Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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applied potential is the most widely used strategy for the reduction<br />

step, but simple immersion of the substrate in a solution of an<br />

aryldiazonium salt can also lead to formation of surface layers.<br />

This spontaneous, or open-circuit potential (OCP), reaction has<br />

been reported for a range of metals, semiconductors, and carbon<br />

materials 4 and appears to involve electron transfer from the<br />

substrate to the aryldiazonium cation in solution.<br />

Currently, there are few examples of patterned organic layers<br />

prepared by reduction of aryldiazonium salts. In the earliest report,<br />

we used mechanical scribing with an atomic force microscope<br />

(AFM) tip to remove regions of electrografted film from a carbon<br />

substrate. 23 A second aryldiazonium salt was then electrografted<br />

to the bare regions, creating a surface with dual chemical<br />

functionality. In a soft lithographic approach, we patterned a<br />

carbon substrate by adhering a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)<br />

mold to the surface (either bare or film-coated) to form microchannels.<br />

24 The channels were subsequently filled, either with<br />

aryldiazonium salt solution for site-specific electrografting or with<br />

reagents used for electrochemical or chemical conversion of the<br />

pre-existing surface film. Most recently, we demonstrated that<br />

conventional photolithography can be coupled with electrografting<br />

to give large areas of micrometer-sized patterns of modifiers on<br />

highly doped silicon. 22 Charlier, Palacin, and co-workers, 25 and<br />

Cougnon, Bélanger, and co-workers 26 have established that the<br />

scanning electrochemical microscope is a useful tool for localized<br />

surface grafting from aryldiazonium salts, while the former<br />

research group has also reported elegant patterning methods<br />

specific to silicon substrates. In one example, they used ionic<br />

implantation to create locally doped areas of silicon and, thus,<br />

achieved site-specific electrografting of an aryldiazonium salt. 27<br />

In another example, they illuminated p-type silicon through a mask<br />

to locally increase the substrate conductivity and allow electrografting<br />

to proceed. 28 Palacin and co-workers have also explored<br />

the use of a patterned agarose hydrogel containing an aryldiazonium<br />

salt solution sandwiched between two electrodes as an<br />

electrochemical “printing” method. 29 Finally, Corgier and Bélanger<br />

have adapted the methods of colloidal nanolithography to electrograft<br />

organic groups to the nanoscale spaces between polystyrene<br />

beads assembled on carbon and gold surfaces. 30<br />

All of the patterning methods described above involve electrochemical<br />

generation of aryl radicals at an externally applied<br />

potential. In an earlier communication, we established that<br />

spontaneous, OCP reduction of aryldiazonium salts by carbon<br />

substrates can also be used. 31 We showed that microcontact<br />

(22) Flavel, B. S.; Garrett, D. J.; Lehr, J.; Shapter, J. G.; Downard, A. J.<br />

Electrochim. Acta 2010, 55, 3995–4001.<br />

(23) Brooksby, P. A.; Downard, A. J. Langmuir 2005, 21, 1672–1675.<br />

(24) Downard, A. J.; Garrett, D. J.; Tan, E. S. Q. Langmuir 2006, 22, 10739–<br />

10746.<br />

(25) Ghorbal, A.; Grisotto, F.; Charlier, J.; Palacin, S.; Goyer, C.; Demaille, C.<br />

ChemPhysChem 2009, 10, 1053–1057.<br />

(26) Cougnon, C.; Gohier, F.; Belanger, D.; Mauzeroll, J. Angew. Chem., Int.<br />

Ed. 2009, 48, 4006–4008.<br />

(27) Charlier, J.; Palacin, S.; Leroy, J.; Del Frari, D.; Zagonel, L.; Barrett, N.;<br />

Renault, O.; Bailly, A.; Mariolle, D. J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 3136–3142.<br />

(28) Charlier, J.; Clolus, E.; Bureau, C.; Palacin, S. J. Electroanal. Chem. 2008,<br />

622, 238–241.<br />

(29) Mouanda, B.; Eyeffa, V.; Palacin, S. J. Appl. Electrochem. 2009, 39, 313–<br />

320.<br />

(30) Corgier, B. P.; Belanger, D. Langmuir 2010, 26, 5991–5997.<br />

(31) Garrett, D. J.; Lehr, J.; Miskelly, G. M.; Downard, A. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc.<br />

