Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed

Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed Drow Magic. Sorcery Of Endless Night.pdf - RoseRed


and royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int) and Spot (Wis). Skill Points At Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. Class Features All the following are class features of the mind spider. Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: The mind spider gains no new proficiencies with weapons, nor is he proficient with armour or shields. Spells: A mind spider continues to gain prowess as a spellcaster, even as he learns to command the minds of his followers. At every level except 3 rd , the mind spider gains a new level of spells, exactly as though he had gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (familiar progression or spider friendship and the like). This means that the mind spider adds his class levels to the class levels of any one spellcasting class he progressed before, for the purposes of caster level checks, spell levels which may be studied and so on. Follower Familiars: The mind spider’s consciousness has been irrevocably altered by the flow of magic he controls and has evolved to the point that he can, with a few simple words and a bit of concentration, subconsciously influence those around him to forever ally themselves to his will. At 1 st level, the mind spider gains a number of new, special followers equal to his natural Intelligence bonus; for the purposes of this ability, increased Intelligence gained from magic items or temporary spell effects (such as fox’s cunning) is not applied. Each follower is either a 1 st level warrior or a 1 st level expert and is of the drow race. Each follower familiar has average statistics and maximum hit points. The mind spider’s player can select the skills and feats of his follower familiars. All follower familiars are completely loyal to the mind spider and will obey his commands without exception, up to and including throwing themselves into obviously suicidal situations at his behest. All follower familiars gain a +2 bonus to Will saves to resist mind-affecting spells and spell-like effects used by anyone other than the mind spider. 23 PRESTIGE CLASSES The mind spider’s follower familiars can gain levels from experience as normal. Should a follower familiar ever gain a total number of levels greater than the minds spider’s class levels, then his mind is automatically freed from the mind spider’s control and he is free to leave or stay as he chooses. From that point on, however, he is never again considered a follower familiar and his mind can no longer be accessed by the mind spider’s class abilities. Should one or more of the mind spider’s follower familiars die or pull away from his service, he may replace them at the rate of one a week from his existing pool of followers (gained from the Leadership feat). Mind Web (Su): The mind spider is able to see through the eyes of his followers and listen through their ears as easily as he uses his own. Beginning at 2 nd level, the mind spider can, as a free action, look and listen through the eyes and ears of one of his follower familiars. Range is not a consideration when using this ability; so long as the follower familiar is on the same plane as the mind spider, his senses are an open book. The mind spider can only use one follower familiar’s senses at a time and while doing so, his own body is effectively blind and deaf. In addition to his special followers, the mind spider can also see and hear through the senses of his cohort and while doing so, he is neither blinded nor deafened. Mind Web is a supernatural ability that is always in effect. Silent Speech (Su): The mind spider, his cohort and all his follower familiars are in constant mental contact, granting them a powerful form of telepathy. Beginning at 2 nd level, the mind spider, his cohort and his follower familiars can telepathically communicate with one another at will, to a range of one mile per mind spider class level. While communicating using Silent Speech, the mind spider and his minions can still communicate verbally and can still act as normal, casting spells or using other abilities without penalty. Silent Speech is a supernatural ability which can be used as a free action. Shared Purpose (Su): The mind spider, his cohort and his follower familiars are as one mind. The Mind Web they share strengthens their resolve and their loyalty to one another. While within one mile per class level

PRESTIGE CLASSES of one another, the mind spider, his cohort and his follower familiars gain a +4 circumstance bonus to all Will saves. In addition to this bonus, Shared Purpose heightens the cohort’s and follower familiar’s resolve to protect their leader and master. While within one mile per class level of the mind spider they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls when fighting in direct defence of their master. Shared Purpose is a mind-affecting, supernatural ability. Spell Shift (Su): When the mind spider reaches this level of ability, his ability to influence and alter the consciousness of his follower familiars is such that he can even channel his spell energy through their untrained minds. Beginning at 4 th level, the mind spider can cast his favoured path spells through his follower familiars, almost as easily as he can cast them himself. A mind spider can cast any favoured path spell he knows through one of his follower familiars and can burn a prepared spell to cast a spell in this fashion. Only spells with a casting time of one action or one full round can be cast in this fashion. While casting a spell for his master, the follower familiar can perform a single move action or any other action which would normally be allowed when spellcasting. The mind spider can only use the Spell Shift ability if he is within The Mind Spider Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save 24 one mile per caster level of his follower familiar and may only cast a maximum of one spell through a follower familiar each round and to a maximum of 1/ class level each day. When using the Spell Shift ability, the mind spider may not perform any other action. Spell Shift is a supernatural ability. Divert Fate (Su): Ultimately, while the mind spider’s follower familiars come to view him as a great person, worthy of worship, sacrifice and absolute loyalty, he sees them as nothing but useful tools, to be sacrificed as necessary to best ensure his prosperity and continued health. How fortunate for him, then, that not only does he have followers who are more than willing to die on his behalf, he has the power of the mind web to ensure they can. Beginning at 5 th level, when the mind spider fails a Fortitude save against a spell which would reduce him to -10 hit points or slay him outright, such as disintegrate, he can instead choose to divert the effects of the spell to one of his follower familiars. He can likewise divert any mind-affecting Will save spell to one of his followers, allowing them to gibber with madness, as per the insanity spell, while he remains unaffected. Divert Fate can only be used when the mind spider has a follower familiar within a 100 foot + 10 foot per point of Intelligence bonus radius of himself. Divert fate can also only be used once a round. Each time the mind spider uses divert fate, he suffers two points of temporary Intelligence and Constitution damage. Divert Fate is a supernatural ability which can be used as a free action. Will Save Special Spells 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Follower Familiars +1 spell level 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Mind Web, Silent Speech +1 spell level 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Shared Purpose - 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spell Shift +1 spell level 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Divert Fate +1 spell level


