essential elements of the iconic drow; a stealthy<br />

killer who wields blade and spell with equal parts<br />

grace and savagery, all for the glory of the drow<br />

spider goddess.<br />

The dark weaver is perhaps the best option when<br />

you wish to make a foil for adventurers, as both his<br />

spell list and his collection of class abilities are well<br />

suited to wreaking havoc and thwarting the best laid<br />

plans of heroes and mercenaries alike. Thanks to his<br />

skill with black ceremony magic, the dark weaver<br />

is also a good choice for an adventure or campaign<br />

closing villain, a mastermind style foe whose grand<br />

plans can and will succeed if the heroes are not at<br />

their best.<br />

Tactically, the dark weaver should strike from<br />

the shadows and never, if he can help it, confront<br />

opponents on an equal footing. His spells are well<br />

suited for exploiting weakness and temporarily<br />

crippling opponents, while his medium base attack<br />

bonus allows him to finish them off or escape to<br />

fight another day. Remaining versatile is the key<br />

to success when using a dark weaver; like the other<br />

jack-of-all-trades base class, the bard, the dark<br />

weaver cannot match warriors blow for blow, or<br />

arcane casters spell for spell, but what he can do in<br />

countering swords with spells and spells with swords<br />

should prove all the advantage he needs.<br />

Introducing Black<br />

Ceremonies<br />

Perhaps the most difficult element of this book to<br />

introduce to your campaign will be ceremony magic,<br />

since it will represent somewhat of a paradigm shift<br />

for most campaigns.<br />

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It is easiest to introduce ceremony magic when you<br />

begin a new campaign, as you can simply add it to<br />

the background without much fuss or logic strain.<br />

Should you choose to do so, your players will be best<br />

served by you telling them about the new addition<br />

when the campaign starts, so that those who wish<br />

to take advantage of the rules can choose their<br />

character’s skills appropriately (as a wide breadth<br />

of skills is important for ceremony participants).<br />

Should you wish to introduce ceremony magic into<br />

your existing campaign, the easiest method for doing<br />

so is to ‘reintroduce’ ceremony magic to the world<br />

instead, by placing a lost tome describing ceremony<br />

magic in an ancient treasure hoard, by having a god<br />

introduce it to the world in some world changing<br />

event, or by allowing the characters to first encounter<br />

it in the form of the drow black ceremonies. This<br />

last option will perhaps prove the most satisfying;<br />

since it has been a conceit of fantasy gaming that<br />

the drow are an ancient race cursed to dwell in<br />

darkness for their evil and heresy, players should<br />

have no trouble swallowing the idea that the dark<br />

elves have preserved and still practice some ancient,<br />

blasphemous form of sacrificial magic.<br />

Once the genie is out of the bottle, so to speak,<br />

and ceremonial magic has been introduced to your<br />

campaign, you should find no end of uses for it.<br />

The drow will forever be scheming to strike at one<br />

another and their surface dwelling enemies with<br />

their black ceremonies and it is likely that your<br />

players will at least want to experiment with the<br />

power and versatility of ceremony magic themselves.<br />

Ceremony magic is also an excellent way to<br />

introduce some mythic elements to your campaign;<br />

searching for the knowledge and materials necessary<br />

to create a ceremony capable of countering the black<br />

ceremony black sunrise is a quest worthy of an entire<br />

campaign and even a brief aside describing a village<br />

of farmers chanting and sacrificing pigs to ensure<br />

healthy crops for the new year will truly bring your<br />

campaign world to life.

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