Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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III.2 Homology of Polyhedra 109<br />

Now the problem is to def<strong>in</strong>e Hn(−,Z) on the morphisms of P, <strong>in</strong>otherwords,<br />

on cont<strong>in</strong>uous functions between polyhedra. To solve this problem, we make here<br />

some <strong>in</strong>itial remarks. Two simplicial functions f ,g: K =(X,Φ) → L =(Y,Ψ) are<br />

contiguous if for every σ ∈ Φ there exists τ ∈ Ψ such that f (σ) ⊂ τ and g(σ) ⊂ τ;<br />

<strong>in</strong> symbols,<br />

(∀σ ∈ Φ)(∃τ ∈ Ψ) f (σ) ⊂ τ , g(σ) ⊂ τ .<br />

Suppose that f and g are contiguous; for each n-simplex σ ∈ Φ (a generator of<br />

Cn(K)), let τ be the smallest simplex of L which conta<strong>in</strong>s both simplexes f (σ) and<br />

g(σ). We def<strong>in</strong>e the cha<strong>in</strong> complex (S(σ),∂ σ ) as follows:<br />

�<br />

Cn(τ) , n ≥ 0<br />

S(σ)n =<br />

0 , n < 0<br />

(recall that τ is the simplicial complex (τ,℘(τ) � /0)). S<strong>in</strong>ce τ is an acyclic simplicial<br />

complex, it follows that S is an acyclic carrier between C(K) and C(L). Moreover,<br />

S is an acyclic carrier of C( f ) −C(g): <strong>in</strong> fact, if x is a vertex of K such that<br />

f (x) �= g(x), the fact that f and g are contiguous ensures the existence of a simplex<br />

τ of L, which conta<strong>in</strong>s both vertices f (x) and g(x); therefore,<br />

(C0( f ) −C0(g))(x) ∈ C0(τ)=S(x)0 .<br />

It is easy to prove that, for any generator σ of C(K),<br />

(C( f ) −C(g))(σ) ⊂ S(σ)<br />

that is to say, S is an acyclic carrier for the cha<strong>in</strong> homomorphism C( f ) −C(g).<br />

(III.2.1) Theorem. If f ,g: K → L are contiguous, Hn( f ,Z) =Hn(g,Z) for every<br />

n ∈ Z.<br />

Proof. We first prove that the cha<strong>in</strong> homomorphism<br />

C( f ) −C(g): C(K) → C(L)<br />

extends the homomorphism 0: Z → Z. Indeed, let x beavertexofK;if f (x)=g(x),<br />

then (C0( f ) −C0(g))(x)=0; otherwise, if f (x) �= g(x),<br />

ε(C0( f ) −C0(g))(x)=ε( f (x) − g(x)) = 0<br />

and so, C( f )−C(g) extends 0 (recall that ε : C0(K) → Z is the augmentation homomorphism).<br />

By Corollary (II.3.10), we conclude that C( f ) −C(g) is homologically<br />

null. We complete the proof with the help of Theorem (II.3.4). �<br />

Theorem (III.1.4) shows that the geometric realizations of a simplicial complex<br />

and one of its barycentric subdivisions are homeomorphic; we now show that the<br />

homology groups of simplicial complexes rema<strong>in</strong> unchanged (up to isomorphism)<br />

under barycentric subdivisions.

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