Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed


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Black<br />

Ceremonies<br />

Even before they were cast down for their<br />

heresies against the elven gods, the elves who<br />

would become the drow were infamous for<br />

their wild reveries, orgies of blood and lust dedicated<br />

to celebration and worship of the primal forces of<br />

nature. As centuries passed and the worship of the Dark<br />

Mother of Spiders became more open and widespread,<br />

these reveries took on a more overtly religious tone.<br />

Guided by priestesses, the participants ecstatically<br />

worshiped their patron goddess, their writhing dances,<br />

bloodletting and feasts quickening the pulse of the earth<br />

and awakening dark, divine energies. The priestesses<br />

and priest mages of the church of the Dark Mother<br />

quickly learned to tap these energies for their own uses,<br />

to direct them to both power their spells and to work<br />

great magics which even the most powerful arcane<br />

and divine spells could not accomplish. Eventually<br />

the reveries became nothing more than elaborately<br />

structured rituals; perfected and codified in the Tome<br />

of Magnificent Ecstasies, they were used to ensure the<br />

growth of crops, to punish the enemies of the drow and<br />

to power great engines of war and death in the War of<br />

Elven Tears. It was during the last waning years of<br />

that cataclysmic war that the rituals earned the name<br />

the black ceremonies.<br />

The drow have not been lax during the long millennia<br />

of their entombment in the Dark Beneath, nor have<br />

they allowed knowledge of the Tome of Magnificent<br />

Ecstasies to slip into history. They have created new<br />

black ceremonies and refined the old, perfecting<br />

ceremonial magic to a degree which no other race<br />

can match. The performance of black ceremonies has<br />

become an integral part of day to day life and it is by<br />

their power alone that drow civilisation is able to keep<br />

its ravening hordes of enemies from tearing it apart in<br />

an orgy of blood and fire.<br />

Ceremonial <strong>Magic</strong>?<br />

Ceremonial magic is a relatively new concept in d20<br />

fantasy gaming, a method of spellcasting which is<br />

neither purely arcane nor divine, but rather a mixture<br />

of both. At its simplest, ceremonial magic is a method<br />

of commanding magic which is dependent on the<br />

successful execution of complex rituals designed to<br />

harness the raw power of reality itself.<br />

46<br />

Why Use Ceremonial <strong>Magic</strong> in Your<br />

Campaign?<br />

Whenever a Games Master is given the chance to<br />

integrate a new rules system into his campaign, the<br />

first question he must invariably ask is 'Why should<br />

I?' the second inevitably 'What will it accomplish?'<br />

To the first; the rules governing the use of ceremony<br />

magic presented here fill in a large gap in the<br />

existing fantasy gaming experience. The use of<br />

long rituals and elaborate ceremonies to create<br />

powerful magical effects is an idea that has gone<br />

relatively unexplored until now. Meaning that a<br />

Games Master who wished, for example, to close<br />

out an adventure with a confrontation with a group<br />

of drow attempting to chant down the sun was left<br />

to his own devices. While Games Master fiat is, of<br />

course, generally sufficient to resolve the issue, it can<br />

lead to dissatisfaction if the players come to resent<br />

what they see as ‘arbitrary’ decisions.<br />

As to the second question; the rules for ceremonial<br />

magic are largely intended to remove some of the<br />

burden from the Games Master. By laying out actual<br />

concrete guidelines for creating and performing<br />

ceremonial magic, the Games Master need no<br />

longer make up rulings on the fly. In addition,<br />

these rules open up new vistas for adventuring,<br />

providing a more mythic feel to your game. Ritual<br />

magic has long been a part of legend, folklore and<br />

more modern fantasy tales and now it can be a part<br />

of your game.<br />

Ceremonial magic is inspired loosely by ancient,<br />

real-world religious rites and more directly by fantasy<br />

fiction, where the idea that a group of like minded<br />

individuals can, with some effort and the proper<br />

materials, use their focused will to enact changes in the<br />

world around them. Unlike standard divine and arcane<br />

magic spells, which can only be wielded by a precious<br />

few, ceremonial magic can, in theory, be utilised by<br />

anyone, provided they can collect the proper materials<br />

and follow the proscribed steps. In practice, however,<br />

ceremonial magic works best when it is at least guided<br />

by someone with a solid understanding of magic – this<br />

is why most ceremonial magic is conducted by priests,<br />

witches covens, sorcerous cabals and the like.<br />

Mechanically, ceremonial magic is a system intended<br />

to supplement the spellcasting rules presented in<br />

Core Rulebook I. While the rules presented in that<br />

book do a good job of presenting rules usable by

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