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<strong>DISN</strong> <strong>VIDEO</strong> <strong>SERVICES</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>FULL</strong> <strong>MOTION</strong> <strong>VIDEO</strong><br />

Bruce Bennett<br />

Defense Information Systems Agency<br />

Falls Church, VA<br />


Full Motion Video from Unmanned and Manned Aerial<br />

Vehicles, ground and stationary sensors has been a<br />

mission critical tool and a force multiplier for OIF and<br />

OEF, providing real-time video for Counter-<br />

Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Target<br />

Acquisition. The number of sensors in theatre today has<br />

resulted in the development of disparate FMV<br />

distribution architectures to support the dissemination<br />

requirements of specific users and operations. Because<br />

underlying systems and platforms were developed<br />

independently, and for varying missions; backhaul,<br />

collection, storage, and dissemination were neither<br />

synchronized nor standardized. This approach created a<br />

hodge-podge of solutions, each designed to their own<br />

environment, but poorly suited for integration into other<br />

intelligence and command and control architectures.<br />

In response to this problem, DISA is working to establish<br />

an Enterprise FMV Program of Record that will develop<br />

a unified strategy and architecture to resolve the<br />

common sensor reachback and dissemination problem<br />

for full motion video. The <strong>DISN</strong> Video Service for FMV<br />

will leverage existing Programs of Record, ongoing<br />

demonstrations and prototypes, and defined DoD and<br />

commercial standards to provide a shared service that<br />

integrates with the 2016 Vision for the GIG. The<br />

routing, ingest, processing, archival and dissemination<br />

of the video will be supported at the Defense Enterprise<br />

Computing Centers (DECC) and will leverage existing<br />

<strong>DISN</strong> services and new services like the Unified Video<br />

Dissemination System (UVDS). The UVDS prototype, a<br />

funded Defense Acquisition Challenge Proposal<br />

supported by DISA and the Air Force, provides the basis<br />

for a DoD enterprise-wide, unified FMV architecture<br />

that will provide a common reachback transport,<br />

archival and dissemination for all full motion video.<br />


The improvised explosive device (IED) has defined a<br />

new battleground for a low technology approach to<br />

978-1-4244-2677-5/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE<br />

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and<br />

Dave Beliveau, Mark Snellings, Mike Harding<br />

TeraLogics LLC<br />

Ashburn,VA<br />

Dillon Bussert<br />

Booz Allen Hamilton<br />

Herndon, VA<br />

combat the coalition’s clear and unchallenged<br />

technological and force projection advantages in<br />

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring<br />

Freedom (OEF). Early in peacekeeping efforts, the IED<br />

caused significantly more coalition causalities than any<br />

conventional weapon. 1 From July 2003 to June 2008<br />

there have been 1787 fatalities caused by IEDs. 1702 of<br />

these deaths have been to US forces and personnel. 2<br />

In response to continuing IED attacks, one of the most<br />

effective responses of the coalition forces is the<br />

increased reliance on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)<br />

