International Events.qxd

International Events.qxd International Events.qxd


BIOGRAPHY physical, intellectual and spiritual might. As a Japanese citizen who experienced the atomic bomb holocaust during the Second World War in 1945, I have been endeavoring to establish an eternally peaceful world free from nuclear bombs or any other weapons of mass destruction. Furthermore as a global citizen who wishes to promote ideal human life in complete harmony with great nature, I have been working with many international voluntary organizations and like-minded individuals for more than the last three decades. With this background I now wish to narrate briefly what I have learnt from Gandhiji and in what way his life experiment is relevant to my present life. I never came across Gandhiji or got an opportunity to see him during his lifetime. For, in 1958 when I first landed on Indian soil, Gandhiji was no more in this world as he had fallen to the bullets of a young assassin in 1948. So if anything I have learnt from Gandhiji, it is through my indirect experience either by reading his autobiography, or through books written on him by some other authors, or by hearing stories from those who really met or worked with him. Among the many virtues Gandhiji possessed, what attracted me most were his honesty, sincerity, simplicity and compassion. His noble and charming character must be partly inherited from his parents and ancestors, but I do believe that they were further developed and intensified by his own constant efforts. He was greatly influenced and benefited from his most favorite book, the Bhagavad Gita, besides many other spiritual books. While constantly reading this divine book, Gandhiji must have applied his reasoning faculty to understand the real meaning of the dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna. Then in his actual life Gandhiji must have practiced all of Krishna’s instructions that he appreciated and thoroughly believed in. Lord Krishna, the Supreme Being, told Arjuna, the representative human being, to practice the following, if he really wanted to achieve complete liberation and enjoy eternal happiness: (1) To detach his mind from sensual objects and to renounce his sense of possession. (2) To do everything in the spirit of service, without expecting any gain in return. (3) To regard and treat everybody or everything as equal without prejudice or discrimination. (4) To recognize Atman, Supreme Soul or Eternal "I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will 22 | YATRA | JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2011 GANDHIJI’S TALISMAN Nipponjan Myohoji Temple of Japan celebrates Gandhi’s birth anniversary every year Absolute Being, in everybody and everything. (5) To have firm faith in and submit oneself completely to the Supreme Being. You can judge by yourself whether Gandhiji really practiced all these instructions in his actual life? For that purpose you may be advised to remember (a) how rigorously he observed celibacy or ascetic life; (b) how often he refused to accept any honor, award or money or position for his contribution to the national independence or socio-economic development; (c) how warmly he treated everyone who came in contact with him with the same respect and affection regardless of his/her caste, age, gender, position, faith, nationality etc; (d) how bravely he used to act without fear because of his belief in the imperishability of his Atman, Soul and (e) how keenly he desired to submit himself to and be united with God under the slogan ‘Satyagraha’. By the way, regarding this slogan he is believed to have said once that every human being should work for realizing the Almighty God, but later modified this statement by replacing ‘Almighty God’ by ‘Truth’. The reason of this change was probably due to his sympathetic consideration for atheists or such religious followers who might be indifferent to the existence of ‘Almighty God’. He must have thought that ‘Satya or Truth’ instead of ‘God’ is more acceptable to everyone because of its universal connotation. ❖ —Courtesy: India Perspectives it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to Swaraj for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away." The High Commission of India in Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain

The High Commission of India in Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain DIASPORA Kolkata Memorial to Restore Historic Legacy of the Past Minister Vayalar Ravi with Minister of Railways Mamta Banerjee at the inauguration of the Kolkata Memmorial I ndia’s Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi inaugurated the Kolkata Memorial at Kidderpore Depot along the Hoogly River in Kolkata on 11 January 2011. It was attended by hundreds of people from several countries including Guyana, Trinidad, Surname, Guadeloupe, USA, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Kenya, Fiji, Mauritius, Reunion Island, New Zealand, Australia and others countries where Indians and people of Indian origin reside. The Kolkata Memorial is inscribed with a memorial plaque (in English and Hindi) that pays tribute to those who left India as indentured Indian labourers from 1834 thru’ 1920. It is meant as “recognition and remembrance of their journeys and as Indian indentured labourers to far away lands seeking better livelihoods for themselves and their descendants; for their pioneering spirit, determination, resilience, endurance and perseverance amidst the extremely harsh and demeaning conditions they encountered; for their preservation of sense of origin, traditions, culture and religion, and their promotion of the Indian culture; for their achievements and successes despite insurmountable odds”. Due to the tremendous efforts and persistence by Guyanese born Ashook Ramsaran, in his capacity as Executive Vice- President of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO International), he worked closely and continuously with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) to draft the inscription and design the plaque, the Government of India accepted the proposal and erected a memorial monument with the inscription plaque contained within. The inscription on the plaque was taken from the draft provided by Ashook Ramsaran, though revised by the Ministry. However, the spirit behind the project was eminent Diaspora Historian Leela Gujadhur Sarup, an Indo-Mauritian who has with her personal initiative done commendable research into Panel of Speakers at the Seminar organized by the Global Indo Diaspora Heritage Society in Kolkata Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs and Civil Aviation, Shri Vayalar Ravi with eminent historian-researcher Ms. Leela Gujadhur Sarup with a group of people from Balia at the GIDHS gathering High Commissioner in front of the Kolkata Memorial Diaspora emigration and has moved the idea of setting up the Global Indo-Diaspora Heritage Society (GIDHS). The inauguration was preceded by a commemorative luncheon hosted by GIDHS and attended by Minister Ravi and MOIA officers at the Oberoi Grand Hotel in Kolkata. Several remarks were made by those attending from vari- YATRA | JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2011 | 23


