Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed


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The birthing of the spider instantly reduces the victim<br />

to -10 hit points.<br />

Monstrous spiders created by this spell can be no larger<br />

than the size category of the victim when he died,<br />

regardless of the victim’s level or Hit Die. However,<br />

should a victim’s level or Hit Die indicate that a spider<br />

larger than his body can support be created, the magic of<br />

the spell instead creates multiple spiders of the largest<br />

attainable size, with each step of difference between the<br />

size categories of the victim and the spider to be created<br />

doubling the number of spiders. So, for example, a 20 th<br />

level character’s body would normally birth a spider<br />

of colossal size. If the victim were medium sized,<br />

however, the spell would instead create 16 Medium<br />

monstrous spiders.<br />

This spell can only be cast upon living creatures, and<br />

only if they are above 0 hit points. The eggs implanted<br />

by the spider mother are destroyed by the application of<br />

any cure spell, remove disease or other, similar spells<br />

and spell-like effects.<br />

Material Components: A spider’s egg sac, which must<br />

be torn open and hurled towards the intended victims<br />

as the spell is cast.<br />

Spider Totem<br />

Transmutation<br />

Level: Clr 5, DW 5<br />

Components: V, S, M<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Target: Being touched<br />

Duration: 1 round per level<br />

Saving Throw: Will negates<br />

Spell Resistance: Yes<br />

The caster, or the target chosen, take on some of the<br />

characteristics of the spider, becoming faster, stronger<br />

and more deadly in combat. In essence, you become<br />

the spider, a transcendent experience for any drow.<br />

The recipient gains a +2 inherent bonus to Strength,<br />

a +6 inherent bonus to Dexterity and a +2 natural<br />

armour bonus. In addition, he becomes completely<br />

immune to non-magical poisons, gain a +4 inherent<br />

bonus to resist magical poisons, gain a +4 bonus to<br />

Initiative checks and the ability to climb along walls<br />

and horizontal surfaces as though under the effects of a<br />

spider climb spell. Clerics who cast this spell lose the<br />

use of most of their spells, but retain the use of their<br />

domain spells if they are priests of the Dark Mother.<br />

Dark weavers likewise lose the use of all but their<br />

favoured path spells.<br />

41<br />

For the duration<br />

of the spell, the<br />

recipient takes<br />

on the hideous<br />

a p p e a r a n c e o f<br />

a spider, with<br />

m u l t i p l e ey e s ,<br />

c h i t i n o u s s k i n<br />

w h i c h b r i s t l e s<br />

with coarse hair<br />

and clawed fingers<br />

and toes. This<br />

appearance is so<br />

revolting that the<br />

recipient suffers<br />

a -6 penalty to<br />

all Non-Player<br />

Character reaction<br />

checks which do<br />

not involve drow<br />

or other spider<br />

w o r s h i p p i n g ,<br />

or spider-like<br />

beings.<br />

M a t e r i a l<br />

Components:<br />

A live, Tiny<br />

spider, which<br />

is absorbed<br />

i n t o t h e<br />

recipient’s<br />

body at<br />

the time<br />

of casting.<br />


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