and their primary Intelligence, Surveillance and<br />

Reconnaissance (ISR) product, full motion video<br />

(FMV). Initially, FMV was used to simply provide<br />

improved situational awareness and an enhanced view of<br />

a local area. Local commanders could view suspicious<br />

activity in near real-time and act upon them<br />

appropriately. Other than a few national UAS assets that<br />

were flown from CONUS (Continental United States),<br />

the FMV was locally controlled and locally consumed.<br />

The need for backhaul, storage and dissemination of<br />

bandwidth consuming UAS video seemed overly<br />

expensive relative to the perceived benefits.<br />

The role of FMV as a mission critical tool has evolved<br />

as insurgent forces have increasingly used stealthy<br />

means and refined CONOPS (Concept of Operations) to<br />

disrupt peacekeeping operations. With improved<br />

backhaul and dissemination provided by programs such<br />

as DVB-RCS (Digital Video Broadcast – Return<br />

Channel via Satellite), Task Force ODIN (Observe,<br />

Detect, Identify, Neutralize) and the Global Broadcast<br />

Service (GBS), persistent video surveillance,<br />

collaborative analysis, and networked storage of<br />

historical FMV has led to improved force protection and<br />

infiltration of insurgent groups. Task Force ODIN, an<br />

early effort to provide and share manned and unmanned<br />

aircraft FMV and other intelligence, is credited with 148<br />

1 Andrew E. Kramer. NY Times 5 June 2008.<br />

2 Iraq Coalition Casualty Count. Retrieved June 6, 2008, from<br />


sensor-to-shooter handoffs resulting in over 500 IED<br />

emplacers killed, injured or captured through August<br />

2007. 3<br />

This successful counter-insurgency, supported by FMV<br />

dissemination and analysis tools, is possible because<br />

IED attacks do not take place in a vacuum. Insurgents<br />

must acquire materiels, build the bomb, reconnoiter the<br />

target, and finally plant the IED. Real-time video may<br />

expose those planting the weapon, but recorded and<br />

exploited video can reveal concepts of operations,<br />

surveillance techniques, materials used, or even other<br />

individuals involved in the planning process. As a result<br />

this information can lead to capture and elimination of<br />

an insurgent cell rather than just the neutralization of a<br />

single individual device.<br />

As Task Force ODIN has demonstrated on a tactical<br />

scale, the key to this counter IED application is a<br />

common robust framework for encoding, backhaul,<br />

routing, analysis, storage and dissemination for FMV<br />

and related video products. These products must be<br />

readily available over common user networks, adaptable<br />

for a variety of robust and constrained communications<br />

environments, easily integrated into any standardscompliant<br />

exploitation tool and shareable with a variety<br />

of end-users including shooters and other manned<br />

aircraft.<br />

The next evolution of full motion video as a force<br />

protection tool is to extend this tactical asset from<br />

theatre to the DoD Enterprise to support common<br />

storage, access and dissemination of full motion video<br />

for all sensors including unmanned and manned aerial<br />

platforms, ground and stationary sensors. In order to<br />

leverage FMV for its expanded operational role, an<br />

enterprise-wide DoD solution is necessary for a unified<br />

approach to this ISR asset. Because of the cost,<br />

complexity and inherent synergies associated with a<br />

centralized video solution, full motion video is the ideal<br />

enterprise application.<br />

ENTERPRISE <strong>FULL</strong> <strong>MOTION</strong> <strong>VIDEO</strong><br />

In 2000, the US Air Force (USAF) requested the<br />

Defense Information System Agency’s (DISA)<br />

assistance with the provisioning of wideband circuits<br />

across the <strong>DISN</strong> (Defense Information Systems<br />

Network) ATM Service (DATMS) for reachback and<br />

3 UAVs are Decisive Factor in Decline in Iraq IED Attacks.<br />

Retrieved June 6, 2008, from http://defencedata.com/current/page38536.htm.<br />

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dissemination of Predator FMV feeds. A joint effort<br />

