The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging - Supernova: Pliki

The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging - Supernova: Pliki The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging - Supernova: Pliki
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66 The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging Harman published this idea as a paper entitled “Aging: a theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry”, which came out first as an internal University of California Radiation Laboratory report, in July 1955, and the following year as an article in the Journal of Gerontology. 3b 6.3. Suppressiveness A phenomenon which would, much later, be revealed as another clue to MiFRA was discovered in the laboratory of Boris Ephrussi in the early 1950s, and first discussed in print in 1955. 4 For some time it had been realised that baker’s yeast, whose full scientific name is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was an excellent organism for the study of really elementary biological processes. It is unicellular, easy and cheap to culture, and there was even money in it on account of its commercial relevance. It also has the feature of existing in either a haploid or diploid state; sexual reproduction occurs by the fusing of two haploid cells to form a diploid one, but both haploid and diploid cells also undergo asexual division. In 1996 it became the first eukaryote whose genome was completely sequenced. 5 Ephrussi and his colleagues had reported previously 6,7 that colonies would constantly arise in yeast cultures which grew more slowly than the rest of the culture, and were therefore named “petite colonie”, usually shortened to petites. This property was shown to result from loss of aerobic respiration, and in particular from “the lack of several enzymes (including cytochrome oxidase) bound, in normal yeast, to particles sedimentable by centrifugation.” (These particles were, of course, mitochondria.) But in their 1955 paper, they reported something much stranger and more exciting. They found that many of the mutants which arose in this way exerted a dominant effect when they underwent sexual reproduction. That is: when a haploid petite cell was mated to a haploid wild-type cell, forming a diploid cell with a hybrid (heteroplasmic) mitochondrial genotype, the culture that that diploid cell gave rise to (by subsequent asexual reproduction) was more prone than average to contain petite colonies, even though that original diploid cell exhibited no phenotype itself. This was shown to be a characteristic carried in the cytoplasm of the petite cells, and was named suppressiveness. It is now known to be caused by spontaneous deletions or point mutations of the mitochondrial genome. 6.4. Mitochondria as Free Radical Victims Gradually, over the next 15 years, more and more evidence came to light—much of it due to Harman’s experimental work—indicating that his basic precept was absolutely right. Reactive free radicals—LECs—were indeed discovered in living cells, and in 1969 an enzyme was isolated which destroyed one. 8 The LEC was superoxide, which was already thought to be likely to mediate oxidative damage, and the enzyme was SOD, superoxide dismutase. In 1972, Harman made a further great theoretical contribution 9 to the hypothesis he had originated. He had established, through many experiments over the previous 15 years, that the most obvious choice (if his theory was correct) for a type of chemical that might extend lifespan was only partly successful. 10-12 Such chemicals—antioxidants—act to soak up LECs, so intake of (otherwise non-toxic!) antioxidants should lower the levels of LECs in the body. If the free radical theory was correct, that should retard aging. Harman found that he could indeed raise, quite considerably, the average lifespan of mice by feeding them various antioxidants. What he could not do, however, was raise the maximum lifespan. All that happened was that the distribution of mortality became more “rectangular”: most mice lived nearly as long as the longest-lived. It seemed that there were some degenerative processes which were non-universal, i.e., which predisposed some mice to die younger than others; the exogenous antioxidants were successfully retarding these non-universal degenerative processes, but not retarding the universal processes that were central to aging.

History of the Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging, 1954-1995 Harman suggested 9 that this might be because some crucial component of cells, whose rate of decline dictated the overall rate of aging, was not benefiting from the antioxidant therapy. Since mitochondria were very likely to be the primary source of LECs in cells, and since LECs (being so reactive) are likely to be very short-lived—in other words, to react with something very nearby their site of creation—he reasoned that mitochondria were also very likely to be the principal victims of LEC-mediated damage. He proposed, on this basis, that aging was driven by the decline of mitochondria, caused by self-inflicted damage. This was, therefore, the first statement of the mitochondrial free radical theory of aging, i.e., MiFRA. This idea had little impact for several years, but was carried forward with great effect during the 1980s. The human mitochondrial genome was sequenced in 1981, 13 facilitating the isolation of mutant mitochondrial DNA and eventually its quantification. These experiments strongly confirmed that mtDNA becomes increasingly damaged with age. 14 Further support came from the finding 15 that, broadly, the tissues which exhibited the most mtDNA damage were the ones that consumed the most energy per unit volume and/or generated the most reactive molecules: there was more in the substantia nigra (which makes a lot of hydrogen peroxide) than in the cerebellum, for example, 16 and more in the extraocular muscles (which are almost constantly active) than in the limbs. 17 (The correlation was not perfect—in fact, an even better correlation was with regard to the rate of cell division of the various tissues, a fact which became comprehensible only some time later: see Section 8.5.3.) This correlation brought MiFRA strongly into line with the “rate of living” theory that high metabolic rate shortens lifespan. Moreover, many early hypotheses attempting to link the rise of oxidative stress with the self-inflicted damage to mitochondria became testable and thereby fell by the wayside. One such idea 18,19 was that mitochondria suffer damage to their DNA that inhibits their ability to replicate it; thus a cell’s ability to synthesise ATP will progressively diminish with age, because it cannot make enough of the mitochondrially encoded proteins. It was some time before experimental techniques became able to test this idea—and to establish, as it turned out, that it was wrong: mitochondrial numbers and mtDNA levels do not significantly decline with age. 20 In fact, cells that carry a large quantity of mutant mtDNA appear to over-replicate their mitochondria in a (futile) attempt to compensate for low OXPHOS function. 21,22 6.4.1. The “Vicious Cycle” Theory Another proposal which arose during this period survived for much longer. As will be discussed in Chapter 11, it is generally found that production of superoxide rises with age, and is also unusually high in the affected tissues of sufferers from genetic defects of the respiratory chain. Since LECs are able to damage all classes of macromolecule, including nucleic acids, it seemed clear that the rate at which mtDNA mutations occurred would rise as the production of superoxide rose. (Oxidative damage to DNA does not directly cause mutations, but it is known to cause inaccurate replication by the mitochondrial DNA polymerase.) 23 But, as we have seen, the free radical theory (by this time) already implicated mtDNA mutations as the cause of the rise in superoxide production with age. If they were both its cause and its consequence, one had a vicious cycle which would cause exponential increase in both (see Fig. 6.1)—which was exactly what was seen. This theory was persuasive for all the right reasons: clear-cut, simple, and in absolute accordance with the data. But, beginning in 1989, new and more detailed studies have conclusively refuted it. In an effort to adhere at least vaguely to a chronological account, I shall delay the description of that work until Section 6.6. 67

