Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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(pH 8.0) with cysteine and cystamine at concentrations of 6 and<br />

1 mM, respectively. Isoform-A was enriched by incubating the<br />

IgG2 under the same conditions but with the addition of 1.0 M<br />

guanidinium chloride (GuHCl) to the buffer. The samples were<br />

protected from light at 2-8 °C for approximately 48 h.<br />

The IgG2 mAb#3 was subjected to Cysf Ser mutagenesis at<br />

position 232 as described by Allen et al. 10 Site-directed mutagenesis<br />

was performed using the QuickChange XL site-directed mutagenesis<br />

kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). The mutant was stably transfected into<br />

a serum-free suspension-adapted CHO cell line. 31 Following production,<br />

the mAb was purified by protein A affinity chromatography.<br />

Incorporation of the expected mutation was verified on the purified<br />

molecule by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) MS. 12<br />

For IMMS analysis, IgG samples were buffer exchanged and<br />

concentrated using Vivaspin 30 kDa molecular weight cutoff filters<br />

(GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK). For experiments performed<br />

under native conditions, the IgGs were diluted using 160 mM<br />

ammonium acetate (pH not adjusted) to a final working concentration<br />

of ∼3 µM.<br />

Mass spectrometry experiments were performed using a<br />

hybrid ion mobility quadrupole time-of-flight MS (Synapt, Waters<br />

Inc., Milford, MA) equipped with a nanoelectrospray ionization<br />

(ESI) source using metal coated borosilicate glass capillaries<br />

(nanoflow probe tips, long thin walled, Waters Corporation).<br />

Solution flow rates of ∼75 nL/min and an ESI capillary voltage of<br />

∼1.3 kV were used for all experiments. The source temperature<br />

was 50 °C, and the pressure of the vacuum/backing region was<br />

3.5 mbar. Each ion mobility mass spectrum was acquired from<br />

m/z 4000-8000 every 2 s; approximately 12 counts per scan were<br />

observed. The signal was typically averaged for approximately 10<br />

min. Gentle source conditions were used to minimize gas phase<br />

unfolding of the protein (sample cone: 40 V, trap voltage: 10 V,<br />

transfer lens: 12 V, bias: 25; cone gas: 30 L/Hr; P TRAP(Ar): 0.0175<br />

mbar). Nitrogen was used as the mobility carrier gas, and the<br />

following parameters were found to give optimal ion mobility<br />

separation (PIMS: 0.5 mbar, wave velocity: 300 m/s, wave height:<br />

9.8 V). The instrument was mass calibrated using a 50 µg/µL<br />

CsI solution. Waters’ raw data files were translated to Matlab<br />

binary files using software developed in-house. Data processing<br />

and plotting were performed in Matlab (The MathWorks Inc.<br />

Natick, MA) and Igor Pro (WaveMetrics Inc., Lake Oswego, OR).<br />


Antibodies belonging to the IgG2 subclass exist as a group of<br />

distinct isoforms with different disulfide connectivities between<br />

the Fab domain and the hinge region of the molecule. The goal<br />

of this study was to investigate the ability of IMMS to successfully<br />

separate these discrete IgG2 isoforms.<br />

A nano-ESI ion mobility mass spectrum for a solution of 3 µM<br />

mAb#1 (theoretical MW for the most abundant glycoform (G1F/<br />

G1F): 149821.50 Da) in 160 mM ammonium acetate is shown<br />

Figure 2a. A narrow charge state distribution centered on the 24+<br />

ion is observed. Ion mobility spectra for all MAbs analyzed were<br />

acquired with minimal acceleration voltages (sample cone: 40 V,<br />

trap: 10 V, transfer: 12 V). These gentle tuning conditions were<br />

found to provide optimal resolution in the ion mobility dimension<br />

(31) Rasmussen, B.; Davis, R.; Thomas, J.; Reddy, P. Cytotechnology 1998, 28,<br />

31–42.<br />

Figure 2. Ion mobility TOF mass spectra of (a) mAb#1 and (c) mAb#2.<br />

The normalized ion mobility intensities are graphed as contour plots with<br />

9 levels from 4% to 100% intensity. Extracted arrival time distributions<br />

for the 26+ charge states of (b) mAb#1 and (d) mAb#2.<br />

(vide infra). However, with these conditions, the mass spectral<br />

peaks are relatively broad making it impossible to observe the<br />

individual glycoforms of the IgG. The glycoforms for these IgG<br />

molecules can, however, be readily resolved using higher source<br />

voltages (data not shown). Robinson and co-workers have previously<br />

observed that optimal conditions for the mass and mobility<br />

dimensions are often not compatible on the Synapt instrument<br />

when analyzing large protein assemblies. 32<br />

Ion mobility separation of mAb#1 (Figure 2a) reveals two distinct<br />

conformer populations. For example, the mobility spectrum for the<br />

26+ charge state (Figure 2b) shows two distinct peaks with a 1.1<br />

ms difference in drift times (9.3 and 10.4 ms, respectively). Similar<br />

distributions are observed for each charge state. However, with the<br />

tuning conditions employed here, the best mobility resolution was<br />

achieved for the 27+, 26+, and 25+ charge states. To elucidate if<br />

the heterogeneity of the sugar chains on the antibody influences the<br />

observed gas-phase conformers, deglycosylated mAb#1 was analyzed.<br />

The same distribution of gas-phase conformers is revealed in the<br />

ion mobility mass spectrum of mAb#1 with the sugars released<br />

(Figure S1a, Supporting Information). This clearly demonstrates that<br />

these multiple conformers are not caused by sugar heterogeneity<br />

but instead are related to conformational differences in the protein<br />

chains. The arrival time distributions for each charge state virtually<br />

overlaps with that of the glycosylated protein. For example, the major<br />

peaks in the arrival time distribution plot of the 26+ charge state of<br />

deglycosylated mAb#1 are only shifted by -0.13 ms compared to<br />

(32) Ruotolo, B. T.; Benesch, J. L. P.; Sandercock, A. M.; Hyung, S.-J.; Robinson,<br />

C. V. Nat. Protoc. 2008, 3, 1139–1152.<br />

<strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />


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