Jean-Marie Bois - Mathematisches Seminar - Christian-Albrechts ...

Jean-Marie Bois - Mathematisches Seminar - Christian-Albrechts ...

Jean-Marie Bois - Mathematisches Seminar - Christian-Albrechts ...


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General information<br />

Name <strong>Jean</strong>-<strong>Marie</strong> <strong>Bois</strong><br />

curriculum vitae<br />

Contact details <strong>Mathematisches</strong> <strong>Seminar</strong><br />

<strong>Christian</strong>-<strong>Albrechts</strong>-Universität zu Kiel<br />

Ludewig-Meyn Str. 4<br />

24 098 Kiel, Germany<br />

Telephone (+49) 431 880 3665<br />

Email bois@math.uni-kiel.de<br />

Homepage http://www.math.uni-kiel.de/algebra/bois/jmbois.html<br />

Research interests Lie theory, representation theory, non-commutative algebra<br />

Education<br />

2004 Teaching certificate (Agrégation), option Probability / Statistics.<br />

1999 – 2004 PhD in Mathematics, University of Reims, Hons. class Très Honorable.<br />

Title: Enveloping skewfields of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and in<br />

positive characteristics [in French]; supervisor: J. Alev.<br />

1997 – 1999 Master’s (Maîtrise and D.E.A.) in Mathematics, Reims.<br />

Master’s thesis: Quantum analogues of solvable Lie groups (after De<br />

Concini, Kac, Procesi) [in French]; supervisor: G. Cauchon.<br />

1996 – 1997 Bachelor’s degree (Licence) in Mathematics, Reims.<br />

Employment history<br />

Since Feb 2012 Research associate, with R. Farnsteiner, University of Kiel.<br />

Oct 2011– Jan 2012 Tutor, University of Kiel.<br />

Sep 2011 Invited researcher at East China Normal University (Shanghai),<br />

with B. Shu.<br />

Oct 2009 – Sep 2011 Research fellow, Kiel.<br />

Funded by the DFG Priority Programme 1388 “Representation<br />

Theory”.<br />

Mar – Sep 2009 Research associate, with R. Farnsteiner, University of Kiel.<br />

Apr 2008 – Feb 2009 Research fellow, Bielefeld.<br />

Funded by the CRC 701 “Topological and spectral structures in representation<br />

theory”.<br />

Jan – Feb 2008 Invited researcher, Max-Planck Institute, Bonn.<br />

Oct 2006 – Jul 2007 Post-doc, with R. Farnsteiner, Bielefeld.<br />

Supported by the DAAD and the CRC 701.<br />

Nov 2005 – Aug 2006 Post-doc, with B. Kunyavskiĭ, Bar-Ilan University.<br />

Funded by the RTN Network “Algebraic K-theory, linear algebraic<br />

groups and related structures”.<br />


Apr 2005 Invited researcher, University of Washington (Seattle), with J.J.<br />

Zhang.<br />

Sep 2004 – Feb 2005 Stage d’agrégation (secondary school teaching training), lycée La<br />

Fontaine du Vé, Sézanne.<br />

1999 – 2004 Teaching assistant, Reims.<br />

Partially supported by a grant of the Région Champagne-Ardenne.<br />

Teaching experience<br />

Winter term 2011 / 2012 Tutor, Kiel, half position (20 hours).<br />

– Bachelor: Linear algebra 1<br />

Spring term 2009 Teaching assistant, Kiel, half position (40 hours).<br />

– Bachelor: Linear algebra 2<br />

– Master: Representation theory<br />

Sep 2002 – Aug 2004 Teaching assistant, Reims, half position (96 hours / year).<br />

– Bachelor: Differential equations (theory and programming);<br />

supervision of T.E.R. (“Study and Research Report”)<br />

– Practical sessions: introduction to Matlab<br />

Sep 1999 – Aug 2002 Teaching assistant, Reims, part time (64 hours / year).<br />

Publications<br />

– Bachelor: Linear algebra 2<br />

– Practical sessions: general computer practise<br />

1. Weyl groups for non-classical restricted Lie algebras and the Chevalley restriction theorem,<br />

with R. Farnsteiner and B. Shu, accepted in Forum Math. Preprint arXiv:1003.4358.<br />

