Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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82 II <strong>Simplicial</strong> Complexes<br />

obta<strong>in</strong>ed by remov<strong>in</strong>g the n-face opposite to the vertex x0 from the simplicial complex<br />

•<br />

σ, n-simplicial cone with vertex {x0} . Clearly<br />

H0(C(σ),Z) ∼ = Z<br />

because C(σ) is connected. A similar proof to the one used for σ shows that<br />

Hj(C(σ),Z) ∼ = 0forevery0< j < n. We note that, when j = n, thevertexx0<br />

belongs to every n-simplex of C(σ) and so<br />

(∀c ∈ Cn(C(σ)))c = kn−1∂n(c),<br />

allow<strong>in</strong>g us to conclude that the trivial cycle 0 is the only n-cycle of C(σ); <strong>in</strong>other<br />

words, Hn(C(σ);Z) ∼ = 0.<br />

In the next example we refer to the construction of an acyclic carrier.<br />

Homology of the (abstract) cone –LetvK = v ∗ K be the jo<strong>in</strong> of a simplicial<br />

complex K =(X,Φ) and of a simplicial complex with a s<strong>in</strong>gle vertex (and<br />

simplex) v.<br />

(II.4.6) Lemma. The cones vK are acyclic simplicial complexes.<br />

Proof. Let v be the simplicial complex with the s<strong>in</strong>gle vertex v andnoothersimplex;<br />

it is clear that v (considered as a simplicial complex) is an acyclic simplicial<br />

complex. The cha<strong>in</strong> complex C(v) is a subcomplex of C(vK); letι : C(v) → C(vK)<br />

be the <strong>in</strong>clusion. Consider the simplicial function<br />

It is readily seen that the cha<strong>in</strong> morphism<br />

c: vK → v , y ∈ vΦ ↦→{v} .<br />

C(c)ι : C(v) −→ C(v)<br />

co<strong>in</strong>cides with the identity homomorphism of C(v); then, for every n ∈ Z,thecomposite<br />

Hn(c)Hn(ι) equals the identity. Let us prove that ιC(c) and the identity homomorphism<br />

1 C(vK) of C(vK) are homotopic. We def<strong>in</strong>e<br />

sn : Cn(vK) → Cn+1(vK)<br />

on the oriented n-simplexes σ ∈ vΦ (understood as a cha<strong>in</strong>) by the formula<br />

�<br />

0 if v ∈ σ,<br />

sn(σ)=<br />

vσ if v �∈ σ;<br />

sn may be l<strong>in</strong>early extended to a homomorphism of Cn(vK). Let us take a look <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the properties of these functions.<br />

Case 1: n = 0–Letxbe any vertex of vK.<br />

�<br />

x − v if x �= v,<br />

(1C0(vK) − ιC0(c))(x)=<br />

0 if x = v.

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