established connections between Ramstein, Germany<br />

(common SATCOM Downlink for Predator traffic) and<br />

Langley AFB over DATMS (site of the closest Predator<br />

Common Ground Station) with additional capabilities to<br />

enable USAF personnel to route streams to any<br />

appropriate DATMS user. As additional Predators were<br />

pushed forward, the number of missions disseminated<br />

through Langley increased and exceeded site<br />

capabilities, resulting in Air Combat Command (ACC)<br />

establishing the Predator Operations Center – Nellis<br />

(POC-N) at Nellis/Creech AFB and transferring the<br />

command and control of Predator operations and the<br />

Video Dissemination Hubs (VDH) in FY07. POC-N<br />

distributes the Predator broadcast video to over 38 sites<br />

in CONUS and OCONUS and requires more than<br />

550Mbps of bandwidth on the DATMS network.<br />

In April 2007, the ACC A6 requested assistance from<br />

the DISA Vice Director to develop a strategy and<br />

architecture to resolve the common sensor reachback and<br />

dissemination problem for full motion video. DISA<br />

GE23 was tasked with developing a strategy and<br />

evolution plan for an Enterprise Full Motion Video<br />

service. USCENTCOM (US Central Command) has<br />

also concurred with DISA taking a leadership role which<br />

would include working across Services and DoD<br />

stakeholder communities to reconcile and address video<br />

dissemination requirements.<br />


Although full motion video plays a significant role in<br />

missions in OIF and OEF today, reachback, storage and<br />

dissemination of this video has not been consistently<br />

applied across the DoD due to the lack of a standard<br />

architecture, program of record or executive agent, clear<br />

requirements, CONOPS and TTPs (Tactics, Techniques<br />

and Procedures) and network bandwidth.<br />

New sensor platforms continue to be deployed without<br />

any unified operational sponsorship and absent any<br />

coordinated effort to resource, develop, and implement a<br />

common reachback or dissemination method. Each<br />

unique sensor program typically designs and implements<br />

their own architecture, leading to redundant capabilities<br />

implemented by multiple organizations. A common<br />

method for transport is to use the existing Predator<br />

reachback and dissemination paths which has<br />

overburdened the POC-N infrastructure and resulted in<br />

ACC being unable to support the Warrior Alpha, Scan<br />

Eagle, BAM and I-GNAT missions. DVB-RCS has<br />

provided a reachback capability for many tactical<br />

sensors in CENTCOM, but the <strong>DISN</strong> lacks a unified and

global, dissemination architecture that supports Predator<br />

and tactical video and other Combatant Commands.<br />

Without a common FMV architecture, organizations will<br />

continue to develop stove-piped solutions for each new<br />

sensor platform and mission that is deployed.<br />

A Program of Record or Executive Agent for FMV<br />

dissemination within the joint community is needed to<br />

provide a unified FMV strategy and architecture. The<br />

National Geospatial Agency (NGA) has the charter to<br />

determine video standards through the Motion Imagery<br />

Standards Board (MISB), but that represents the only<br />

point of commonality between FMV outside of the<br />

DISA transmission networks. No single organization<br />

has the responsibility to develop a backhaul, storage and<br />

dissemination strategy across the DoD that can be<br />

implemented by all platforms and systems.<br />

The absence of a documented and validated Joint<br />

operational requirement for a full motion video<br />

reachback and dissemination strategy, architecture and<br />

capability, has led existing strategies to instead focus on<br />

the performance of individual platforms and their<br />

embedded sensor packages. Requirements for<br />

dissemination and a program advocate are needed to<br />

direct the sensor platforms, video consumers and<br />

transport towards a common vision for full motion<br />

video. Video producers and consumers would greatly<br />

benefit from CONOPs and TTPs defining uses for<br />

enterprise and tactical video and requirements for video<br />

quality, storage length and formats. Many current<br />

systems store video for an arbitrary 30 days, or until disk<br />

space is exhausted, but it is not clear what bitrate is<br />

needed and in what situations video should be stored<br />

longer, or not stored at all.<br />

From a communications and computing perspective, full<br />

motion video is extremely challenging to deal with.<br />

Even with state-of-the-art encoding and compression<br />

schemes such as MPEG-4/H.264, broadcast quality<br />

video requires at least a megabit per second of<br />

bandwidth to transmit a single FMV stream. In addition,<br />

to eliminate pixilation and other artifacts, the link must<br />

have minimal jitter. Operational needs often impose<br />

even more stringent requirements on the transmission<br />

systems such as minimal latency, higher resolution and<br />

increased quality of service for sensor to shooter<br />

missions, while network constrained end users require<br />

video at lower bitrates for situational awareness.<br />

Although these programmatic and technical challenges<br />

already exist, operational need for full motion video to<br />

support the Warfighter has continued to grow<br />

exponentially. Near-term efforts such as the ISR Task<br />

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Force, Liberty Ship and Predator QRC (Quick Reaction<br />