2. Algebraic families of subfields in division rings, with G. Vernik, J. Algebra 339 (2011),<br />

172–180.<br />

3. Generators of simple Lie algebras II, Forum Math. 22 (2010), 525–538.<br />

4. Generators of simple Lie algebras in arbitrary characteristics, Math. Z. 262 (2009), 715–<br />

741.<br />

5. Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture in positive characteristics, J. Algebra 305 (2006), 820–844.<br />

6. Corps enveloppants des algèbres de type Witt, J. Algebra 269 (2003), 669–700.<br />

Other works<br />

– Isomorphisme des corps enveloppants des algèbres de type Witt, complement to n o 6 above.<br />


Invited talks<br />

September 2011 East China Normal University, Shanghai.<br />

April 2011 Algebra Day in Caen.<br />

March 2011 Conference “Darstellungstheorie Schwerpunkttagung”, Münster.<br />

February 2011 Joint seminar Bremen-Hamburg-Kiel.<br />

October 2007 Workshop “Geometry around the solvable radical”, Düsseldorf.<br />

May 2007 9th NWDR Workshop, Cologne.<br />

December 2006 University of Haifa.<br />

December 2006 Bar-Ilan University.<br />

October 2006 University of Bielefeld.<br />

August 2006 Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot.<br />

December 2005 University of Haifa.<br />

November 2005 Bar-Ilan University.<br />

November 2005 Weizmann Institute of Science.<br />

April 2005 University of Washington, Seattle.<br />

February 2005 Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.<br />

November 2004 Franco-Belgian Meeting “Tournesol Day”, Antwerp.<br />

June 2003 Franco-Belgian Meeting “Tournesol Day”, Antwerp.<br />

Selected reading group talks<br />

Spring 2011 Mini-lecture series “Introduction to finite W-algebras” (after W. Wang).<br />

Spring 2010 “Coherent sheaves, and the example of P 1 ”.<br />

November 2008 “Weyl groups and root systems for Borcherds algebras” (after M. Wakimoto).<br />

June 2008 “Basic properties of Hecke algebras”.<br />

April 2008 “Lower bound for Auslander’s representation dimension” (after S.<br />

Oppermann).<br />

April 2007 “Introduction to group schemes”.<br />

February 2007 “Closure of conjugacy classes of matrices are normal” (after H. Kraft and C.<br />

Procesi).<br />

January 2007 “A Littlewood-Richardson rule for symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras” (after<br />

P. Littelmann).<br />


Co-organisation of scientific events<br />

Since 2009 <strong>Seminar</strong> “Representations and Algebraic Lie Theory”, Kiel.<br />

http://www.math.uni-kiel.de/algebra/ReAL/ReAL<strong>Seminar</strong>.html<br />

November 2011 Reading course “Quasi-Hereditary Algebras”, Kiel.<br />

http://www.math.uni-kiel.de/algebra/ReAL/pages/QuasiHereditary.html<br />

Spring 2010 Small seminar “Selected Topics in Algebra”, Kiel.<br />

http://www.math.uni-kiel.de/algebra/topics/Start<strong>Seminar</strong>.html<br />

June 2009 Meeting “13th NWDR Workshop”, Kiel.<br />

http://www.math.uni-kiel.de/algebra/NWDR13/nwdr13.html<br />

Autumn 2008 Reading course “Borcherds-Kac-Moody algebras”, Bielefeld.<br />

http://www.math.uni-bielefeld.de/∼sek/sem/BKMWorkshop.html<br />

October 2008 Workshop “ADE-Chains”, Bielefeld.<br />

http://www.math.uni-bielefeld.de/∼sek/ADE/<br />

Sep 2008 – Mar 2009 <strong>Seminar</strong> “Representation Theory”, Bielefeld.<br />

Other responsibilities<br />

– Reviewer for Zentralblatt MATH.<br />

– Referee:<br />

– peer review (J. Algebra, Comm. in Algebra, Algebra Colloq., Algebra Number Theory,<br />

Algebr. Represent. Theory, J. Algebra Appl....);<br />

– Israel Science Foundation.<br />

– Hiring committee, University of Kiel, 2011.<br />

– PhD Proposal committee (examiner), University of Haifa, June 2006.<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

Software<br />

– Matlab, good knowledge;<br />

– GAP, basic experience.<br />

Languages<br />

– French, English, German, fluent;<br />

– Modern Greek, adequate;<br />

– German Sign Language, elementary conversation;<br />

– Russian, Dutch, Latin, basic knowledge.<br />


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