2007, 129, 15456–15457.<br />

7028 <strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />

printing (MCP) using PDMS stamps and aryldiazonium salt inks<br />

gave micrometer-scale patterns of modifiers on glassy-carbon-like<br />

thin films (pyrolyzed photoresist film; PPF). MCP is a very simple<br />

and relatively fast patterning method and, in these respects, has<br />

obvious advantages over the electrochemical methods outlined<br />

above. 32<br />

In this paper, we investigate the characteristics (surface<br />

concentration, thickness, homogeneity, and chemical reactivity)<br />

of layers prepared using MCP and OCP reduction of aryldiazonium<br />

salts on PPF. We demonstrate that the method can be extended<br />

to metal (Au and Cu) and semiconductor (Si) substrates and<br />

provide guidelines concerning its general applicability in terms<br />

of substrate/diazonium cation combinations and the characteristics<br />

of the resultant films. We also demonstrate a unique feature<br />

of MCP of aryldiazonium salts: covalently coupled two-component<br />

surfaces can be prepared simply by printing a second layer onto<br />

a previously modified surface.<br />


Materials. Aqueous solutions were prepared using Millipore<br />

Milli-Q water (>18 MΩ cm). Tetrafluoroborate salts of 4-nitrobenzenediazonium<br />

(NBD) and 4-carboxybenzenediazonium (CBD)<br />

were synthesized using standard procedures. 33 4-Aminobenzenediazonium<br />

salt (ABD) was synthesized as a 20 mM solution in<br />

0.5 M HCl. 34 Procedures for preparing citrate-capped Au nanoparticles<br />

(∼13 nm diameter), 35 PPF, 36 and planar Au films (Au/<br />

NiCr/Si), 37 and drying acetonitrile (ACN) have been described<br />

previously.<br />

Uncut single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) (Carbon<br />

Nanotechnologies Incorporated) were acid-treated by adding 25<br />

mg to 27 mL of 3:1 concentrated H2SO4 and HNO3 and sonicating<br />

for 10 h while adding ice to the ultrasonicator bath to maintain<br />

a temperature close to 20 °C. Following sonication, the solution<br />

was poured into 500 mL of distilled water. After standing<br />

overnight, the solution was filtered under suction through<br />

Millipore 0.22 µm hydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride filter<br />

membranes and then washed with copious amounts of water.<br />

The dried SWCNT cakes were peeled from the filters and<br />

resuspended in DMSO to give a1mgmL -1 stock solution.<br />

Si(100) wafers (1-20 Ω cm, Silicon Quest and Micro Materials)<br />

were cut into ∼15 × 15 mm 2 tiles, immersed in 40% HF (Sigma-<br />

Aldrich) for 3 min (Caution: HF is hazardous; handle with care<br />

and appropriate personal protective clothing), washed with<br />

methanol, dried in a stream of N2 gas, and used within 10 min<br />

of HF treatment. Small pieces of Cu plate were immersed in<br />

16 M HNO3 for 10 s, washed with water, immersed in 17 M<br />

acetic acid for 30 s, and dried in a stream of N2 gas. 38<br />

Fabrication and solvent extraction of PDMS stamps followed<br />

previously described procedures. 24 The stamps were either<br />

nonpatterned or had a test pattern with micrometer-sized<br />

features.<br />

(32) Xia, Y. N.; Whitesides, G. M. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 551–575.<br />

(33) Saunders, K. H.; Allen, R. L. M. Aromatic Diazo Compounds, 3rd ed.; Edward<br />

Arnold: London, 1985.<br />

(34) Lyskawa, J.; Belanger, D. Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 4755–4763.<br />

(35) Grabar, K. C.; Freeman, R. G.; Hommer, M. B.; Natan, M. J. Anal. Chem.<br />

1995, 67, 735–743.<br />

(36) Brooksby, P. A.; Downard, A. J. Langmuir 2004, 20, 5038–5045.<br />

(37) Lehr, J.; Williamson, B. E.; Flavel, B. S.; Downard, A. J. Langmuir 2009,<br />

25, 13503–13509.<br />

(38) Chamoulaud, G.; Belanger, D. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 7501–7507.

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