Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed


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the animals from their slumber. Without the feasting<br />

ceremony, it is likely that the great cities would<br />

starve.<br />

During the ceremony, the participants fast and offer up<br />

silent prayers to the Dark Mother of Spiders, begging<br />

for her to send her blessing to her chosen people. At<br />

the end of the ceremony, the participants must offer up<br />

an entire herd of animals, who have gorged themselves<br />

on grain and oats, to the slaughter; the animal’s bellies<br />

are slit and the grain allowed to mix freely with the<br />

flowing blood. The bloody grain must then be gathered<br />

up and baked into great loaves of crimson bread, which<br />

are served to the city’s poorest citizens. When the last<br />

of the bread is gone, the animals wake and plants<br />

blossom.<br />

Fertility<br />

Black ceremony<br />

Effect: Bolstering (DC 40)<br />

Materials: 5 participants (DC +10), expensive<br />

materials (DC -10)<br />

Completion Time: 1 day (DC +/-0), exacting<br />

commitment (DC -15)<br />

Range: No range (DC -10)<br />

Target: All who participate (DC +10)<br />

Duration: 1 decade (DC +20)<br />

Final DC Check: 45<br />

The strength of a drow family is wholly dependent<br />

on the strength and abundance of its children. The<br />

Dark Beneath is a deadly environment; the dangerous<br />

predators and natural hazards which abound in its<br />

depths claim countless drow each year and that is<br />

nothing compared to the slaughter that goes on within<br />

the walls of the great drow cities. Through the use of<br />

this fertility ceremony, drow matrons can ensure that<br />

their servant-relatives fulfil their duties of providing<br />

new strength to the family line.<br />

The fertility ceremony is performed in the private<br />

family breeding chambers, where the young men and<br />

women are gathered together to slake their lusts in<br />

the hopes of producing strong offspring. The fertility<br />

ceremony is nothing more than a daylong orgy, albeit<br />

one dedicated to the Dark Mother of Spiders. Before<br />

the orgy begins, a number of aged drow equal to the<br />

number of participants must be sacrificed and their<br />

blood used to paint symbols upon those more virile<br />

participants.<br />

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Poison<br />

Black ceremony<br />

Effect: Weakening of a concept (DC 30)<br />

Materials: 10 participants (DC +/-0), Expensive<br />

materials (DC -10), DC 20 Gather Information subcheck<br />

(DC -10)<br />

Completion Time: 1 week (DC -10), exacting<br />

commitment (DC -15)<br />

Range: Long Range (DC +15)<br />

Target: All within range (DC +30)<br />

Duration: Permanent (DC +40)<br />

Final DC Check: 70<br />

The black ceremony poison weakens the loyalty<br />

between members of an extended drow family, leading<br />

to a cycle of betrayals, counter betrayals, jealousy and<br />

murder. It is used primarily by drow priestesses who<br />

wish to destabilise the strength of their rivals, or by<br />

dark weavers who wish to cull the weak from drow<br />

society.<br />

The poison ceremony is generally conducted in a<br />

quiet, out of the way place and requires the slow ritual<br />

sacrifice of a member of the targeted family. During the<br />

sacrifice, the victim’s flesh is flayed from his bones and<br />

the flesh tattooed with damning lies about the families’<br />

activities.<br />

Those who use the poison ceremony with skill and<br />

daring are looked upon with great favour by the Dark<br />

Mother of Spiders.<br />

Torment<br />

Black ceremony<br />

Effect: Transformation (DC 40)<br />

Materials: 10 participants (DC +/-0), simple materials<br />

(DC +5), DC 20 Intimidation sub-check (DC -10)<br />

Completion Time: 1 hour (DC +10), standard<br />

commitment (DC +/-0)<br />

Range: Short (within 1 mile) (DC +5)<br />

Target: Single target (DC +/-0)<br />

Duration: 1 day (DC -15)<br />

Final DC Check: 35<br />

The black ceremony torment literally causes the<br />

victim’s blood to boil and his nerves to transform to tiny<br />

biting teeth. For the week the effect lasts, the victim<br />

is subject to such exquisite agony that he cannot act in<br />

any capacity and can do nothing more than shriek until<br />

its throat is torn to shreds. The power of the torment<br />

ceremony is sufficient to affect any being short of a<br />

divine avatar – the only defence is to halt the ceremony<br />

before it is completed.

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