Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed


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or lowered by the minimum amount of participants<br />

required, as follows.<br />

Participants DC Modifier<br />

5 +10<br />

10 +/-0<br />

20 -5<br />

30 -10<br />

50 -20<br />

100 -30<br />

Every 50 participants beyond<br />

100<br />

Using more than the minimum number of participants<br />

lowers the final DC of the magical ceremony. For each<br />

category above the minimum number of participants<br />

you move up, the DC of the ceremony is lowered. So,<br />

for example, if 30 people participate in a ritual, which<br />

requires only 10, the DC of the check is lowered by 10.<br />

Conversely, a ritual which does not have the required<br />

number of participants will not work at all.<br />

Materials<br />

Once the number of participants required to perform<br />

the ritual has been decided, you must then determine<br />

what materials must be gathered for the ceremony. All<br />

magical ceremonies require materials, though exactly<br />

what is required varies from ceremony to ceremony.<br />

The rarity of the materials required and the difficulty<br />

in obtaining them strongly factor into the difficulty of<br />

correctly performing the ceremony; hard to gather,<br />

expensive materials reduce the difficulty and easily<br />

acquired materials raise it, as outlined below. Note<br />

that these are simply examples of the kind of materials<br />

which might need to be gathered and expended and<br />

that they neither represent an exhaustive list, nor a<br />

mandatory catalogue. Some ceremonies may require<br />

several different simple materials, for example, while<br />

another might require only one.<br />

Simple Materials: Sacrifice of money or jewels or<br />

non-magical objects of a sum of less than 20,000<br />

gold pieces. The ritual sacrifice of a calf, or multiple<br />

calves. DC +5.<br />

Average Materials: Sacrifice of money or jewels, nonmagical<br />

objects or magical objects of between 20,000<br />

and 50,000. The ritual sacrifice of a magical animal,<br />

or an entire herd of cattle. DC +/-0.<br />

-5<br />

51<br />


Expensive Materials: Sacrifice of money or jewels,<br />

non-magical objects or magical objects of between<br />

50,000 and 75,000 gp. The ritual sacrifice of a living,<br />

Intelligent being, or an entire group of magical animals.<br />

DC -10.<br />

Complex Materials: Sacrifice of money or jewels, nonmagical<br />

objects or magical objects of between 75,000<br />

and 100,000 gp and the ritual sacrifice of a living, highly<br />

Intelligent being (Int 18+), or an entire group of magical<br />

animals. DC -20.<br />

Extremely Complex Materials: Sacrifice of a magical<br />

object of at least minor artefact status or objects of<br />

great import (a castle or ancient art masterpiece). The<br />

ritual sacrifice of dozens of living, Intelligent beings or<br />

a powerful monster (an adult dragon). DC -30.<br />

Legendary Materials: Sacrifice of a major artefact or<br />

several objects of great import (an entire city). The<br />

ritual sacrifice of hundreds of living, Intelligent beings,<br />

or an extraordinarily powerful monster (an avatar, an<br />

ancient red dragon). DC -50.<br />

As with using more than the minimum number of<br />

participants, dedicating more than the required level of<br />

materials to the ceremony lowers the final DC. For each<br />

category above the minimum required material sacrifice<br />

you move up, you lower the DC of the ceremony by<br />

the difference between the categories.<br />

Special Restrictions<br />

A catchall category for all those preparations and<br />

materials which are not covered by the above categories.<br />

Miscellaneous preparations never raise the final DC of<br />

a ceremony, they only lower it. Some examples of<br />

special restrictions include:<br />

Specific Location: The magical ceremony can only be<br />

conducted in a specific location, usually one which is<br />

of mystical import, such as an ancient circle of druid<br />

stones or the first sacrificial altar dedicated to the Dark<br />

Mother of Spiders. DC -10.<br />

Seasonal Restriction: The magical ceremony can<br />

only be performed during one specific season (spring,<br />

summer, fall or winter). In the case of ceremonies<br />

which have a casting time measured in years (see<br />

below), the ceremony can continue to be cast during<br />

in other seasons, but can only be completed during the<br />

appropriate season. DC -15.<br />

Race or Sex Specific: Only members of a particular<br />

race or sex (or both) can participate in the magical

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