History <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Mitochondrial</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Radical</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> <strong>Aging</strong>, 1954-1995<br />

Harman suggested 9 that this might be because some crucial component <strong>of</strong> cells, whose<br />

rate <strong>of</strong> decline dictated the overall rate <strong>of</strong> aging, was not benefiting from the antioxidant<br />

therapy. Since mitochondria were very likely to be the primary source <strong>of</strong> LECs in cells, and<br />

since LECs (being so reactive) are likely to be very short-lived—in other words, to react with<br />

something very nearby their site <strong>of</strong> creation—he reasoned that mitochondria were also very<br />

likely to be the principal victims <strong>of</strong> LEC-mediated damage. He proposed, on this basis, that<br />

aging was driven by the decline <strong>of</strong> mitochondria, caused by self-inflicted damage. This was,<br />

therefore, the first statement <strong>of</strong> the mitochondrial free radical theory <strong>of</strong> aging, i.e., MiFRA.<br />

This idea had little impact for several years, but was carried forward with great effect<br />

during the 1980s. <strong>The</strong> human mitochondrial genome was sequenced in 1981, 13 facilitating<br />

the isolation <strong>of</strong> mutant mitochondrial DNA and eventually its quantification. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

experiments strongly confirmed that mtDNA becomes increasingly damaged with age. 14<br />

Further support came from the finding 15 that, broadly, the tissues which exhibited the most<br />

mtDNA damage were the ones that consumed the most energy per unit volume and/or<br />

generated the most reactive molecules: there was more in the substantia nigra (which makes<br />

a lot <strong>of</strong> hydrogen peroxide) than in the cerebellum, for example, 16 and more in the extraocular<br />

muscles (which are almost constantly active) than in the limbs. 17 (<strong>The</strong> correlation was not<br />

perfect—in fact, an even better correlation was with regard to the rate <strong>of</strong> cell division <strong>of</strong> the<br />

various tissues, a fact which became comprehensible only some time later: see Section 8.5.3.)<br />

This correlation brought MiFRA strongly into line with the “rate <strong>of</strong> living” theory that high<br />

metabolic rate shortens lifespan.<br />

Moreover, many early hypotheses attempting to link the rise <strong>of</strong> oxidative stress with<br />

the self-inflicted damage to mitochondria became testable and thereby fell by the wayside.<br />

One such idea 18,19 was that mitochondria suffer damage to their DNA that inhibits their<br />

ability to replicate it; thus a cell’s ability to synthesise ATP will progressively diminish with<br />

age, because it cannot make enough <strong>of</strong> the mitochondrially encoded proteins. It was some<br />

time before experimental techniques became able to test this idea—and to establish, as it<br />

turned out, that it was wrong: mitochondrial numbers and mtDNA levels do not significantly<br />

decline with age. 20 In fact, cells that carry a large quantity <strong>of</strong> mutant mtDNA appear to<br />

over-replicate their mitochondria in a (futile) attempt to compensate for low OXPHOS<br />

function. 21,22<br />

6.4.1. <strong>The</strong> “Vicious Cycle” <strong>The</strong>ory<br />

Another proposal which arose during this period survived for much longer. As will be<br />

discussed in Chapter 11, it is generally found that production <strong>of</strong> superoxide rises with age,<br />

and is also unusually high in the affected tissues <strong>of</strong> sufferers from genetic defects <strong>of</strong> the<br />

respiratory chain. Since LECs are able to damage all classes <strong>of</strong> macromolecule, including<br />

nucleic acids, it seemed clear that the rate at which mtDNA mutations occurred would rise<br />

as the production <strong>of</strong> superoxide rose. (Oxidative damage to DNA does not directly cause<br />

mutations, but it is known to cause inaccurate replication by the mitochondrial DNA<br />

polymerase.) 23 But, as we have seen, the free radical theory (by this time) already implicated<br />

mtDNA mutations as the cause <strong>of</strong> the rise in superoxide production with age. If they were<br />

both its cause and its consequence, one had a vicious cycle which would cause exponential<br />

increase in both (see Fig. 6.1)—which was exactly what was seen.<br />

This theory was persuasive for all the right reasons: clear-cut, simple, and in absolute<br />

accordance with the data. But, beginning in 1989, new and more detailed studies have<br />

conclusively refuted it. In an effort to adhere at least vaguely to a chronological account, I<br />

shall delay the description <strong>of</strong> that work until Section 6.6.<br />


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