Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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V.2 Closed Surfaces 179<br />

Fig. V.6 Connected sum of<br />

two tori: the torus of genus 2<br />

their images such that h2 = fh1. The <strong>in</strong>dependence from the choice of h1 and h2<br />

derives from the universal property of pushouts. The details of this proof are left to<br />

the reader. �<br />

If S represents the set of all classes of homeomorphisms of closed connected<br />

surfaces, we have the follow<strong>in</strong>g result whose proof we shall omit:<br />

(V.2.2) Proposition. The connected sum determ<strong>in</strong>es an operation<br />

#: S × S → S<br />

which is associative, commutative, and has a neutral element (the sphere S2 ).<br />

The sphere S2 ,thetorusT2 , the real projective plane RP2 , and the connected<br />

sums of these spaces have particularly <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g representations. We beg<strong>in</strong><br />

with S2 . In Sect. I.1 we have proved that the sphere S2 is homeomorphic to the<br />

quotient space obta<strong>in</strong>ed from D2 by identify<strong>in</strong>g each po<strong>in</strong>t (x,y) ∈ S1 to (x,−y)<br />

(see Example (I.1.7)). So if, as <strong>in</strong> Fig. V.7, a denotes the semicircle from (−1,0)<br />

a<br />

A B<br />

a=b<br />

Fig. V.7 Identify<strong>in</strong>g polygon<br />

for S 2<br />

to (1,0) through (0,1) and b, the semicircle from (−1,0) to (1,0) through (0,−1)<br />

(both from (−1,0) to (1,0) ), S 2 maybeviewedasthediskD 2 with two vertices<br />

A =(−1,0), B =(1,0) and two identified arcs (sides), that is to say, a disk with<br />

two vertices and only one side a = b; if the boundary is travelled clockwise from<br />

A, sideb is travelled aga<strong>in</strong>st the direction we have given it and we may therefore<br />

view S 2 as a disk with boundary a 1 a −1 (we assign the exponent 1 to side a when<br />

follow<strong>in</strong>g the chosen direction, and the exponent −1 when follow<strong>in</strong>g the opposite<br />


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