of one another, the mind spider, his cohort and his<br />

follower familiars gain a +4 circumstance bonus to<br />

all Will saves.<br />

In addition to this bonus, Shared Purpose heightens the<br />

cohort’s and follower familiar’s resolve to protect their<br />

leader and master. While within one mile per class<br />

level of the mind spider they gain a +2 circumstance<br />

bonus to attack and damage rolls when fighting in direct<br />

defence of their master.<br />

Shared Purpose is a mind-affecting, supernatural<br />

ability.<br />

Spell Shift (Su): When the mind spider<br />

reaches this level of ability, his ability to<br />

influence and alter the consciousness of<br />

his follower familiars is such that he<br />

can even channel his spell energy<br />

through their untrained minds.<br />

Beginning at 4 th level, the mind<br />

spider can cast his favoured<br />

path spells through his follower<br />

familiars, almost as easily as he<br />

can cast them himself.<br />

A mind spider can cast any<br />

favoured path spell he<br />

knows through one of his<br />

follower familiars and can<br />

burn a prepared spell to<br />

cast a spell in this fashion. Only<br />

spells with a casting time of one<br />

action or one full round can<br />

be cast in this fashion. While<br />

casting a spell for his master, the<br />

follower familiar can perform a<br />

single move action or any other<br />

action which would normally be<br />

allowed when spellcasting.<br />

The mind spider can only use<br />

the Spell Shift ability if he is within<br />

The Mind Spider<br />

Level<br />

Base Attack<br />

Bonus<br />

Fort<br />

Save<br />

Ref<br />

Save<br />

24<br />

one mile per caster level of his follower familiar and<br />

may only cast a maximum of one spell through a<br />

follower familiar each round and to a maximum of 1/<br />

class level each day. When using the Spell Shift ability,<br />

the mind spider may not perform any other action.<br />

Spell Shift is a supernatural ability.<br />

Divert Fate (Su): Ultimately, while the mind spider’s<br />

follower familiars come to view him as a great person,<br />

worthy of worship, sacrifice and absolute loyalty, he<br />

sees them as nothing but useful tools, to be sacrificed as<br />

necessary to best ensure his prosperity and continued<br />

health. How fortunate for him, then, that not only<br />

does he have followers who are more than willing to<br />

die on his behalf, he has the power of the mind web<br />

to ensure they can.<br />

Beginning at 5 th level, when the mind spider<br />

fails a Fortitude save against a spell<br />

which would reduce him to -10 hit<br />

points or slay him outright, such<br />

as disintegrate, he can instead<br />

choose to divert the effects<br />

of the spell to one of his<br />

follower familiars. He can<br />

likewise divert any mind-affecting Will save<br />

spell to one of his followers, allowing them<br />

to gibber with madness, as per the insanity spell,<br />

while he remains unaffected.<br />

Divert Fate can only be used when the mind spider<br />

has a follower familiar within a 100 foot + 10 foot<br />

per point of Intelligence bonus radius of himself.<br />

Divert fate can also only be used once a round.<br />

Each time the mind spider uses divert fate, he<br />

suffers two points of temporary Intelligence and<br />

Constitution damage.<br />

Divert Fate is a supernatural ability which can<br />

be used as a free action.<br />

Will<br />

Save Special Spells<br />

1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Follower Familiars +1 spell level<br />

2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Mind Web, Silent Speech +1 spell level<br />

3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Shared Purpose -<br />

4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spell Shift +1 spell level<br />

5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Divert Fate +1 spell level

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