Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed


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victim succeeds at a Fortitude save against a DC of<br />

10 + one half the caster’s level. Multiple strikes have<br />

a cumulative effect, with each requiring its own save<br />

to staunch.<br />

The application of any form of cure spell, the quaffing<br />

of a cure potion or the successful application of a Heal<br />

check (DC 10 + one half caster level), will immediately<br />

staunch all bleeding.<br />

Material Component: A strip of bloody flesh, which<br />

must be sliced in half at the time of casting.<br />

Red Hourglass<br />

Necromancy<br />

Level: DW 4<br />

Components: S, M<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)<br />

Target: One target<br />

Duration: Discharge<br />

Saving Throw: Will negates<br />

Spell Resistance: Yes<br />

By the casting of this spell, an unwitting victim is<br />

infused with a deadly poison that is transmitted by<br />

touch. On a failed save, the victim is suffused with a<br />

potentially deadly poison which is nearly undetectable,<br />

and which cannot harm them in any fashion. Upon<br />

command by the caster, the poison in their veins<br />

quickens and begins to ooze imperceptibly from their<br />

pores; the next person they touch is immediately<br />

affected by the poison.<br />

The victim of the poison suffers 1d10 points of initial<br />

Constitution damage, and another 1d10 points of<br />

Constitution damage one minute later. Each instance<br />

of damage can be resisted with a successful Fortitude<br />

save against a DC equal to 10 + one half the caster’s<br />

level + the caster's Intelligence bonus.<br />

After the poison is delivered, a red hourglass, much<br />

like that on the thorax of a black widow, appears on<br />

the poison carrier’s palm, announcing to all that he was<br />

the carrier. This hourglass stain is permanent, and can<br />

only be removed with a remove curse, limited wish,<br />

miracle or wish spell.<br />

Once successfully cast upon a victim, the red hourglass<br />

spell remains dormant until the caster chooses to activate<br />

it with a silent mental command. This command takes<br />

effect regardless of considerations of distance, and can<br />

be given years or even centuries after the spell is cast,<br />

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making red hourglass an extremely effective method<br />

of subtle assassination and terror.<br />

Material Component: A live black widow spider, which<br />

is slain in the casting.<br />

Retch<br />

Necromancy (Death)<br />

Level: DW 0, Sor/Wiz 0<br />

Components: S, M<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)<br />

Target: One target<br />

Duration: 1 round<br />

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates<br />

Spell Resistance: Yes<br />

By pulping a piece of necrotic flesh between his teeth<br />

and spitting the juices, the caster sickens his target,<br />

forcing him to retch and heave for a few seconds. A<br />

target who fails his Fortitude save to resist the effects<br />

of this spell is rendered nauseous for one round.<br />

Nauseated characters cannot attack, cast spells,<br />

concentrate on spells or do anything else requiring<br />

attention. They may only take a move action during<br />

the round of effect.<br />

Material Component: A piece of rotting flesh.<br />

Secret Desires<br />

Divination<br />

Level: DW 1, Sor/Wiz 1<br />

Components: V, M<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Touch<br />

Targets: One being touched<br />

Duration: 1 round per level<br />

Saving Throw: Will negates<br />

Spell Resistance: Yes<br />

The drow are masters of manipulation and the dark<br />

weavers, masters among masters. With but a touch<br />

and a few moments concentration, this spell grants<br />

understanding of the victim’s subconscious desires and<br />

fears. For the duration of the spell, the caster gains a<br />

+1 per caster level insight bonus to all Charisma based<br />

skill checks involving the victim. When the spell ends,<br />

the victim has no idea he has been manipulated in any<br />

fashion.<br />

Material Component: A single page of a diary or<br />

journal. At the moment of casting, the page burns<br />

to ash.

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