Multimodal Robot/Human Interaction for Assisted Living

Multimodal Robot/Human Interaction for Assisted Living

Multimodal Robot/Human Interaction for Assisted Living


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International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol 2 no 2&3, year 2009, http://www.iariajournals.org/intelligent_systems/<br />

repositories using SPARQL. Additionally we developed with<br />

POI setting <strong>for</strong> applications and users a practically solution<br />

to update pre buffered resources partially on demand when<br />

they are requested.<br />


The BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und<br />

Forschung) co-funded this work under the HELCA<br />

(Hannover E-Learning Campus) project. We thank especially<br />

Mark Kubacki and Jan Hein <strong>for</strong> their support in<br />

implementing and advancing the qKAI application<br />

framework.<br />


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