physical, intellectual and spiritual might.<br />

As a Japanese citizen who experienced the atomic<br />

bomb holocaust during the Second World War in 1945, I<br />

have been endeavoring to establish an eternally peaceful<br />

world free from nuclear bombs or any other weapons of<br />

mass destruction. Furthermore as a global citizen who<br />

wishes to promote ideal human life in complete harmony<br />

with great nature, I have been working with many international<br />

voluntary organizations and like-minded individuals<br />

for more than the last three decades. With this background<br />

I now wish to narrate briefly what I have learnt from<br />

Gandhiji and in what way his life experiment is relevant to<br />

my present life.<br />

I never came across Gandhiji or got an opportunity to<br />

see him during his lifetime. For, in 1958 when I first landed<br />

on Indian soil, Gandhiji was no more in this world as<br />

he had fallen to the bullets of a young assassin in 1948. So<br />

if anything I have learnt from Gandhiji, it is through my<br />

indirect experience either by reading his autobiography, or<br />

through books written on him by some other authors, or<br />

by hearing stories from those who really met or worked<br />

with him.<br />

Among the many virtues Gandhiji possessed, what<br />

attracted me most were his honesty, sincerity, simplicity and<br />

compassion. His noble and charming character must be<br />

partly inherited from his parents and ancestors, but I do<br />

believe that they were further developed and intensified by<br />

his own constant efforts. He was greatly influenced and<br />

benefited from his most favorite book, the Bhagavad Gita,<br />

besides many other spiritual books. While constantly reading<br />

this divine book, Gandhiji must have applied his reasoning<br />

faculty to understand the real meaning of the dialogue<br />

between Lord Krishna and Arjuna. Then in his actual<br />

life Gandhiji must have practiced all of Krishna’s<br />

instructions that he appreciated and thoroughly believed in.<br />

Lord Krishna, the Supreme Being, told Arjuna, the representative<br />

human being, to practice the following, if he<br />

really wanted to achieve complete liberation and enjoy<br />

eternal happiness:<br />

(1) To detach his mind from sensual objects and to<br />

renounce his sense of possession.<br />

(2) To do everything in the spirit of service, without<br />

expecting any gain in return.<br />

(3) To regard and treat everybody or everything as equal<br />

without prejudice or discrimination.<br />

(4) To recognize Atman, Supreme Soul or Eternal<br />

"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in<br />

doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you,<br />

apply the following test.<br />

Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest<br />

man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask<br />

yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of<br />

any use to him. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will<br />

22 | YATRA | JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2011<br />


Nipponjan Myohoji Temple of Japan celebrates Gandhi’s<br />

birth anniversary every year<br />

Absolute Being, in everybody and everything.<br />

(5) To have firm faith in and submit oneself completely<br />

to the Supreme Being.<br />

You can judge by yourself whether Gandhiji really<br />

practiced all these instructions in his actual life? For that<br />

purpose you may be advised to remember (a) how rigorously<br />

he observed celibacy or ascetic life; (b) how often he<br />

refused to accept any honor, award or money or position<br />

for his contribution to the national independence or<br />

socio-economic development; (c) how warmly he treated<br />

everyone who came in contact with him with the same<br />

respect and affection regardless of his/her caste, age, gender,<br />

position, faith, nationality etc; (d) how bravely he used<br />

to act without fear because of his belief in the imperishability<br />

of his Atman, Soul and (e) how keenly he desired to<br />

submit himself to and be united with God under the slogan<br />

‘Satyagraha’.<br />

By the way, regarding this slogan he is believed to<br />

have said once that every human being should work for<br />

realizing the Almighty God, but later modified this statement<br />

by replacing ‘Almighty God’ by ‘Truth’. The reason<br />

of this change was probably due to his sympathetic consideration<br />

for atheists or such religious followers who<br />

might be indifferent to the existence of ‘Almighty God’.<br />

He must have thought that ‘Satya or Truth’ instead of<br />

‘God’ is more acceptable to everyone because of its universal<br />

connotation. ❖<br />

—Courtesy: India Perspectives<br />

it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny?<br />

In other words, will it lead to Swaraj for the hungry<br />

and spiritually starving millions?<br />

Then you will find your doubts and your self<br />

melt away."<br />

The High Commission of India in Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain

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