Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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236 VI Homotopy Groups<br />

Proof. The first three assertions are direct consequences of the def<strong>in</strong>ition of difference<br />

cocha<strong>in</strong>. For prov<strong>in</strong>g the 4th one, we take any (n + 1)-simplex<br />

σ = {x0,x1,...,xn+1}<br />

of K and let fσ (respectively, gσ ) be the restriction of f (respectively, g) to| •<br />

σ|; we<br />

<strong>in</strong>tend to prove that<br />

that is to say<br />

{(c n+1<br />

f<br />

− cn+1<br />

g ) − d n (δ n ( f ,g))}(σn+1)=0<br />

[ fσ ] − [gσ] − (Σ n+1<br />

i=0 (−1)i δ n ( f ,g)(σ i )) = 0<br />

where σ i = {x0,x1,...,�xi,...,xn+1}. To obta<strong>in</strong> this result, we identify S n+1 with the<br />

boundary of I n+2 ∼ = |σ|×I,thatistosay,<br />

S n+1 = ∂ (|σ|×I)=|σ|×{0}∪|σ|×{1}∪(∪ n+1<br />

i=0 |σ i |×I);<br />

after this, we def<strong>in</strong>e the map of<br />

given by the union of maps<br />

F : | •<br />

σ|×{0}∪| •<br />

σ|×{1}∪(∪i| •<br />

σ i |×I) → W<br />

f : | •<br />

σ|×{0}→W,<br />

g: | •<br />

σ|×{1}→W,<br />

∪ n+1<br />

i=0 fi ∗ g −1<br />

i : (∪i|σ i |×I) → W<br />

and f<strong>in</strong>ally, we apply Lemma (VI.4.1) to F. �<br />

(VI.4.7) Remark. If g is a constant map, we conclude that<br />

[ f || •<br />

σ|]=Σ n+1<br />

i=0 [ f ||σ i |].<br />

This is the so-called Homotopy Addition Theorem; it states that the (based) homotopy<br />

class of a map f : Sn → Y is the sum of the homotopy classes of the restrictions<br />

of f to the geometric n-simplexes of the triangulation of the sphere. It is <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to note that the Homotopy Addition Theorem appeared (without proof) <strong>in</strong> the<br />

literature for the first time <strong>in</strong> [35]; its first formal proof was written by S-J. Hu [20].<br />

Part 4 of Theorem (VI.4.6) shows that two extensions to |Kn ∪ L| of a<br />

map f : |Kn−1 ∪ L| →W have cohomologous (n + 1)-obstruction cocycles and,<br />

therefore, these cocycles produce the same element of the cohomology group<br />

Hn+1 (K,L;πn(W)) (provided that W be n-simple). We now prove the converse of<br />

this result.<br />

(VI.4.8) Theorem. Let W be an n-simple space and f n : |Kn ∪L|→W an extension<br />

of f whose obstruction (n + 1)-cocycle c n+1<br />

f is cohomologous to a cocycle zn+1 ∈<br />

Cn+1 (K,L;πn(W)). Then, there is an extension g: |Kn+1 ∪L|→W of the restriction<br />

of f n to |Kn−1 ∪ L| such that cn+1 g = zn+1 .

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