Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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For the analysis of complex sample mixtures, as for example<br />

encountered in proteomics research, the peak capacities that can<br />

be realized with one-dimensional ( 1 D) LC often do not suffice to<br />

achieve complete separation of all compounds. Multidimensional<br />

separation approaches have the potential to separate<br />

thousands of components within a reasonable time. In first<br />

approximation, the maximum peak capacity in two-dimensional<br />

LC is the product of the peak capacities of the individual<br />

dimensions, provided that the two retention mechanisms are<br />

orthogonal. 15 Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography,<br />

where all essential fractions of the sample are being<br />

analyzed in both dimensions, can be subdivided into two main<br />

categories, i.e., online comprehensive two-dimensional LC (or<br />

LC×LC) and off-line comprehensive two-dimensional LC (or<br />

LC/×/LC). 16<br />

In LC×LC, column dimensions must be selected such that the<br />

eluent composition and transfer volume match the LC conditions<br />

used in the second dimension. Schoenmakers showed that the<br />

maximum flow rate in the first-dimension and, consequently, the<br />

diameter of the 1 D column depends on the maximum injection<br />

volume in the second dimension and on the second-dimension<br />

analysis time. 17 The optimization of sampling time in online<br />

two-dimensional LC has recently been reviewed by Guiochon<br />

et al. 18 When the sampling rate is too low, resolution achieved<br />

in the first dimension is partially lost. However, more time is<br />

available to achieve a high peak capacity in the second<br />

dimension. The fraction of potential peak capacity of the twodimensional<br />

combination of columns that is lost due to the<br />

selection of a too small modulation frequency is described by<br />

the “Nobuo factor” (modulation efficiency). 19 Typically, for<br />

LC×LC, two cuts per first-dimension peak provides the best<br />

trade-off between the loss of resolution in the first dimension<br />

and the analysis time in the second dimension. 19,20 However,<br />

from a practical point of view, this is difficult to achieve since<br />

modulation-phase effects and the random sampling process must<br />

be considered.<br />

The off-line approach (LC/×/LC) offers more flexibility for the<br />

selection of column dimensions and elution conditions, since the<br />

second-dimension analysis time can be optimized independently<br />

from the first-dimension sampling time. In addition, the organic<br />

modifier can be evaporated, so that fractions can be concentrated<br />

or dissolved in a different solvent prior to reinjection. 18,21 To<br />

enhance the preconcentration of peptides or proteins on a trap<br />

column, a strong ion-pairing agent can be added prior to the<br />

second-dimension separation. 21 As a result, the flow rates, transfer<br />

volumes, and the compatibility of (first and second dimension)<br />

eluent composition are less critical issues in LC/×/LC. The<br />

LC/×/LC setup can be optimized for proteomics applications. A<br />

large I.D. first-dimension column can be used, which provides<br />

(15) Giddings, J. C. Anal. Chem. 1984, 65, 1258A–1270A.<br />

(16) Schoenmakers, P. J.; Marriott, P.; Beens, J. LC-GC Eur. 2003, 16, 335–<br />

339.<br />

(17) van der Horst, A.; Schoenmakers, P. J. J. Chromatogr., A 2003, 1000, 693–<br />

709.<br />

(18) Guiochon, G.; Marchetti, M.; Mriziq, K.; Shalliker, R. A. J. Chromatogr., A<br />

2008, 1189, 109–168.<br />

(19) Horie, K.; Kimura, K.; Ikegami, T.; Iwatsuka, A.; Saad, N.; Fiehn, O.; Tanaka,<br />

N. Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 3764–3770.<br />

(20) Davis, J. M.; Stoll, D. R.; Carr, P. W. Anal. Chem. 2008, 80, 461–473.<br />

