Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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174 V Triangulable Manifolds<br />

other at an n − 1 face or they are l<strong>in</strong>ked by a cha<strong>in</strong> of n-simplexes. The proof of<br />

these results is based on an argument found <strong>in</strong> the next lemma; we ask the reader<br />

to remember that we may associate the closed subspace S(p), thatistosay,the<br />

boundary of the space<br />

D(p)= �<br />

|σ|,<br />

σ∈B(p)<br />

with each p ∈|K|, whereB(p) is the set of all σ ∈ Φ such that p ∈|σ| (see<br />

Sect. II.2).<br />

(V.1.4) Lemma. Let X ∼ = |K| be a triangulable n-manifold; then for whatever p ∈<br />

|K|,S(p) is of the same homotopy type as the sphere S n−1 .<br />

Proof. Let (U,φ) be a chart of |K| conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the po<strong>in</strong>t p. S<strong>in</strong>ceφ(U) is homeomorphic<br />

to an open set W ⊂ Rn , there is a closed disk Dn ε (φ(p)), with center φ(p)<br />

and radius ε, conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> W . The restriction of φ −1 to Dn ε(φ(p)) is a homeomorphism<br />

from Dn ε (φ(p)) <strong>in</strong>to a subspace of |K| conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g p. We recall that Dnε (φ(p))<br />

is a triangulable space; let L be a simplicial complex whose geometric realization is<br />

identified to Dn ε(φ(p)). We now consider the homeomorphism φ −1 : |L|→|K| and<br />

apply Theorem (II.2.11) to conclude that S(φ(p)) ∼ S(p). We complete the proof<br />

by not<strong>in</strong>g that S(φ(p)) ∼ = Sn−1 . �<br />

The follow<strong>in</strong>g result is very important (cf. [24, Theorem 5.3.3]).<br />

(V.1.5) Theorem. Any triangulable n-manifold |K| has the follow<strong>in</strong>g properties:<br />

1. dimK = n<br />

2. For every vertex p ∈|K|, there is an n-simplex σ of K such that p ∈|σ|<br />

3. Every (n − 1)-simplex of K is a face of exactly two n-simplexes<br />

Moreover, if |K| is connected, for any two n-simplexes σ and τ of K, there is a<br />

sequence of n-simplexes σ = σ1,...,σr = τ such that σi ∩σi+1 is an (n−1)-simplex<br />

for every i = 1,...,r − 1.<br />

Proof. 1. Lemma (V.1.4) shows that Hn−1(S(p);Z) ∼ = Z for each p ∈|K|. Hence,<br />

if dimK < n, foreveryp∈|K|, dimS(p) < n − 1; therefore, Hn−1(S(p);Z) =0,<br />

contradict<strong>in</strong>g the lemma. We now suppose that dimK = m > n; this means that<br />

the simplicial complex K has at least one m-simplex with m > n and so, for every<br />

po<strong>in</strong>t p <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>terior of |σ|, the space S(p) is of the same homotopy type as Sm−1 ,<br />

once aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> contradiction to Lemma (V.1.4) (two spheres of different dimensions<br />

cannot be of the same homotopy type).<br />

2. If K had no n-simplex with geometric realization conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g p, then the dimension<br />

of the simplicial complex S(p) would be strictly less than n − 1 and thus S(p)<br />

could not be of the same homotopy type as Sn−1 .<br />

3. Let us suppose σn−1 to be a face of rn-dimensional simplexes τi n , i = 1,...,r. Let<br />

Int|σn−1| = |σ n−1| � | •<br />

σn−1|<br />

be the <strong>in</strong>terior of |σn−1|; foreveryi = 1,...,r, wedef<strong>in</strong>e

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