Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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Figure 2. SEM images of Au substrates patterned by printing with<br />

(a) NBD/1 M H2SO4, (b)1MH2SO4, (c) ABD/0.5 M HCl, (d) 0.5 M<br />

HCl, and (e) CBD/1 M H2SO4 inks.<br />

the corresponding controls. The aryldiazonium salt inks give<br />

clearly defined patterns with feature sizes down to 20 µm, whereas<br />

the blank inks give faint patterns, which are attributed to PDMS<br />

residues.<br />

SEM is not a good technique for imaging organic films on<br />

carbon substrates. Consequently, the image contrast for PPF<br />

patterned with NP (Figure 3a) is just marginally better than that<br />

for the control sample (Figure 3b). To overcome this inherent<br />

limitation, alternative methods were used to image surfaces<br />

patterned with AP and CP groups. For the former, after printing<br />

with ABD/0.5 M HCl (or blank 0.5 M HCl), the surfaces were<br />

immersed for 40 min, at pH ∼ 5, in a solution of citrate-capped<br />

Au nanoparticles. Preferential assembly of nanoparticles (via<br />

electrostatic interactions) on the AP-modified areas clearly revealed<br />

the patterns (compare Figure 3c,d). For surfaces patterned<br />

with CP groups (by printing with CBD/1 M H2SO4 ink) and the<br />

corresponding blanks, condensation figures were imaged by<br />

optical microscopy (Figures 3e,f). Although the pattern is welldefined<br />

in both the CP-printed sample and the blank, the relative<br />

sizes of water droplets in the stamped and “bare” areas are the<br />

opposite in the sample and blank. Water droplets are larger in<br />

the CP areas than on bare PPF, consistent with addition of<br />

hydrophilic CP groups to the surface; in contrast, areas contacted<br />

by the stamp inked with 1MH2SO4 only are smaller than on<br />

bare PPF, suggesting hydrophobic contaminants have been<br />

transferred to the surface by the stamp. (Note that the sizes<br />

of water droplets on bare PPF in Figures 3e,f are not the same<br />

because the size depends on the extent of evaporation prior to<br />

image capture.)<br />

Figure 3. SEM images (a-d) and optical micrographs (e, f) of PPF<br />

surfaces printed with (a) NBD/1 M H2SO4, (b, f) 1 M H2SO4, (c) 20<br />

mM ABD/0.5 M HCl, (d) 0.5 M HCl, and (e) CBD/1 M H2SO4 inks.<br />

The surfaces shown in (c) and (d) were immersed in Au nanoparticle<br />

solution for 40 min before imaging; surfaces shown in (e) and (f) were<br />

treated with water vapor before imaging.<br />

Patterning of NP and AP groups on Si was also successful<br />

as revealed by the SEM images of Figure 4a-d. There is strong<br />

contrast between the grafted and bare areas in Figure 4a,c, in<br />

comparison with the faint patterns of the controls (Figure<br />

4b,d).<br />

As a final example to demonstrate the wider applicability of<br />

MCP with aqueous aryldiazonium salt inks, a Cu surface was<br />

patterned with NP groups. Copper is known to react spontaneously<br />

with NBD at OCP in both aqueous and nonaqueous conditions. 38,45<br />

The SEM image in Figure 4e shows strong contrast between NPprinted<br />

areas and bare Cu, whereas only a very faint pattern is<br />

seen on the control (Figure 4f). The roughness of the Cu surface,<br />

evident in both images, leads to incomplete contact with the stamp<br />

and accounts for the “patchy” appearance of the pattern in Figure<br />

4e.<br />

These examples confirm that MCP is a very simple route to<br />

patterning conducting surfaces. The scope of the method and the<br />

characteristics of the patterned layers will be determined by the<br />

substrate-diazonium salt combination as described in the previous<br />

section.<br />

Printed Tether Layers for Further Immobilization <strong>Chemistry</strong>.<br />

The utility of MCP can be enhanced by printing layers that<br />

act as tethers for further immobilization reactions. Two examples<br />

are demonstrated here, on the basis of coupling of secondary<br />

reagents (4-nitroaniline (NA) and SWCNTs) to primary layers of<br />

CP or AP printed on PPF. The selection of these reagents was<br />

based on their ease of detection: NA by its redox chemistry and<br />

SWCNTs by AFM imaging.<br />

(45) Hurley, B. L.; McCreery, R. L. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2004, 151, B252–B259.<br />

<strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />


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