Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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4 I Fundamental Concepts<br />

x<br />

z<br />

y<br />

Fig. I.1<br />

The topology U generated by a basis B may be described <strong>in</strong> another way:<br />

(I.1.2) Lemma. Let X be a set, let B be a basis of open sets of X, and let U be the<br />

topology generated by B. Then, U co<strong>in</strong>cides with the set of all unions of elements<br />

of B.<br />

Proof. Given any set {Uα | α ∈ J, Uα ∈ B} of open sets of the basis B, s<strong>in</strong>ce all<br />

elements B <strong>in</strong> are open sets and U is a topology, the union �<br />

α∈J Uα is also open.<br />

Conversely, given U ∈ U, for each x ∈ U, there exists Bx ∈ B such that x ∈ Bx ⊂ U.<br />

Therefore, U = �<br />

x∈U Bx,thatistosay,Uisa union of elements of B. �<br />

We now look <strong>in</strong>to the concept of sub-basis. A set of subsets S of X is a subbasis<br />

for X if the union of all elements of S co<strong>in</strong>cides with X (<strong>in</strong> other words, if<br />

property B1, given above, holds). The next result provides a good reason to work<br />

with sub-bases.<br />

(I.1.3) Theorem. Let S be a sub-basis of a set X. Then, the set U of all unions of<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ite <strong>in</strong>tersections of elements of S is a topology.<br />

Proof. It is enough to prove that the set B of all f<strong>in</strong>ite <strong>in</strong>tersections of elements of<br />

S is a basis and then apply Lemma (I.1.2).<br />

B1: For each x ∈ X there exists B ∈ S such that x ∈ B;however,B∈B, s<strong>in</strong>ce all<br />

elements of S are elements of B.<br />

B2: Given B1 = �n i=1C1 i and B2 = �m j=1C 2 j <strong>in</strong> B, the property holds because<br />

� � � �<br />

n�<br />

m�<br />

B1 ∩ B2 =<br />

C<br />

i=1<br />

1 i<br />

∩<br />

C<br />

j=1<br />

2 j<br />

∈ B. �<br />

Clearly, any basis is a sub-basis. For <strong>in</strong>stance, the set {{x}|x ∈ X} is a subbasis<br />

for the discrete topology on X as well as a basis for that same topology. On<br />

the contrary, the family of all open <strong>in</strong>tervals of R with length 1 is an example of a<br />

sub-basis that is not a basis. Property B1 holds but not property B2. The basis it<br />

generates consists of all open <strong>in</strong>tervals of R and we have, therefore, the Euclidean<br />

topology.<br />

Let X and Y be two topological spaces with respective topologies U and V. The<br />

product topology of the set X ×Y is generated by the basis<br />

B = {U ×V |U ∈ U , V ∈ U}.

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