Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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Figure 6. The average measured response time, τmeas, is independent<br />

of the volume fraction of absorbed analyte, φ, and thus the<br />

analyte activity. This response time, however, is strongly analyte<br />

dependent, enabling discrimination between analytes having nearly<br />

identical chemical affinities such as toluene and undecane. At low<br />

concentrations (where the slope of the response curve is low) and<br />

for long response times, sensor drift becomes an issue and response<br />

times are difficult to reliably measure; such is the case for low<br />

concentrations of undecane.<br />

variations, we normalized the response time of each sensor to<br />

agree with that of an arbitrarily chosen reference sensor, by<br />

exposing the sensors to a mesitylene activity of 0.058, which<br />

resulted in a swelling of 0.005. These renormalized time scales<br />

were then used to determine both the average response time<br />

to an analyte and the associated measurement error in terms<br />

of the standard deviation. The dimensionless correction factors<br />

ranged from 0.6 to 1.3.<br />

To determine if it is a reasonable assumption that the variation<br />

in the measured response time is caused by variations in sensor<br />

thickness, we made 10 chemiresistors on a glass slide using<br />

methods and materials identical to those for the originals. Sensor<br />

thickness measurements, made with a Nikon mm-800 measuring<br />

microscope with a quadra-chek 200 advanced digital readout<br />

system, give a sensor thickness of 216 ± 26 µm. The average<br />

response time, τ meas, of the original five sensors to mesitylene<br />

at an activity of 0.058 was 48 ± 13 s. Using this average response<br />

time and the average composite thickness of the newly made<br />

sensors (i.e., 216 µm), we calculate a measured diffusion<br />

coefficient of 4.5 × 10 -2 cm 2 /s. From this diffusion coefficient<br />

we computed the predicted response times for the 10 new<br />

sensors, yielding 48 ± 8 s. Therefore, the variation in response<br />

times that we measured for the original sensors is similar to<br />

the variation in response time that we predict from the newly<br />

made sensors. It should be noted that this measured diffusion<br />

coefficient is not a true diffusion coefficient because it is<br />

calculated from τmeas, which is a convolution of the actual<br />

diffusion time scale and the time scale from the flow cell fill<br />

time as we will discuss in the following section.<br />

An accurate determination of the sorption kinetics ideally<br />

requires that the flow cell fill time is fast compared to the sorption<br />

kinetics. In the following we will determine this fill time from the<br />

measured sorption kinetics and use this value to extract the true<br />

sorption kinetics from the measured values. The true sorption<br />

time can then be compared to the flow cell fill time to determine<br />

whether this fast fill time condition is met in our experiments.<br />

Flow Cell Fill Time. After the inlet stream starts to deliver<br />

an analyte of fixed activity to the flow cell, the analyte activity<br />

rises continuously, due to the finite volume of pure nitrogen that<br />

must be displaced. The transient analyte activity can be obtained<br />

by modeling the flow cell as a continuously stirred tank and is of<br />

the form<br />

a(t) ) a ∞ (1 - e -t/τf ) (8a)<br />

In terms of the volume fraction of the vapor this is<br />

φ vap (t) ) φ vap (∞)(1 - e -t/τf ) (8b)<br />

The characteristic time for the flow cell to reach a steady-state<br />

concentration is given by τf ) Vf/F, where Vf is the volume of<br />

the flow cell and F is the volumetric flow rate of nitrogen from<br />

the inlet stream.<br />

Convolution of Time Scales. The measured composite<br />

swelling in Figure 4 is a convolution of the increase in the analyte<br />

vapor activity in the flow cell and the diffusive kinetics, which for<br />

simplicity we take to be of the form φ(t) ) φ∞(1 - e -t/τ d) for a<br />

step increase in the analyte activity at t ) 0. Using eq 5, the<br />

expression is<br />

t dφvap (t)<br />

φ(t) ) K∫ 0<br />

t)s dt [1 - e-(t-s)/τd ]ds (9)<br />

Using eq 8a to evaluate the derivative gives<br />

φ(t) ) Kφvap (∞) t<br />

τ ∫ e<br />

0<br />

f<br />

-s/τf -(t-s)/τd [1 - e ]ds (10)<br />

A straightforward integration leads to the final expression for the<br />

sorption kinetics”<br />

φ(t) ) Aφvap (∞)[ 1 - τd e<br />

τd - τf -t/τd +<br />

τ f<br />

e<br />

τd - τf -t/τf]<br />

(11)<br />

The measured lifetime can then be computed from this equation,<br />

and the surprisingly simple result is<br />

τmeas ) 1 ∞<br />

φ ∫ [1 - φ(t)] dt ) τ<br />

0<br />

d + τf ∞<br />

(12)<br />

The true diffusion time can thus be obtained from the measured<br />

time by τd ) τmeas s τf. (The case where τd = τf leads to division<br />

by zero in eq 11. This division looks troublesome, but can be<br />

handled by defining τd ) τf(1 + ε) and carefully taking the limit<br />

as ε f 0.)<br />

Corrected Sorption Times. The correction of the measured<br />

sorption times for the flow cell fill time requires a determination<br />

of the fill time. The fill time can be extracted from the measured<br />

sorption times themselves, through a limiting process, as we will<br />

now describe. To obtain accurate measured sorption times, we<br />

first average these measured times over all analyte activities to<br />

obtain a mean response time we call τjmeas. This averaging is valid,<br />

because the measured sorption time is independent of the<br />

<strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />


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