Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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II.3 Homological Algebra 69<br />

The connect<strong>in</strong>g homomorphisms λn are natural <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g sense:<br />

(II.3.3) Theorem. Let<br />

(C,∂) ��<br />

h<br />

��<br />

( ¯C, d) ¯ ��<br />

f<br />

¯f<br />

��<br />

(C ′ ,∂ ′ )<br />

k<br />

��<br />

��<br />

( C ¯′ , d ¯′ )<br />

g<br />

¯g<br />

��<br />

��<br />

(C ′′ ,∂ ′′ )<br />

ℓ<br />

��<br />

��<br />

��<br />

( C ¯′′<br />

, d ¯′′<br />

)<br />

be a commutative diagram of cha<strong>in</strong> complexes <strong>in</strong> which the horizontal l<strong>in</strong>es are<br />

short exact sequences. Then, for every n ∈ Z, the next diagram commutes.<br />

Hn(C ′′ )<br />

Hn(ℓ)<br />

��<br />

Hn( ¯ C ′′ )<br />

λn ��<br />

¯λn<br />

Hn−1(C)<br />

Hn−1(h)<br />

��<br />

��<br />

Hn−1( ¯C)<br />

The proof of this theorem is easy and is left to the reader.<br />

Let f ,g: (C,∂) → (C ′ ,∂ ′ ) be cha<strong>in</strong> complex morphisms. We say that f and g<br />

are cha<strong>in</strong> homotopic if there is a graded group morphism of degree + 1, s: C → C ′<br />

such that f − g = d ′ s + sd; more precisely<br />

(∀n ∈ Z) fn − gn = ∂ ′ n+1 sn + sn−1∂n .<br />

The morphism s: C → C ′ is a cha<strong>in</strong> homotopy between f and g (or from f to g).<br />

Notice that the cha<strong>in</strong> homotopy relation just def<strong>in</strong>ed is an equivalence relation <strong>in</strong><br />

the set<br />

C((C,∂),(C ′ ,∂ ′ )) .<br />

In particular, a morphism f ∈ C((C,∂),(C ′ ,∂ ′ )) is cha<strong>in</strong> null-homotopic if there<br />

exists a cha<strong>in</strong> homotopy s such that f = d ′ s + sd (it follows that f and g are cha<strong>in</strong><br />

homotopic if and only if f − g is cha<strong>in</strong> null-homotopic).<br />

(II.3.4) Proposition. If f ,g ∈ C((C,∂),(C ′ ,∂ ′ )) are cha<strong>in</strong> homotopic, then<br />

(∀n) Hn( f )=Hn(g): HnC → HnC ′ .<br />

Proof. For any cycle z ∈ ZnC,wehavethat<br />

Hn f [z]=[fn(z)] = [gn(z)] + [∂ ′ n+1 sn(z)] + [sn−1∂n(z)] = Hng[z];<br />

we now notice that ∂nz = 0andthat∂ ′ n+1 sn(z) is a boundary and thus, homologous<br />

to zero. �

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