(21) Eeltink, S.; Dolman, S.; Swart, R.; Ursem, M.; Schoenmakers, P. J.<br />

J. Chromatogr., A 2009, 1216, 7368–7374.<br />

7016 <strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />

sufficient loadability for the analysis of samples with a broad<br />

dynamic range. A small I.D. column can be applied in the second<br />

dimension, minimizing chromatographic dilution and maximizing<br />

ionization efficiency when coupling LC with mass spectrometry<br />

via an electrospray interface. Huber and co-workers compared the<br />

sequence coverage obtained after an LC/×/LC-MS/MS separation<br />

of a tryptic digest of C. glutamicum using either a strong cationexchange<br />

(SCX) column or a reversed-phase (RP) column operated<br />

at high pH in the first dimension and a reversed-phase<br />

monolith operated at low pH in the second dimension. 22,23 They<br />

observed that the SCX/×/RP and RP/×/RP approaches complemented<br />

each other. Recently, our group compared the 1 D-LC<br />

performance of a 50 mm long monolithic column with that of<br />

an LC/×/LC approach employing a weak-anion exchange and<br />

an RP monolithic column in the first and second dimensions,<br />

respectively. 24 At the conditions applied, the WAX/×/RP<br />

approach provided a better peak-capacity-per-analysis-time ratio<br />

for separations requiring a peak capacity of 400 or higher.<br />

The present contribution discusses how to maximize the peakproduction<br />

rate in off-line comprehensive two-dimensional liquid<br />

chromatography for the reversed-phase separations (RP/×/RP)<br />

of peptides performed at high and low pH using monolithic column<br />

technology. The effects of the first-dimension ( 1 D) column<br />

dimensions (length and diameter) and LC conditions (flow rate<br />

and gradient time) on peak width and sampling volume are<br />

discussed. In addition, the effects of 2 D column length and<br />

gradient time on peak-production rate in 2 D-LC are demonstrated<br />

at “undersampling” conditions (i.e., containing fewer<br />

fractions than required to essentially maintain the first-dimension<br />

separation). Finally, the potential of RP/×/RP is demonstrated<br />

with separations of proteomic samples of varying<br />

complexity.<br />


<strong>Chemical</strong>s and Materials. Acetonitrile (ACN, HPLC supragradient<br />

quality), heptafluorobutyric acid (HFBA, ULC/MS quality),<br />

and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA, ULC/MS quality) were purchasedfromBiosolve(Valkenswaard,TheNetherlands).Ammonium<br />

bicarbonate (min. 99%), dithiothreitol (min. 99%), iodoacetic acid<br />

(approximately 99%), guanidine-HCl, sodium chloride (analytical<br />

reagent grade), cytochrome c (bovine heart), and apo-transferrin<br />

(bovine, g98%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim,<br />

Germany). Lysozyme (hen egg white), alcohol dehydrogenase<br />

(yeast), serum albumin (bovine, assay >96%), �-galactosidase, and<br />

sodium phosphate monobasic dihydrate (analytical reagent grade)<br />

were obtained from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland). Escherichia coli<br />

(E. coli, strain K12) protein sample (lyophilized) was obtained<br />

from Bio-Rad Laboratories (Veenendaal, The Netherlands).<br />

Preconcentration and desalting of peptides prior to the analytical<br />

separation was performed ona5mm× 0.2 mm I.D. monolithic<br />

trap column (Pepswift RP, Dionex Benelux, Amsterdam, The<br />

Netherlands). HPLC separations were performed with 50 mm ×<br />

0.2 mm and 250 mm × 0.2 mm monolithic PepSwift RP columns<br />

(22) Delmotte, N.; Lasaosa, M.; Tholey, A.; Heinzle, E; Huber, C. G. J. Proteome<br />

Res. 2007, 6, 4363–4373.<br />

(23) Toll, H.; Oberacher, H.; Swart, R.; Huber, C. G. J. Chromatogr., A 2005,<br />

1079, 274–286.<br />

(24) Eeltink, S.; Dolman, S.; Detobel, F.; Desmet, G.; Swart, R.; Ursem, M. J.<br />

Sep. Sci. 2009, 32, 2504–2509.

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