Capability) and long term plans like ERMP (Extended-<br />

Range Multi-Purpose UAV) and UGCS (Universal<br />

Ground Control Station) demonstrate how UAS and the<br />

full motion video that they generate will become an even<br />

more critical asset as the Global War on Terror<br />

continues. The already strained reachback and<br />

dissemination capabilities in place today and stove-piped<br />

systems will require a significant overhaul to fully utilize<br />

assets being deployed into theatre.<br />


DISA is working to establish an Enterprise FMV<br />

Program of Record that will develop a unified strategy<br />

and architecture for full motion video. DISA GE23 has<br />

taken a lead role in establishing a vision for FMV and is<br />

currently working to align existing systems and<br />

technology demonstrations to build a shared Enterprise<br />

<strong>DISN</strong> Video Service for FMV. The architecture that is<br />

being developed for enterprise FMV consists of three<br />

key components: reachback, processing and storage, and<br />

dissemination of video.<br />

Currently UAS video in CENTCOM is backhauled using<br />

the Predator Primary Satellite Link (PPSL) with feeds<br />

coming directly from the airframe over satellite to Nellis<br />

AFB or DVB-RCS which encodes video at the tactical<br />

ground station and backhauls the multicast stream to the<br />

satellite hub at the Landstuhl, Germany Teleport. DVB-<br />

RCS has served as the main transport for TACVID<br />

(Tactical Video) in CENTCOM since its deployment in<br />

2006, supporting Task Force ODIN and Warrior Alpha,<br />

Shadow, Hunter and ARMS systems. Without a<br />

reachback capability to backhaul, and eventually<br />

disseminate video, these systems would not be able to<br />

broadcast video to BLOS (Beyond Line of Site) sites,<br />

and would only deliver FMV to analyst systems locally<br />

connected to the ground control station or line of sight<br />

handheld receivers.<br />

A common backhaul transport is needed for the backhaul<br />

of FMV from theatre as new tactical sensors are<br />

deployed. DVB-RCS will continue to support TACVID<br />

backhaul as a current solution, but the future FMV<br />

architecture will rely on the two-way Global Broadcast<br />

Service (GBS) and Joint IP Modem (JIPM) to move<br />

video worldwide. As part of a technology upgrade, GBS<br />

will be deploying the JIPM to current and future oneway<br />

GBS Receive Suites to provide TRANSEC<br />

(Transmission Security) and a two-way IP SATCOM<br />

capability. The Joint IP Modem, based on the DVB-<br />

RCS ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards<br />

Institute) standard, is a commercial-off-the-shelf modem,

enhanced to meet DoD requirements for Information<br />

Assurance (IA).<br />

GBS two-way suites will be deployed worldwide to<br />

backhaul data over the Wideband Global SATCOM<br />

(WGS) system. The JIPM modem will connect to a<br />

Joint IP Modem hub installed at the DoD Teleports,<br />

providing the ability to disseminate back into theatre or<br />

connect to an Enterprise Service on the Global<br />

Information Grid (GIG). Two-way GBS will augment<br />

the WIN-T network by satisfying requirements for<br />

TACVID, allowing the WIN-T network to be used for its<br />

primary mission of delivering command and control<br />

data.<br />

Collection, processing and archival of FMV on the<br />

enterprise will be hosted by the Defense Enterprise<br />

Computing Centers (DECC) and will leverage existing<br />

<strong>DISN</strong> resources. The DECCs are data centers managed<br />

by DISA that provide secure, accredited hosting for<br />

services and applications in CONUS and OCONUS<br />

(Outside CONUS) and are designed with the necessary<br />

infrastructure to support the high throughput, processing<br />

and storage needed for FMV. The DoD Teleports and<br />

DECCs are connected to the <strong>DISN</strong> optical core and can<br />

transport large amounts of data between sites<br />

terrestrially. An Enterprise FMV service deployed at the<br />

DECCs can consume video being backhauled to the<br />

JIPM hub across the <strong>DISN</strong> with minimal latency and<br />

jitter, and archive the FMV using high performance<br />

storage networks to support the volume of content being<br />

backhauled over WGS. The DECCs will provide a<br />

centralized collecting point for all FMV in the Enterprise<br />

and provide a common bridge between video producers<br />

and consumers, eliminating redundant and stove-piped<br />

networks.<br />

Services for processing video will be installed on servers<br />

managed by the DECC. On-site system administrators<br />

will configure networks for video streams, monitor<br />

system status and apply security measures to ensure IA<br />

compliance. Enterprise FMV services will ensure<br />

ingested video is available in Motion Imagery Standards<br />

Profile (MISP) compliant format, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4<br />

H.264 video with Key Length Variable (KLV) and<br />

Cursor on Target (CoT) metadata. Standards based<br />

encoding, metadata, and transmission protocols will<br />

provide a common baseline that can be leveraged by<br />

existing enterprise and tactical exploitation tools.<br />

Existing systems will be integrated through web services<br />

interfaces to minimize end user impacts and maximize<br />

interoperability.<br />

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The dissemination component of the Enterprise FMV<br />

