Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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220 VI Homotopy Groups<br />

and<br />

�<br />

y0<br />

H((cy0 ,β ),s)(t)=<br />

β( 2t+s−1<br />

s+1<br />

0 ≤ t ≤ 1−s<br />

2<br />

≤ t ≤ 1.<br />

) 1−s<br />

2<br />

(VI.3.8) Theorem. Let (Y,y0) be a given H-space; then, for every n ≥ 1, the<br />

homotopy group πn(Y,y0) is Abelian.<br />

Proof. Due to the def<strong>in</strong>itions of multiplication <strong>in</strong> Y and comultiplication <strong>in</strong> S n ,and<br />

also to [cy0 ] be<strong>in</strong>g the identity element of πn(Y,y0), the homotopies<br />

f ∼ σ( f ∨ cy 0 )νn ∼ μY ( f × cy 0 )Δ = f ′<br />

g ∼ σ(cy 0 ∨ g)νn ∼ μY (cy 0 × g)Δ = g ′<br />

hold true for every f ,g ∈ Top ∗(S n ,Y ); therefore,<br />

σ( f ∨ g)νn ∼ σ( f ′ ∨ g ′ )νn ∼ μY ( f ′ × g ′ )Δ<br />

σ(g ∨ f )νn ∼ σ(g ′ ∨ f ′ )νn ∼ μY (g ′ × f ′ )Δ.<br />

However, for every x ∈ S n , either f ′ (x) or g ′ (x) must equal y0 and so, ( f ′ × g ′ )Δ is<br />

a map from S n to Y ∨Y; consequently, we have the homotopies<br />

We end this proof by observ<strong>in</strong>g that<br />

μY ( f ′ × g ′ )Δ ∼ σ( f ′ × g ′ )Δ<br />

μY (g ′ × f ′ )Δ ∼ σ(g ′ × f ′ )Δ.<br />

σ( f ′ × g ′ )Δ = σ(g ′ × f ′ )Δ. �<br />

(VI.3.9) Theorem. For every n ≥ 2 and every (Y,y0) ∈ Top ∗, πn(Y,y0) is Abelian.<br />

Proof. It is a consequence of Theorems (VI.3.7), (VI.3.8), and of the fact that ΩY<br />

is an H-space. �<br />

(VI.3.10) Theorem. For every n ≥ 2,<br />

is a covariant functor.<br />

πn : Top ∗ −→ Ab<br />

Proof. A based map k : (Y,y0) −→ (X,x0) <strong>in</strong>duces a group homomorphism<br />

as follows: for every [ f ] ∈ πn(Y,y0),<br />

πn(k): πn(Y,y0) −→ πn(X,x0)<br />

πn(k)([ f ]) :=[kf].<br />

We must use the fact that σ(k ∨ k)=kσ. �

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