Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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Table 1. Surface Concentration and Film Thickness<br />

Data for NP Films Printed on PPF<br />

1 (5 ± 1) × 10<br />

film<br />

thickness/nm<br />

-10 1.5 ± 0.4<br />

2 (6 ± 1) × 10-10 2.4 ± 0.6<br />

3 (16 ± 3) × 10-10 1.7 ± 0.4<br />

sample ΓNP /mol cm -2<br />

first-scan, along with the corresponding film thicknesses<br />

obtained by AFM depth profiling.<br />

Surface---C6H4-NO2 + 6H + + 6e - f<br />

Surface---C6H4-NH2 + 2H2O (1)<br />

Surface---C6H4-NO2 + 4H + + 4e - f<br />

Surface---C6H4-NHOH + H2O (2)<br />

Surface---C 6 H 4 -NHOH h Surface---C 6 H 4 -NO + 2H + + 2e -<br />

Previously, we have found that single layers of NP groups<br />

electrografted to PPF have ΓNP ) (2.5 ± 0.5) × 10 -10 mol cm -2 , 36<br />

and similar values were obtained for methylphenyl and CP<br />

groups electrografted to flat Au substrates. 41 A monolayer of<br />

vertically oriented NP groups has a calculated thickness of 0.8<br />

nm; 36 hence, both the concentration and thickness data in Table<br />

1 indicate the formation of multilayer domains with an average<br />

thickness of 2 to 3 layers. 18 Table 1 also shows significant<br />

variations between films prepared under the same conditions and<br />

no systematic relationship between ΓNP and average AFMdetermined<br />

film thickness. The initial OCPs differ significantly<br />

between PPF samples, particularly from different preparation<br />

batches, and we attribute the sample-to-sample variations in<br />

Table 1 to this variability of “activity”. We, 37 and others, 37,42,43<br />

have observed that the substrate potential increases as the<br />

spontaneous reduction of aryldiazonium cations proceeds and that<br />

film growth stops when the potential becomes too positive to<br />

sustain reduction. The initial OCP, therefore, influences the<br />

amount of charge that can be transferred before the “cutoff”<br />

potential is reached, and consequently, it helps to determine the<br />

amount of material that can be attached to the surface in the<br />

absence of an externally applied potential.<br />

The lack of a clear relationship between Γ NP and the “average”<br />

film thickness is attributed to differences in the measurement<br />

scales of the associated methods. The surface concentration<br />

data are averages over a large area (0.18 cm 2 ), whereas the<br />

AFM film thicknesses are derived from three depth profiles<br />

across two 10 × 1.25 µm 2 scratches per sample. For films of<br />

highly variable thickness, the average results of a few measurements<br />

performed over a small area may not yield results that<br />

are representative of the whole-sample average. The possibility<br />

of multilayer grafting, coupled with an inhomogeneous distri-<br />

(41) Paulik, M. G.; Brooksby, P. A.; Abell, A. D.; Downard, A. J. J. Phys. Chem.<br />

C 2007, 111, 7808–7815.<br />

(42) Le Floch, F.; Simonato, J.-P.; Bidan, G. Electrochim. Acta 2009, 54, 3078–<br />

3085.<br />

(43) Smith, R. D. L.; Pickup, P. G. Electrochim. Acta 2009, 54, 2305–2311.<br />

7030 <strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />

(3)<br />

bution of aryldiazonium cations on the inked stamp, is likely<br />

to lead to films of variable thickness, and the large uncertainties<br />

for the AFM thickness values are consistent with this. Clearly,<br />

such variability will be a limitation when highly reproducible<br />

and homogeneous films are required.<br />

Successful modification of PPF after printing with CBD/1 M<br />

H2SO4 ink was confirmed by a decrease of the water contact<br />

angles from 68 ± 2° to 31 ± 2°, consistent with the attachment<br />

of hydrophilic CP groups. In contrast, control surfaces gave<br />

an unchanged postprinting contact angle of 68 ± 11°. Cyclic<br />

voltammograms (not shown) revealed no signals between 0.8<br />

and -0.5 V, confirming the absence of physisorbed CBD<br />

(expected reduction peak at -0.3 V). AFM depth-profiling<br />

measurements on two films gave an average film thickness of<br />

1.0 ± 0.2 nm, close to that expected for a monolayer. Printed<br />

CP films are, thus, on average, thinner and significantly more<br />

uniform than printed NP films. The different morphology can<br />

be attributed to the lower reduction potential for CBD. Because<br />

CBD is more difficult to reduce than NBD, its reduction ceases<br />

at a lower substrate OCP and a correspondingly smaller amount<br />

of CP is grafted to the surface. The more limited degree of<br />

spontaneous reduction diminishes the prevalence of significant<br />

multilayer “outgrowths”, and a more uniform film thickness<br />

results. Vautrin-Ul and co-workers have reported results<br />

consistent with this interpretation, 44 finding that spontaneous<br />

reduction of NBD rapidly gave thick, nonuniform films on zinc<br />

but formed thin homogeneous layers more slowly on a lessreducing<br />

nickel surface. Hence, for substrates that act as the<br />

reducing agent for aryldiazonium cation-based grafting, when<br />

the potential driving force for reduction is large (the aryldiazonium<br />

derivatives are easily reduced in comparison with the<br />

reducing power of the substrate), thicker and more irregular<br />

films will be formed than when the driving force is lower.<br />

The feasibility of printing using other aryldiazonium salt/<br />

substrate combinations was also examined in experiments described<br />

in the Supporting Information. Electrochemical (Figures<br />

S-1, S-2) or AFM depth-profiling measurements confirmed that<br />

printing of ABD on PPF, NBD on Au, and NBD on Si gave the<br />

expected modified surfaces. For Si samples, the oxide layer was<br />

removed or significantly thinned by HF treatment prior to printing.<br />

Samples with an intact native oxide layer could not be modified.<br />

To summarize, we expect printing to be successful for all<br />

aryldiazonium salt-substrate combinations for which the grafting<br />

reaction proceeds spontaneously at OCP in solution. As is found<br />

for layers grafted from solution, the stability of attachment will<br />

depend mainly on the substrate; for example, very stable layers<br />

are formed by grafting onto graphitic carbon, 2,15 but the stability<br />

of the layers on Au is significantly less. 16<br />

Patterned Microcontact Printing of Gold, PPF, Silicon,<br />

and Cu. Having successfully demonstrated that printing with<br />

aqueous aryldiazonium salt inks leads to surface modification, we<br />

next investigated patterning of surfaces. Figures 2-4 show images<br />

of Au, PPF, Si, and Cu substrates printed with aryldiazonium salt<br />

inks and with blank inks.<br />

In Figure 2, SEM images of Au substrates patterned with NP,<br />

aminophenyl (AP), and CP groups are compared with images from<br />

(44) Adenier, A.; Cabet-Deliry, E.; Chausse, A.; Griveau, S.; Mercier, F.; Pinson,<br />

J.; Vautrin-Ul, C. Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 491–501.

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