service will deliver video through the <strong>DISN</strong> for<br />

terrestrial connections and GBS for tactical users. The<br />

FMV Service will support transcoding and transrating of<br />

video from the full quality bitrate, which currently<br />

ranges from 1Mbps to 6Mbps, to a lower bitrate to meet<br />

mission requirements and end user network throughput.<br />

Situational awareness can be delivered through video<br />

dynamically reduced to 56Kbps, while FMV for analysis<br />

will be delivered at the highest possible bitrate.<br />

The Enterprise FMV dissemination capability can be<br />

used to transfer Video Distribution Hub responsibilities<br />

from ACC to DISA and redirect Predator consumers to<br />

the <strong>DISN</strong> Video Services provided at the DECC on the<br />

<strong>DISN</strong> core, eliminating the need for point-to-point ATM<br />

connections to consumer sites. Predator on-board<br />

encoded video and GBS two-way tactical video will be<br />

sent to <strong>DISN</strong> Video Services where it will be made<br />

available to consumers on the <strong>DISN</strong> and over tactical<br />

communications. The DECC VDH on the <strong>DISN</strong> core<br />

can provide high bandwidth, network diversity and selfhealing<br />

transports to deliver full motion video streams.<br />


The Unified Video Dissemination System (UVDS)<br />

Defense Acquisition Challenge Program (DACP) was<br />

created to alleviate much of the FMV dissemination<br />

problem. UVDS will provide a prototype and an early<br />

implementation capability that will map the path to the<br />

Enterprise <strong>DISN</strong> Service for FMV. UVDS is a major<br />

component of DISA’s FMV vision to merge a diverse<br />

group of stakeholders and system architectures into a<br />

robust service that consolidates the FMV ingest, routing<br />

and dissemination services into an integrated standardsbased<br />

delivery system.<br />

Figure 1. UVDS is designed to ingest, route and<br />

disseminate video to enterprise and tactical consumers<br />

The complete UVDS solution consists of five core<br />

architectural components as shown in Figure 1. The<br />

goal of these components is to offload the difficult and

computationally intensive video dissemination processes<br />

onto a single unified system. When fully<br />

operationalized the UVDS system will have direct<br />

access to the all the videos from Predator and the DVB-<br />

RCS system. It will also have access to any network<br />

based feeds that are coming from theater and will be able<br />

to ingest products from exploitation systems or raw<br />

video from storage devices. The resulting system will<br />

improve FMV dissemination by eliminating the<br />

expensive and inefficient piecemeal architecture that<br />

often degrades video quality, adds latency to the FMV<br />

streams, and wastes valuable and expensive bandwidth.<br />

A real world example of UVDS’s potential impact is the<br />

FMV support provided during Hurricane Katrina. In<br />

response the natural disaster, ScatheView (FMV from<br />

manned aircraft) was deployed to provide search and<br />

rescue support as well as damage assessment of New<br />

Orleans and surrounding areas. The system was<br />

deployed with a Rover downlink terminal to receive the<br />

aircraft video and convert it to an analog format. In<br />

order to disseminate the video, the Rover analog feed<br />

was provided to the deployed GBS Theater Satellite<br />

Broadcast Manager (TSBM) which converted it to an<br />

MPEG-2 format and sent it to the GBS uplink for further<br />

dissemination to numerous CONUS locations including<br />

NORTHCOM. At NORTHCOM, the video was brought<br />

back to analog and then re-encoded using Windows<br />

Media and rebroadcast using a SIPRNET network<br />

connection. From beginning to end, the video traversed<br />

wireless and satellite links, was subjected to three analog<br />

to digital conversions and the final product consumed by<br />

the end user was severely degraded from the original.<br />

An Enterprise <strong>DISN</strong> FMV service based on the UVDS<br />

system could have eliminated all but one of the satellite<br />

hops and all but one of the analog to digital conversions.<br />

Furthermore, the need to deploy non-standard, expensive<br />

dissemination systems in addition to their existing<br />

common user systems such as GBS would be eliminated.<br />

In this scenario, UVDS and the <strong>DISN</strong> FMV service<br />

could have improved performance, significantly lowered<br />

costs, reduced implementation time and simplified the<br />

backhaul and dissemination solution.<br />

Some of the key benefits of the UVDS system are shown<br />

in Figure 2.<br />

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Figure 2. Key benefits of UVDS include universal<br />

access and automated routing across the <strong>DISN</strong><br />


A common FMV architecture to enable distribution<br />

throughout the <strong>DISN</strong> supporting processing, exploitation<br />

and dissemination will enable the expansion of FMV<br />

applications to wider variety of end users. This<br />

capability will provide state of the art services for realtime<br />

video streaming, archival and storage and metadata<br />

tagging to enhance the planning and execution of joint<br />

military and coalition operations.<br />

The role of full motion video in OIF and OEF continues<br />

to evolve to counter insurgency and provide force<br />

protection for IED threats. Full motion video<br />

dissemination has moved from a localized asset to a<br />

theatre-wide resource that can be distributed and<br />

analyzed to support multiple Warfighter missions. The<br />

future of FMV is a unified strategy for platforms and<br />

sensors and a common Enterprise architecture for<br />

backhaul, storage and dissemination of video. DISA has<br />

championed the concept of an Enterprise <strong>DISN</strong> Video<br />

Service for FMV at the Defense Enterprise Computing<br />

Centers to backhaul, archive and distribute video over<br />

the <strong>DISN</strong> Core. This Enterprise Service will integrate<br />

existing and emerging systems like DVB-RCS, and<br />

eventually two-way GBS and UVDS to develop a joint<br />

vision for the future of full motion video.<br />

The authors wish to thank the following individuals for<br />

their invaluable contributions to this publication: Rose<br />

Thomas, Michael Skowrunski and Rebecca Pham.

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