Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology

Simplicial Structures in Topology


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Preface<br />

On a dit, écrivais je (ou àpeuprès)<br />

dans une préface, que la géometrie est<br />

l’art de bien raisonner sur des figures<br />

mal faites.<br />


In 1954, One hundred years after Henri Po<strong>in</strong>caré’s birth, there was a special session<br />

dur<strong>in</strong>g the International Congress of Mathematics, <strong>in</strong> the Netherlands, <strong>in</strong> honor of<br />

this great mathematician. The Russian mathematician, Pavel S. Aleksandrov, chosen<br />

to br<strong>in</strong>g this about, started his speech by say<strong>in</strong>g: ≪To the question of what is<br />

Po<strong>in</strong>caré’s relationship to topology, one can reply <strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle sentence: he created<br />

it; but it is also possible to reply with a course of lectures <strong>in</strong> which Po<strong>in</strong>caré’s fundamental<br />

topological results would be discussed <strong>in</strong> greater or lesser detail≫ (see<br />

[3]). This is <strong>in</strong> part what we set out to do <strong>in</strong> this book.<br />

<strong>Topology</strong> is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of the qualitative<br />

properties of figures. Johann Benedikt List<strong>in</strong>g was among the first mathematicians<br />

who dedicated themselves to study<strong>in</strong>g geometry <strong>in</strong> this sense and <strong>in</strong> 1847, he published<br />

a paper [23] <strong>in</strong> which he co<strong>in</strong>ed the term <strong>Topology</strong>. Bernhard Riemann’s<br />

contribution to the birth of topology was also remarkable; after Riemann, Enrico<br />

Betti [5] studied manifolds through an <strong>in</strong>variant that generalizes Euler’s for convex<br />

polyhedra. Betti’s work provided Po<strong>in</strong>caré with the basis for his work <strong>in</strong> topology<br />

(called Analysis Sitûs by Po<strong>in</strong>caré).<br />

Po<strong>in</strong>caré realized the importance of his new theory and wrote some twelve papers<br />

on Analysis Sitûs; <strong>in</strong>deed, here is what he stated <strong>in</strong> the paper he wrote at the<br />

request of the Swedish mathematician Gösta Mittag-Leffler [28]: ≪Quant àmoi,<br />

toutes les voies diverses où jem’étais engagé successivement me conduisaient à<br />

l’Analysis Sitûs. J’avais beso<strong>in</strong> des données de cette science pour poursuivre mes<br />

études sur les courbes déf<strong>in</strong>ies par les équations différentielles et pour les étendre<br />

aux équations différentielles d’ordre supérieur et en particulier à celles du problème<br />

des trois corps. J’en avais beso<strong>in</strong> pour l’étude des périodes des <strong>in</strong>tégrales multiples<br />

et pour l’application de cette étude au développement de la fonction pérturbatrice.<br />

Enf<strong>in</strong> j’entrevoyais dans l’Analysis Sitûs un moyen d’aborder un problème importantedelathéorie<br />

des groupes, la recherche des groupes discrets ou des groupes<br />

f<strong>in</strong>is contenus dans un groupe cont<strong>in</strong>u donné.≫<br />

In his first paper on Analysis Sitûs, published <strong>in</strong> 1895 [27], Po<strong>in</strong>caré def<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

manifolds <strong>in</strong> spaces with dimension greater than three and <strong>in</strong>troduced the basic concept<br />

of homeomorphism def<strong>in</strong>ed as the relation between two manifolds with the<br />


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